The General Principles of EU Law

Second Edition
hardback, Jul 2006
ISBN13: 9780199258062ISBN10: 0199258066
Fully revised and updated, including coverage of the nascent EU Constitution

EU Anti-Discrimination Law

Hardback, Jul 2005
ISBN13: 9780199266838ISBN10: 0199266832
Provides comprehensive coverage of recently enacted anti-discrimination directives and of the law relating to sex-discrimination

EC Company Law

hardback, Jun 1999
ISBN13: 9780198259930ISBN10: 019825993X
this is the first book to give a comprehensive analysis of the ECs legislative programme and its case law from a company law perspective

External Relations of the European Union

Legal and Constitutional Foundations
Paperback, Sep 2005
ISBN13: 9780199287215ISBN10: 019928721X
The only up-to-date monograph on the subject in English, this text is indispensable for anyone across the world concerned with EU politics and International Relations, EU law, or anyone who negotiates with the EU

Directives in EC Law

Second Edition
Hardback, Apr 2005
ISBN13: 9780198268321ISBN10: 0198268327
The only English-language title dedicated to the inmplementation and enforcement of Directives

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