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Ahoy_and_Avast's Blog Posts

Healthy, Wealthy, Wise

I'm turning over a new leaf this week, folks. The candy loving, hard living editor that you all knew and...well, knew, is giving up some bad habits. First off the list is my pure white mistress, sugar. My teeth were feeling a bit off and I was experiencing some bad sugar crashes, so I decided to slowly ween myself off of the magical stuff. I'm not switching to carrot sticks or broccoli or anything like that, but I'm also not drinking a soda and chasing it down with a handful of Starburst either. In fact, I just turned away two Snickers bars that LongHairedOffender left on my desk (I also suspect that they'd been "tampered" with in some way).

To help my teeth, and overall health, I've started oil pulling. My friend Krista told me about it one day and after some Google searching, I decided to give it a shot. In short, it basically requires you to swish a mouthful of oil around for fifteen minutes every day. It sounds gross and I have no idea if it even works but my teeth seem to be doing better and I feel better overall. Maybe it's the placebo effect.

I'm also cutting down on my carnivorous ways. Again, doesn't mean I'm going all tofu or anything like that. It just means I'm slowly weening myself away from meat. I've also cut soda out of my life (goodbye, sweet dark elixer!) and I'm trying to drink as much water as I possibly can.

AgentMarmalade and Mr. Marbles, the two resident health nuts, also turned me and Tenacious Moses onto the wonders of this drink called Synergy. It's an interesting drink with a strange and unique taste, but it does amazing things for your digestion. My stomach turns cartwheels everytime I drink one, but in a good way.

I'm also going to implement some sort of exercise into my daily routine. And no, I'm not going to cheat and count Wii Bowling. I bought a home gym a while back but just now got around to putting it together. Just a word of warning: if you buy something from Bowflex, have a Saint or a Buddhist monk put it together for you, because only they will have the patience necessary to see it through to the end.

My hope is that I'll start to have more energy and that my overall health will improve to the point where I'm not crashing on the couch every night when I get home.

Also, Peyton Manning winning the Super Bowl? Awesome.


comments [ 4 ] - post your comment

RiceBurner RiceBurner

Posted at: 2007-02-07 14:48:24.0

I'm gonna be a jerk and strategically leave bags of gummies and candy corn all over the place for you.
wiifreak33 wiifreak33

Posted at: 2007-02-07 14:52:21.0

I wanna see how long this lasts!
Elixer45 Elixer45

Posted at: 2007-02-07 18:06:39.0

Cutting out soda? Strong man. Thank you, by the way, for mispelling elixir. I don't feel alone now.
ox ox

Posted at: 2007-02-07 19:50:13.0

I hear you, I just went to the dentist for the first time in 13 years, nine cavities, I guess it's not too bad considering I haven't gone in such a long time but it's putting my eating habits in perspective too.

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