The Descent (2006)

CERTIFIED FRESH by Rotten Tomatoes as of Aug 3, 2006
Reviews Counted: 142
Fresh: 119 Rotten: 23
Average Rating: 7.3/10
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Hugely claustrophobic and skin-crawlingly intense ... and then the flesh-eating monsters come out. Hyperbole be danged: This is the best, purest horror film in years.
4/4Benefiting from well-concealed reveals, shocking developments, truly unnerving antagonists, taut editing and a hair-raising score, this neverending nightmare is easily the best horror flick of 2006.
'The Descent' is a crafty little horror movie. It's scary. It's gory. And it's even smart in places.
The Descent
4.5/5Packed with slick surprises, jarring jolts, gruesome gore, and unbearable tension, The Descent is one of the best horror films of the past several years.
3/4The film has some genuine jolts, and its vivid, scary atmosphere is what sustains the characters when the plot becomes predictable in the final third.
[W]ill inspire boys and girls who like the genre even though it could be read as a tale about the battle between the sexes.
The Descent
3/5By far, the first half is the most effective as the outing goes from bad to disastrous: Sarah [Shauna Macdonald] gets trapped in a tunnel ("Just keep breathing!"), and the rest are lost - this film is not for the claustrophobic.
It's never a good idea for B movies to try to evoke feeling for their monster fodder characters. It's enough if you just don't hate the people... The actors are most convincing when they're just screaming.
4/5It's weirdly fitting that a movie about going down into the inky depths to face monsters both physical and psychological has actually raised the horror genre to a bright new height.
4/5The Descent is probably best seen at a midnight screening with a gaggle of like-minded horror junkies. The screams (and there will be screams) will be much louder then.

A-The Descent is a sharp hammer to the head and a claw to the gut, a blood-drenched creep show that wants to eat you alive. Beware, and bon appetit.
4.5/5The Descent pulls you down into a dark nightmare and doesn't let you come up for air until the end-credits roll.
6/10Technical details and weak characters fail to derail the latest frontrunner in blood soaked underground horror.
The Descent
3.5/4One of the more disturbing B-movies to come around in a very long time.
3.5/5Marshall's female characters are strong and tough and they face their fears, if not always courageously, then at least tenaciously ...
A-Few films parlay their assets so well... or reap such frightfully powerful rewards.
The Descent is a gut-wrenching thrill ride and one of the spookiest times you'll ever have in the dark
4/5Marshall has a definite eye for the memorably nasty image – several of the shots here are liable to stay with you long after you’ve forgotten the rest of the film.
B+The Descent sustains a level of intensity that most horror films can barely muster for five minutes.
A-If you saw last year's Cole Hauser flick The Cave, then imagine it not sucking or skimping, and you've got it.
The Descent

Average Rating: 7.1/10
2.5/4The Descent is simply a shock-'em, shake-'em genre piece with scare scenes that, however effective, suggest cheap-shop versions of a lot we've seen before.
1/4The Descent doesn't need to exist: a script that goes beyond outlandish. Actors who'd flunk out of Make Believe 101. Blind creatures that see things. Did we mention continuity?
2.5/4Every theater should come with a sign: Your expectations must be this low to ride.
2/4The Descent seems less about female empowerment than female misery. One wonders if Marshall has issues. No males suffer here, just women who, even if they survive, won't ever be the same again.
3/4Prepare to be scared senseless, and then, when you think you have it figured, your certainty will be shaken by scenes built to scare you even more.
The Descent
A-Made with a connoisseur's love of muck, blood, inky darkness, and equal parts elegance and ewwww, The Descent raises the level of the post-Blair Witch, post-Open Water horror game.
[Marshall] expertly maps out those raw nerve endings while creating credible characters who speak and act like real people rather than the usual horror archetypes.
2/4For my money, [the] first 20 or so minutes are the best in the film. Once the real adventure gets underway in the cave, things get less interesting.
2.5/4While the movie has wonderful moments of unmotivated tension that make sure we're quite ill at ease from the beginning, it's also got a few too many of the kind of cheap boo-scares that indicate a director not fully trusting his grip on you.
Not since John Sayles and Joe Dante unleashed Piranha and The Howling on Hollywood's New Morning have two features torn open the horror movie with the cut-rate ferocity and gleeful disreputability of [Neil] Marshall's Dog Soldiers and The Descent.
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