Breach (2007)

Reviews Counted: 6
Fresh: 4 Rotten: 2
Average Rating: 5.9/10
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As he proved in Shattered Glass, Ray has a talent for nailing the essence of an ecosystem.

B+As a follow-up to Shattered Glass, this fact-based thriller is a logical step for Billy Ray since both films deal with trust and betrayal, except that here the scope is wider and the goal more ambitious and political; as the spy, Chris Cooper is superb
He was a dangerous traitor, but more important, a stiff-necked, blowhard bore.

Just as somber as The Good Shepherd, the most recent domestic spy drama, but more tightly focused, Breach absorbingly zeroes in on how the FBI nailed the most damaging turncoat in American history.
Breach, based on actual CIA and FBI history, meticulously scrutinizes the real world of spies to draw scary portraits of deadly, unpleasant people.
The unexciting look and feel of the movie wouldn’t have bothered me if the filmmakers had penetrated Hanssen’s skull a little.
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