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Add voice chat to online games

If you're serious about multiplayer PC gaming, communicating with your fellow players via in-game voice-chat features is a must. We'll show you how to make it happen by setting up a two-way headset.

Why you should convert your old PC into a home audio server.

What the editors say

Play smarter and better.

You're busy unloading a magazine on an opposing force when you catch glimpse of a grenade rolling up behind your teammate. There's no time to type a text message, but with a two-way headset, you'll be able to alert your comrade to the danger before it strikes.


Talk trash up close and personal.

"You suck" means so much more when you say it out loud where everybody can hear it. Whether you're talking trash to a camper or congratulating a teammate on a well-placed shot, voice chatting is the way to go.


Take a break from the action.

Trigger finger feeling worn out in the middle of a deathmatch? Take a break and shoot the breeze with your fellow players.

What you say

"Low Cost Datacenter Voice Servers are..."

by nwknuckles (see profile)
September 19, 2006
It's possible to do a at home voice server but you most dedicated gaming clans prefer to use a dedicated voice server...
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"Just to be Friendly With Your Team"

by DonP44 (see profile)
September 13, 2006
I've used voice comms in on-line gaming ever since I've had on-line gaming capacity. I have been in teams with no...
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"Helps play more efficiently, and do..."

by SGEEK (see profile)
May 29, 2006
When playing games like or similar to counter-strike, a pre-built plan can fail very easily due to opposing plans of...
(read more)

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