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Last Updated: Monday June 12 2006 14:56 GMT

Aussie boys in illegal road trip

Two Australian boys aged just 10 and six drove 62 miles (100 km) along a busy highway in order to pay their grandfather a surprise visit.

Confused drivers called the police after seeing the boys in the car alone.

They took their grandmother's car and had got two-thirds of the way to their destination, Moree in New South Wales, before they were stopped by police.

A spokesman said: "They appeared to be driving normally, certainly better than some other people on that road".

When they were stopped, the pair didn't seem to think they'd been caught doing anything wrong. "They weren't upset or crying or anything like that," Sgt Max Clifford said.

Police gave the 10-year-old a warning, but left his final punishment to his family.

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