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News Hounds Manifesto

Reported by Ellen - July 02, 2004

Like many projects, this one started out as something else. In early 2004, eight middle-aged citizens from different backgrounds and locations around the USA teamed up via MoveOn.org and the internet (thank you, Al Gore!) to volunteer our services for OUTFOXED, a documentary film by Robert Greenwald regarding Fox News Channel. For approximately three months, each of us watched FNC conscientiously for five or more hours a week and posted our findings regarding Fox's self-proclaimed mission of fair and balanced reporting.

Appalled by our results, we, who would not meet in person until months later, banded together in cyberspace in concern and outrage over the failure of American media, and Fox News in particular, to relate the news properly. Rather than serve as the public's eyes and ears, Fox and other media conglomerates have become echo chambers for the rich and powerful with whom they have become all too cozy. This blog is an attempt to counter that alarming condition. We believe that a viable democracy depends upon viable media. We invite you to join us in our efforts here and elsewhere to make a difference in the future of our country.

We offer special thanks to Robert Greenwald, Laurel Busby, Kate McArdle and the rest of the staff at Robert Greenwald Productions, our wonderful Blogfather Jim Gilliam (voted world's best by news hounds across America), MoveOn.org and Center for American Progress with whom we have felt so proud and privileged to associate. We send you and the rest of the media-watching, listening and reading population our News Hounds shout out.

Our hope is that you will visit this site regularly so that over time you will come to see, as we have, the ways in which Fox News in particular, lies and distorts its "news" reporting and spins in favor of the Republican party. Let's put the dogs (and a fox or two) in the doghouse where they belong. We have them OUTFOXED!

Disclaimer: This blog belongs to the News Hounds who were unpaid volunteer Fox News reserachers for the movie, Outfoxed. We have no ongoing formal association with the movie, MoveOn.Org, Center for American Progress or any other person or entity involved with the film with the exception of Jim Gilliam who hosts and maintains our site.

July 27, 2005 Update: Our pack has grown! We were sorry to say good-bye to News Hound Eleanor last fall and we wish her all the best. But we have found some great new recruits in Donna and newest pup, Janie.


God bless you for your strong stomachs!

Posted by: bo at July 2, 2004 08:17 PM

Thanks so much for your good wishes!

Posted by: Ellen at July 2, 2004 10:21 PM

I too find myself appauled by the propaganda piped into the living rooms acoross the US. I applaud your efforts and your dedication to promote this VERY worthy cause. Watching FOX (Al Jazeera-West) throughout the day has to be enormously depressing.

Keep up the good work.

Posted by: Greg at July 5, 2004 12:18 PM

Thank you very much for your support. It's not depressing, in fact it's uplifting, if we can reach people and have them know what's going on.

Posted by: Ellen at July 5, 2004 12:24 PM

Thanks, Greg, for your support. Somehow that sentence didn't make it into my previous comment.

Posted by: ellen at July 5, 2004 01:38 PM

I can't thank you enough for bringing Fox's distortions and lies to the public's attention. All the time you are putting in to expose the deceptions is worthwhile, and I am enormously grateful for your efforts. EB Boulder

Posted by: Evelyn Bassoff at July 5, 2004 04:50 PM

Thank you!


Posted by: Ellen at July 5, 2004 05:25 PM

Bravo, Brava, Bravi! Most of the mainstream press is crap but Fox is something special, with more than a little hint of classic fascism.

I've just read everything you've yet posted. Terrific job. Love that you've picked up the way they use graphics at the bottom of the screen to cue you how to view what you're hearing and seeing.

I'm so excited to have found you. We have to get the news out about what you're doing here.

Bless you all. (If you ever need backup in case someone is sick, I work at home so it's easy for me to watch Fox, well not exactly easy, but then you know what I mean.

I'm looking forward to seeing the video of Robert's new film.

Again, thank-you.

Posted by: Leah Appet at July 5, 2004 07:03 PM

Good job, people. You are eight, we are TWO....really ONE, with my editing on occasion, and contributing editorials every so often.

Please consider linking TvNewsLies.org as an alternative news site, and a media watchdog.

Please visit and see for yourself. We've got more than 200 pages. Enjoy.


Posted by: Reggie at July 5, 2004 08:01 PM

Dear Leah,

I know I speak for the other News Hounds as well when I say I am thrilled and delighted to know you have enjoyed visiting our blog. I agree with you 100% in your description of Fox News.

