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Brown's year zero

Brown's year zero

The wait will soon be over for Gordon Brown. After dogged resistance, the Blairites have given up trying to stop the transition. And a parallel government is being established

Also in politics

Patients should be treated and not turned into pre-criminals

Legislating is the easy option. The real scandal in mental health lies in the lack of psychiatrists and hospital beds

Get a life

Every year 100,000 Britons seek the services of a life coach. Do you need one, too? Viv Groskop doubts it

Africa's inferno

In the Darfur region of Sudan, civilians are raped and killed, not for land or goods, but because of who they are. The killing is an end in itself.

The death of a failed adventure

Saddam's execution provides an appropriate image for the war in Iraq

The most despicable character ever written

It seems that any group of activists can get their mates to email the BBC, and the corporation will oblige them with terrified self-censorship

Wanted: a year devoid of sensation

Brown and Cameron should try to make politics as dull as possible

Dubbya in denial

The hanging of Saddam failed to provide the lesson in justice longed for by George W Bush. But even as the US forces' death toll hits 3,000 and a hostile Congress convenes, the president holds out for "victory" in Iraq

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When good intentions turn to dust

Charles Clarke asks whether Gordon Brown has what it takes to pursue a progressive foreign policy


Saudi torture: a Whitehall cover-up

It is not just in arms deals that Britain twists the law to please the Saudis, says Geoffrey Bindman


Britain's moving story

Names and genes suggest we are unadventurous, family ties are strong and women are exceptionally faithful


Red Box

Red Box

Peace and hobnobbing

Kevin Maguire

Kevin Maguire

Robominister in retreat

Mark Lynas

Mark Lynas

How economic growth can destroy


Blog name

Bright's Blog

Politics uncovered by Martin Bright, New Statesman political editor

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Sian Berry

Green Party principal speaker Sian Berry writes for


Campus Radicals

Politics and protest from Britain's colleges and universities

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Is Ruth Kelly a hypocrite?

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