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Last Updated: Friday, 6 October 2006, 09:46 GMT 10:46 UK
Camilla joins Royal women's group
The Duchess of Cornwall
The Duchess of Rothesay can take part in local events
The Duchess of Cornwall has joined a branch of the Scottish Women's Rural Institutes (SWRI) in Royal Deeside.

Camilla has become an honorary member of the Ballater branch of the SWRI, which holds monthly meetings close to Birkhall.

She follows in the footsteps of the late Queen Mother, who once belonged to the Birkhall branch.

The organisation hosts talks and demonstrations on a range of topics including art, aerobics and computing.

Camilla, whose Scottish title is the Duchess of Rothesay, will have her £10 annual membership fee paid by the institute as she is an honorary member.

Alison Bayley, chair of SWRI, said: "We hope that the Duchess of Rothesay will take the opportunity to learn more about the traditions of rural Scotland through attendance at the SWRI meetings in Ballater.

"The meetings will also give her the opportunity to interact with the local community on an informal basis."

The wife of Prince Charles recently took part in a Royal Deeside walk to launch a charity drive.

Her 10-mile walk around Loch Muick marked the start of the National Osteoporosis Society's (NOS) Big Bones Walks charity campaign.

Camilla's royal charity walkabout
20 Sep 06 |  North East/N Isles

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