Thanks for offering to be a Hound understudy. I passed your comments along to the rest of the pack.

I hope you'll visit us often.


Posted by: ellen at July 5, 2004 08:05 PM

Thanks for doing such a great job. It is critical that we become educated about the state of our so-called news. Fox is not alone in needing exposure, but it's certainly a place to begin.

Posted by: Iden Goodman at July 6, 2004 01:18 PM

Hi, Iden!!

Thanks so much for visiting our site and for your kind words. The other News Hounds and I totally agree Fox is not the only culprit. Fox is so much worse by far that they make the other media look good by comparison. Through my work here and on Outfoxed, I have come to the opinion that "fair and balanced reporting" is not only a misnomer, it's consumer fraud.


Posted by: Ellen at July 6, 2004 02:14 PM

Thanks so much for all your efforts.

Now you need to promote your web site.

Good luck

Posted by: Rein Smit at July 6, 2004 03:45 PM

Glad you like the site. We are having a really good response. The site has been public less than a week and so far we had 2212 visits today!

That tells me we're filling a need.

Posted by: Ellen at July 6, 2004 05:31 PM

Re: Our infamous FAUX NEWS Tee-shirts.

Greetings from Austin, Texas - “deep in enemy territory”:

You can read about agitproperties.com in our cover feature in salon.com last June here:


We were both happy and honored that the New York Chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union decided to represent us against FOX after they sent us their cease-and–desist letter last summer. They sent FOX a reply on our behalf essentially telling The Fair and Balanced™ Network to “get stuffed”. We were waiting for them to reply and then (joy of joys!) the Al Franken lawsuit happened...

Between the huge amount of world-wide publicity that they inadvertently gave us (MSNBC’s “Countdown” twice -thanks, Keith!) and their very public humiliation in court with the Franken case, we honestly think they will never attempt to "Mess with us Texans" again.

In the meantime, we soldier on with two goals: a.) to satirize the lying Bushite right-wing media and b.) to bait, offend, annoy, befuddle, marginalize, confuse, confound and irritate Republicans and neo-conservatives with our merchandise.

With our Constitution already in tatters, and the Bushites, incredibly, scheming to eviscerate it even more...with 10 million unemployed...with our sons and daughters dying every day for the stockholders of Shell and Halliburton...the gloves are coming off. We feel it is high time that the Left started acting like the Right and be as irritating and annoying to them as they are to us and WITHOUT APOLOGY.

To quote the late Bob Marley, on November 4th, 2004, “We’re gonna chase dem crazy baldheads out of town”.

That being said, we would like to let NEWS HOUNDS and their readers and contributors know that we have some real cool stuff of interest besides our FAUX NEWS and "O'Reilly Youth" tees: the BRILLIANT “Decision 2004” tee by syndicated cartoonist Lalo Alcaraz, our U.N. Blue “Got Allies?” tee by syndicated cartoonist Kirk Anderson, and our WICKED Ann Coulter tee that features Fraulein Coulter very naughtily posed in, appropriately enough, half of the uniform of an SS Standartenfuhrer (guess which half).

These, along with our other products, are available 24-7 at our online store at agitproperties.com. Keep up the good work.

Yours in The Cause,

Richard Luckett

Posted by: Richard Luckett at July 7, 2004 08:14 AM

Great site!

Don't forget to check out dcrtv.com, Washington DC/Baltimore radio and TV news. Where we are always very critical of Rupert Murdoch's media empire, especially Fox News.....

Posted by: DCRTV Dave Hughes at July 9, 2004 03:50 PM

This site is quite amusing! Snippets of reports, quoting one line and not the next, selecting part of a story and ignoring the rest...you're correct that your site exposes bias and distortion in reporting...Yours!

Posted by: johnny dollar at July 9, 2004 06:15 PM

I don't think I've ever seen so many conspiracy theorists in one place at the same time! Thanks for making me laugh!

I will be thinking about you when I cast my vote for George W. on November 2.

Posted by: ChristopherOhio at July 9, 2004 08:26 PM


Posted by: E WRIGHT at July 10, 2004 12:41 AM

Was really enjoying the posts here, but then, eewwh- did I step in some troll dung ? E WRIGHT is very much U R WRONG ! Seriously, though, good site, good reporting (just the facts, 'mam), and keep up the good work. Just wondering if you have to wipe down your tv when you're done watching FAUX snooze ? Thank you.

