Current Legislation
Key Bills in Congress See State Leg. Bills
Bill Name  Number of Cosponsors 
S. 2590 - Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 43 (25 R, 1 I, 17 D)
S. 1438 - Comprehensive Enforcement and Immigration Reform Act 5 (5 R)
S. 1033 - Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act 9 (4 R, 1 I, 4 D)
S. 737 - Security and Freedom Enhancement Act of 2005 14 (4 R, 10 D)
S. 540 - Saving Social Security Act of 2005 1 (1 R)
S. 471 - Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005 38 (5 R, 1 I, 32 D)
H.R. 4954 - Port Security Bill 72 (23 R, 49 D)
H.R. 4297 - Tax Relief Extension Reconciliation Act of 2005 *
H.R. 4129 - EXPENSE Act of 2005 10 (10 R)
H.R. 3889 - Methamphetamine Epidemic Elimination Act 65 (45 R, 20 D)
H.R. 810 - Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005 181 (12 R, 1 I, 168 D)
H.R. 6 - "Repealing Subsidies on Big Oil" 200 (3 R, 197 D)
H.R. 6 - "Repealing Subsidies to Big Oil"...for "renewable energy" 200 (3 R, 197 D)

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