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Natural Resources Canada
Priorities (2002-2006)
.A clean environment
.Strong and safe communities
.Sustainable development of natural resources
.Development of the North
.Connecting Canadians
.Aboriginal peoples
.Trade and investment

.Knowledge-based services

.National initiatives

Proactive disclosure

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ÿEarth Sciences Sector
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities (2002-2006)
Earth Sciences Sector
Sustainable development of natural resources (2002-2006)

This information represents activities in the Earth Sciences Sector Programs (2002-2006). Please refer to Priorities for information on current Earth Sciences Sector Programs.
Sustainable development of natural resources

Consolidating Canada's geoscience knowledge

Web site: Consolidating Canada's geoscience knowledge

Consolidating Canada's geoscience knowledge

Canada's global attractiveness for investments in mineral and energy exploration and development, and the soundness of its own sustainable-development decisions, require a comprehensive geoscience knowledge base. This program contributes to establishing more efficient and effective discovery, access, delivery and management of Canada's geoscience data, information and knowledge. In addition, in developing an implementation plan for the Co-operative Geological Mapping Strategies, it is defining new partnerships with provincial and territorial agencies, industry and universities to jointly deliver geoscience knowledge as the basis for fact-based decision making.

Program delivery has been accelerated and expanded through additional funding for two years from Phase 2 of the Targeted Geoscience Initiative announced in the 2003 Government of Canada budget.

Committed Outputs

  • National Geological Surveys Committee co-authored implementation plan to advance the Cooperative Geological Mapping Strategies

  • On-line, interoperable access to key ESS geoscience information for resource exploration, and in conformity with Government On-Line and Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure requirements

Committed Outcomes

  • Increased Canadian competitiveness for attracting industrial investments in mineral and energy exploration and development sustained through timely knowledge transfers

  • ESS, provincial and territorial digital knowledge bases and catalogues interconnected and used by resource-development stakeholders, as a definitive source of geoscience knowledge

Geoscience for oceans management

Web site: Geoscience for oceans management

Geoscience for oceans management

This program contributes to the geoscience knowledge that is required to inform decision-making in Canada's off-shore lands so that land-use, including off-shore structures and resource-development decisions, balance social, economic and environmental considerations. Underpinning this program is a systematic approach to sea-floor mapping to deliver geoscience knowledge for integrated ocean management. The legislative and strategic framework for this program is found in the Canada Oceans Act and Canada's Oceans Strategy.

The program focuses on priority areas with multiple sea-floor-use issues, or where large-scale projects require extensive multi-disciplinary knowledge. Projects address four themes: integrated management of large ocean areas; assessment of hazard potential and environmental impact of infrastructure; understanding geological controls on ocean-floor habitat distribution; and assessment of human impact on marine environmental quality in the coastal waters of Eastern Canada.

Committed Outputs

  • All sea-floor geoscience data accessible digitally, with 25 percent of the data incorporated in revised digital map products

  • National sea-floor mapping strategy developed with federal partners

Committed Outcomes

  • Ouputs used to minimize environmental impact of sea-floor infrastructure and for the resolution of conflicts regarding sea-floor use

  • Ocean-management decisions will balance competing demands of renewable and non-renewable resources with conservation

Sustainable development through knowledge integration

Web site: Sustainable development through knowledge integration

Sustainable development through knowledge integration

This program helps to ensure that S&T research data, information and knowledge are effectively integrated, so as to support informed decision-making regarding Canada's progress in sustainable development. In particular, the program is developing methodologies and tools that forecast the impacts of energy consumption, energy loss and mine tailings on sustainable-development indicators. Policy and decision-makers will then have access to geoscience and geomatics data, information and knowledge in a multidisciplinary decision-making context.