Posted by: Dumass Libural at July 10, 2004 03:41 AM

Thanks so much for your kind comments. I'm so glad you like our site. So far, my TV is still intact as are my radio and computer (I monitor Alan Colmes on the radio and Foxnews.com). Knowing that we are getting the truth out and that people are paying attention makes it all worthwhile.

Posted by: Ellen at July 10, 2004 04:35 AM

I live in Mexíco, and do not even take the 'suck up' media!!!! Here, I have a choice not to even have it on my dial, so to speak. No ABC, NBC, FOX, or CNN, thank GOD!!

I JUST WANT TO THANK YOU FOR TAKING APART THE MIS-INFO DISPENSED BY FOX!!!! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You know, sometimes words are pretty thin shadows of what we really feel. Thanks again.

Posted by: Rose Hunter at July 10, 2004 09:24 AM

great blog. I can't wait to see the movie. i read about your efforts a while back in the Columbia Journalism Review and then just today on Alternet. Ever since then I've been wondering something completely off topic - Deborah were you ever a teacher in Queens, NY? I had a teacher with the same (first and last) name as you who taught a program called TAG (c.1985.)

Posted by: bianca at July 11, 2004 01:25 AM

A viable media is indeed necessary for a healthy and dynamic democracy, which makes me wonder WHY this organization is attempting to shut down another voice in the debate. The big three networds are decidedly left leaning as are most of the nationally read print media - The New York Times and LA Times are two that come quickly to mind.

Moreover, this organization is practicing EXACTLY what it claims to protest! The 'Outfoxed' producer even takes pride in NOT presenting a balanced critique of the Fox News Channel.

Posted by: lilly at July 12, 2004 01:41 PM

Just found out about this site thanks indirectly to another fine "journalist", Matt Drudge. He had a headline to an article about the Outfoxed movie, which had a link to outfoxed.org which has a link to this site. Hopefully many more people will be coming to this site thanks to the drudge report. I'm so glad you guys are watching this Fox news cuz I can't even handle watching the other "liberal" network news either. Keep it up.

Posted by: don at July 12, 2004 07:09 PM

Nice site!
It should get very hot when Fox gets to talk indignantly about sex and the proposed Constitutional ban on same sex marriage. Just imagine the endless discussions about defining what is a "man" what is a "woman" What about people who have undergone surgery to change their sex. What about transgendered people? Does environmental pollution or hormones in our food cause damage en utero leading to sexual identification difficulties? Are Rick Santorum and Orrin Hatch ready for this discussion throughout the country? Fox will make out like a bandit getting high ratings for endless sex discussions, endless indignation and, as always, endless hypocrisy.

Posted by: jac at July 13, 2004 08:11 AM

Why don't you change your name to "Liberal News Hounds"? Perhaps Fox isn't "fair and balanced", as you say, But neither is this waste of time website. I feel sorry for you people and your "manifesto", spending so much time and energy bashing people when you should be more productive getting outside and helping your fellow man. It's easy to sit at home and watch TV and anonymously criticize elected officials
because of some craftily edited sound bites from both sides of the political fence. You should be ashamed of yourselves. I am an independent thinker and can make my own decisions about how to vote, where to live, and who to support. And I don't like Al Franken or Bill O'Reilley to force themselves on me. Or silly time wasters such as yours. Thank You.

Posted by: TFD at July 13, 2004 09:37 AM

This is a wonderful site and I am so pleased to be a part of it.
Hey TFD, "its easy to sit home and criticize" people who do not agree with you. WHY DON'T YOU BE MORE PRODUCTIVE AND VOLUNTEER!!! You sound like a brave guy. Why don't you go to Iraq and sacrifice yourself for the cause you believe in!!!

Posted by: Liz at July 13, 2004 12:08 PM

Thanks for keeping an eye of Faux News. I can hardly bring myself to 'skip' over the channel. I will be checking back daily. Thank you ALL for the enormous SACRIFICE you make every day.

Posted by: Nancy Eckroad-Haney at July 13, 2004 12:25 PM

This is wonderful to see, because its good to know your not the only intelligent person wise to this propaganda. Fox really is the Al Jazeera-West. My law school buddies and I have actually sat around and picked off and ridiculed the language that they use. Fox is a joke. It is unfortunate that the American people are too ignorant to see the bias and demand the news channel to be shut down. It might as well be state-sponsored. Anyway, congradulations, keep it up. Pittsburgh, PA

Posted by: Jon at July 13, 2004 01:53 PM

Great site. I've watched various Fox programs for years, although I've had to cut down as it was beginning to affect my blood pressure :). One point I haven't seen mentioned is that you can't escape their flag-waving, pro-Bush spin even during their Saturday morning 'business block'. You would think business shows would confine themselves to financial, economic and investing topics, but the entire first segment of Bulls & Bears this past weekend (7/10 -- http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,105148,00.html) was devoted to Kerry/Edwards, how Wall St. hates them and how they can't win.

