2006 Golden Tomato Awards

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Jean Reno and James Franco scoff at repeated requests to return their seats to their full and upright positions in the WWI action drama "Flyboys," out now on DVD. Click here to find out more.


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Home > Article Submission
Article Submission
I would like to submit articles to the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer. Where do I begin?
IMPORTANT NOTICE (4/11/2005): Rotten Tomatoes is temporarily placing a moratorium on accepting any new film critics to the Tomatometer. Please note that no new applications will be accepted until around mid-July as we reformulate our Tomatometer policies and procedures. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Select the category that you fall into to learn about the requirements:

I'm a film critic who would like to have my film reviews as part of the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer. What do I need to do?

The Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer is our unique rating system that summarizes the opinions of respected film critics into an easy-to-use percentage. The Tomatometer is comprised of a discrete list of film critics from accredited media outlets and online film societies so that an identical set of opinions is reflected from movie to movie.

Film critics who meet specific criteria will now be able to have their film reviews and ratings as part of the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer.

Please note the following STRICT criteria before requesting to be added to the Tomatometer:

Woohoo! I'm eligible. What's next?

If you are eligible to be an Approved Tomatometer Critic, please register with Rotten Tomatoes first and have an activated registration. Registration is free and can be completed by clicking here. Please do not apply to be part of the Tomatometer until your registration has been completed!

Next, for critics who are not a part of a film critics society, you will need to furnish proof of employment by having your publication's editor fax verification of your employment on company letterhead to (510) 595-2946 (please provide a cover page marked "c/o Critics Submission"). You may use the standard verification text provided below:

Rotten Tomatoes Editors:
I verify that [film critic's name] is currently employed as a film critic at [publication name] and that at least fifty film reviews have been published by our source from this film critic.

[editor's signature]
Include a copy of the editor's business card marked with the editor's official job title

Once you've completed these tasks, please fill out and submit the form below. The following application will be sent to Rotten Tomatoes editors for processing. Note that the process of verifying and enabling access to the Article Submission Tool can take several days. Questions? Contact us here.

Your Name
Your E-Mail Address
Source Name
publication, web site, TV/radio station
Source URL
URL to an index of your film reviews
URLs to at least three film reviews you've authored
Critics Society or Association
Rotten Tomatoes Registration Name
Click here to complete your free registration
Additional Comments
I'm a video game critic who would like to have my game reviews as part of the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer. What do I need to do?

The Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer is our unique rating system that summarizes the opinions of respected game critics into an easy-to-use percentage. The Tomatometer is comprised of a discrete list of game critics from accredited media outlets so that an identical set of opinions is reflected from game to game.

Game critics who meet specific criteria will now be able to have their game reviews and ratings as part of the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer.

Please note that the following is a loosely based:

  • Rotten Tomatoes is only accepting accredited game critics as part of our Tomatometer. As a consequence, you must meet the following requirements:
    • You must write reviews either for an already approved Tomatometer Video Game source, or a source that has the following:
      • The site must have at least 100 archived reviews if reviewing multiple systems or at least 50 reviews if reviewing a single system.
      • The site must stay current and review at least 10 games a month.
      • The site has its own domain name and cannot be hosted on free servers.
      • The reviews need to be well-written and professional.
    • Film reviews to be included on Rotten Tomatoes must be 300 words or longer.
    • At least twenty game reviews should be freely available online and published by an accredited publication/source (i.e., the page is served as part of the publication's web site) and MUST include your byline. If your reviews are NOT available online (i.e., TV and radio critics), you must be able to provide the full text of your reviews to Rotten Tomatoes via the Article Submission Tool, thereby allowing Rotten Tomatoes users to access your reviews on our site.
    • Finally, you must use our web-based Article Submission Tool to add, rate, and 'quote' your film reviews on Rotten Tomatoes.

    Woohoo! I'm eligible, what's next?

    If you are eligible to be an Approved Tomatometer Critic, please register with Rotten Tomatoes first and have an activated registration. Registration is free and can be completed by clicking here. Please do not apply to be part of the Tomatometer until your registration has been completed!

    Next, for critics who are not a part of a film critics society, you will need to furnish proof of employment by having your publication's editor fax verification of your employment on company letterhead to (510) 595-2946 (please provide a cover page marked "c/o Critics Submission"). You may use the standard verification text provided below:

    Rotten Tomatoes Editors:
    I verify that [film critic's name] is currently employed as a video game critic at [publication name] and that at least fifty film reviews have been published by our source from this video game critic.

    [editor's signature]
    Include a copy of the editor's business card marked with the editor's official job title

Once you've completed these tasks, please fill out and submit the form below. The following application will be sent to Rotten Tomatoes editors for processing. Note that the process of verifying and enabling access to the Article Submission Tool can take several days. Questions? Contact Contact us here.

Your Name
Your E-Mail Address
Source Name
publication, web site, TV/radio station
Source URL
URL to an index of your game reviews
URLs to at least three game reviews you've authored
Rotten Tomatoes Registration Name
Click here to complete your free registration
Additional Comments
I'm the editor or webmaster for a publication that is already a part of the Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer. What do I need to do?

Editors and webmasters of publications which are already contributing the Tomatometer are encouraged to apply for "source administration" privileges. Once authorized, editors may log into Rotten Tomatoes in order to add, edit, or delete articles and reviews from their publication on Rotten Tomatoes. This allows editors to maintain their listings on Rotten Tomatoes for multiple authors.

If you wish to use this service, please register with Rotten Tomatoes first and have an activated registration. Registration is free and can be completed by clicking here. Please do not apply for the service until your registration has been completed!

You MUST be able to furnish proof of your identity and editor/webmaster credentials via a business card faxed to (510) 595-2946 c/o "Critics Submission @ Rotten Tomatoes".

Once you've completed these tasks, please fill out and submit the form below. The following application will be sent to Rotten Tomatoes editors for processing. Note that the process of verifying and enabling access to the Source Administration Tool can take several days. Questions? Contact Contact us here.

Your Name
Your E-Mail Address
Your Job Title
Source Name
publication, web site, TV/radio station
Source URL
Rotten Tomatoes Registration Name
Click here to complete your free registration
Additional Comments

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