Committed Outputs

  • Advanced Decision Support Systems through forecast scenarios of key elements (including energy consumption, energy loss and mine tailings) and projections about their relationship to, and impact on, sustainable development

  • A data model describing the structure and architecture required of selected geoscience information holdings to facilitate unanticipated knowledge integration requirements as driven by the NRCan Sustainable Development Strategy reporting goals

  • Innovative data-integration methods that advance selected aspects of ESS capacity to support NRCan to report against progress in the SD Strategy

Committed Outcomes

  • Overcoming technological barriers to the regular use of integrated Earth science information by NRCan to demonstrate progress in achieving Sustainable Development

  • NRCan use of advanced data models and data integration methods are used to report to stakeholders on how the NRCan Sustainable Development Strategy advances sustainable development

Geomatics for sustainable development of natural resources

Web site: Geomatics for sustainable development of natural resources

Geomatics for sustainable development of natural resources

Responsible natural-resource management requires geospatial data and information to support actions and decisions. The Geomatics for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources (GSDNR) Program provides consistent, reliable, high-quality, accurate geospatial information to ensure that clients and stakeholders have the capacity to make responsible decisions. Consistent improvements are being made to the reliability and use of this information by incorporating new sources of data, where applicable, and moving towards integration with other reference sources within NRCan.

Committed Outputs

  • Basic geospatial information layers (produced according to national data standards achieved through partnerships with various provincial data producers), including: geographic names; national thematic frameworks, elevation data, hydrography, transportation networks, support to the cadastral surveys (parks and off-shore), and satellite ortho-imagery

  • Continuous communication and outreach strategy and activities to improve awareness, use and access to geospatial information, in support of the sustainable development of natural resources

Committed Outcomes

  • ESS leadership in, and contribution to, the creation and maintenance of a national framework of digital geospatial data, acknowledged by the natural resources community as being essential to support sustainable-development decisions

  • More efficient and effective decision-making by communities, industry and sustainable-development policy organizations involved in Canada's sustainable development of natural resources

Gas hydrates - Fuel of the future?

Web site: Gas hydrates - Fuel of the future?

Gas hydrates - Fuel of the future?

This program contributes to the development of gas hydrates as an unconventional energy source, in order to ensure a secure energy supply. It will identify the scientific and technological knowledge required for the sustainable development of this resource for all areas in Canada that host large gas-hydrate deposits, mainly in the high Arctic and in off-shore areas, at water depths greater than 800 metres.

Three key projects are gas-hydrate properties and reservoir behaviour, terrestrial occurrences and marine occurrences. The outputs of these projects will allow for detailed characterization of gas-hydrate properties for pilot production tests, potentially in the Mackenzie Delta.

Two strategies are being followed. One will focus on leveraged industrial collaboration and the maintenance of a globally acknowledged and highly motivated scientific team; and the other, on the development of a gas-hydrate policy roadmap, in collaboration with other sectors in NRCan and industry.

Committed Outputs

  • Volumetric gas-hydrate assessments on Canada's Atlantic and Pacific oceanic margins and the Mackenzie Delta region

  • Characteristics of Canadian gas-hydrate occurrences and their resource potential and development risks

  • Contribution to a policy roadmap to stimulate private-sector development of gas hydrates

Committed Outcomes

  • Recognition of gas hydrates as a potentially significant and environmentally friendly energy source

  • Canadian industry engaged in assessment potential of gas hydrates as a resource

Targeted Geoscience Initiative

Web site: Targeted Geoscience Initiative

Targeted geoscience initiative

The Government of Canada committed $10M over two years to extend the mission of the original three-year Targeted Geoscience Initiative Program with a renewed focus on the energy sector, including energy-oriented activities in Canada's North. The Targeted Geoscience Initiative provides integrated geoscience knowledge pertaining to areas of high energy and mineral potential, with the intent of stimulating private-sector resource exploration. TGI is, by definition, a partnership program, delivered in collaboration with provincial and territorial geological surveys with participation by industry and universities. TGI outputs and outcomes for fiscal years 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 are delivered through projects that are part of both the Northern Resources Development (NRD) and Consolidating Canada's Geoscience Knowledge (CCGK) programs.

Committed Outputs

  • New multi-thematic regional geoscience analyses and syntheses for northern areas with resource potential

  • 10 percent of existing northern data converted into GIS and Web-enabled formats

  • Predictive models for hydrocarbons of prospective northern basins and all known mineral deposit types over 15 percent of the North

  • Syntheses, analyses and watching briefs on key areas for resource exploration and related sustainable development relevance, such as in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Atlantic and Eastern Canada

Committed Outcomes

  • Digital, Web-enabled geoscience data contributes to Earth-science investment decisions in the North

  • Northern investment in exploration, development and resource extraction increases significantly from 2002/2003 levels

  • Increased Canadian competitiveness for attracting industrial investments in energy and mineral exploration and development sustained through timely knowledge transfers

2006-04-02Important notices