Issues and Calls to Actions by Groups and Organizations
Here are "action alerts" on a wide range of topics from organizations, large and small, that span the political spectrum. These alerts let you know when your voice is needed to weigh in on votes, bills and other times when citizen input can make a difference.
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Action Alert Spotlight
Virginia Tech Shootings: Be Heard!- Youth Policy Action Center
Older Americans Act Programs Need More Money- National Council on Aging
Democratic Workplace Threatened by Big Labor- National Federation of Independent Business
Protect Church-State Separation- Americans United for Separation of Church & State
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Read Americans' Letters To Leaders
See what the public is saying to the President and Congress.
Current Legislation
Summaries and status information about key bills.
Key Votes
Key congressional roll call votes.
Capitol Hill Basics
Tips about communicating with Members and general information about Hill staffers, the legislative process and more.
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