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Last Updated: Friday April 21 2006 08:04 GMT

We are living under a curfew in Nepal

Kriti (14), Kripa (17) and Bijay (10) who live in Kathmandu, Nepal
Kriti, Kripa and Bijay live in Kathmandu, Nepal
In Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal in Asia, all the shops and schools are closed as the city is under a curfew.

That means people are not allowed to leave their homes during certain times of day.

King Gyanendra of Nepal doesn't want people to protest and demonstrate on the streets, and so there has been a curfew for nearly two weeks.

Press Packers Kripa, Kriti and Bijay live in Kathmandu and told us what it is like to live under a city curfew.

"Where we live we have to stay inside at the moment as there is a curfew.

A deserted street during the curfew in Kathmandu.
A deserted street during the curfew in Kathmandu.
Most days we have to be inside for six or seven hours. Yesterday we had to be in all day.

And then we heard the curfew was extended for another seven hours to 3am!

But as our house is not on the main road it is not such a big problem for us.

Sometimes we can still go and play in the area just outside our house.

Keeping busy

When we can't go outside we watch TV.

And we go to our cousins' house as it is just next door and we watch with TV them.

So luckily we are not too bored at all!

But we do miss seeing some of our school and college friends who live further away.

No school

We can't go to school during the curfew. Schools are closed this month.

And our exams have been postponed to 1st May but as we have not finished all our courses we are not sure that the exams will be held then.

We are a bit scared about what is happening.

We worry when we see the demonstrations happening on television and realise this is happening where we live.

We don't really know why this is happening, but we know that they are fighting and saying it is for their rights.

Our father tells us to watch the news on TV to learn about what is happening.

Hopefully it will all end soon."

Kriti, 14, Kripa, 17, and Bijay, 10, Nepal

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