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How to search ePolitix.com:

Enter the word or phrase you are searching for in the Text box. This can be done using a variety of parameters:

  • Typing NHS primary care will produce matches containing either "NHS", "primary" or "care". Ordering the results by relevance will ensure that the best search matches on all three words appear towards the top of the results.

  • Typing a phrase in quotation marks, such as "NHS primary care", will search for exact matches on that phrase.

  • Typing NHS AND primary AND care will produce results containing all three words, including, but not only, the terms together as an exact match. This will keep your search focused but broaden results beyond exact matches.

  • Typing NHS OR primary AND care will produce results that include either the phrase "NHS" or "primary care".

  • Typing NHS NOT GP will produce results that include the phrase "NHS" but not the acronym "GP". This allows you to narrow searches by excluding common terms.

  • Entering NHS NOT primary AND care will produce results including the words "NHS" and "care" but excluding the term "primary".

You can also choose to search in particular areas of the ePolitix.com website, such as News or Stakeholders, by checking the boxes against the appropriate sections.

Other options allow you to narrow your search to particular subject categories, display results by date or relevance and choose to search the full text or just the headline and synopsis of ePolitix.com articles.