Here's a couple typical quotes:


Gary B. Smith: The sell-off we had this week could have been because of Kerry and Edwards, but I wouldn’t worry about it. Once the market realizes the Democrats have no chance, it should rocket up.


Tobin Smith: Kerry is fighting a populist war, and it’s not working. Having John Edwards as his running mate could be good for Wall Street because there is no way a man who had a career bringing down big companies as a trial lawyer is now going to be an asset to our country. Those that are undecided are going to have a hard time swallowing that John Kerry and John Edwards are going to make them better off.


Guess I'll have to stick to Rukeseyer from now on.

Posted by: kmarko at July 13, 2004 02:06 PM

You know....I signed with move on to monitor Fox. My intentions were the best, my stomach simply not strong enough. Thank you all for doing the job for those of us who couldn't.

Posted by: Peggy Green at July 13, 2004 02:45 PM

Thank you so much for this site. Most of my family are conservatives and its wonderful to know that there are people out there that share my views (I'm working on them though!) Thank you again.

Posted by: Liz at July 13, 2004 05:32 PM

I disagree with all of you -- respectfully. I really think that FNC is neutral. CNN is slightly left-leaning, but Fox is not right-leaning at all.

Another concern of mine is this rabid hatred of the current administration, which is even more irrational than the Clinton-bashing by some conservatives a few years ago. Insanity and irrationality must not have a place in American political arguments.

Posted by: Otto at July 14, 2004 07:05 AM

I've heard lefties seriously talk about their hatred of Bush and whether it is counterproductive. I never heard anyone question the rationality of hating Clinton. It was assumed to be the right and healthy way to feel. I'm from one of the reddest of the red states, live in a rural area and hating Clinton was, and is, close to a religion.
BTW Fox leans so far right it's about to fall on its face.

Posted by: jac at July 14, 2004 02:51 PM

I am so GLAD I have found this site, I even sent it on to some friends. These last four years with conglomerate news orginizations and every one so worried about being seen as "non-patriotic" for not supporting our troops during a time of war, has really put an Arian-Nazi spin on any opinion left of the “right” one might have. This to me is VERY Scary! Thank you for this site!

Posted by: Renee at July 14, 2004 07:27 PM

I have always been a conservative, believing in a balanced Federal budget,a government freindly to business, as business creates jobs, and that people who work should life better than people who don't. However, the last decade or so, business creates jobs in China, Korea, India, Mexico, Malaysia, etc.....everwhere but in the U.S. When Bill Clinton was president, the budget was balanced, and we even had a surplus. George W. has created the biggest deficit ever! George W. is NOT a conservative. In my opinion, he is a war-mongering fool, surrounded by very powerful advisors, each with their own agendas. Why any good American can still support him defies my imagination. He is the Al Queda's best recruiter.We are getting close to 900 unneccesary deaths of our military in Iraq, all because of Bush's lies!. When Clinton lied, nobody died!

Posted by: Russell at July 14, 2004 11:40 PM

Thanks for watching so I don't have to!

Posted by: Duncan at July 15, 2004 12:58 AM

Thought this satirical link from the Borowitz Report may be of interest to your readers.

"As part of an experimental new program initiated by the Defense Department, a journalist has been embedded with the Fox News Network, giving him unique access to the “fair and balanced” network for the duration of Operation Iraqi Freedom."

Posted by: Jonathan Sidhu at July 15, 2004 11:16 AM

Why stop at revealing the spin on Fox News? Why not go after all the media news channels? I have always been under the impression that most of the media has some sort of spin, be it Republican or Democrat. It seems logical that to have a "viable media" all media sources need to be held accountable.

Posted by: Baxter at July 15, 2004 01:36 PM

Check out "Whiskey Bar" Blog of Billmon

well worth the read, and his latest e gad more problems in my current state of residence



Did I vote? I thought I did. . .

Posted by: peconomist at July 15, 2004 02:14 PM

I just discovered this blog site. Wish I'd known about it sooner. I'll add it to my list of "Favorites" on my own blog site which I started a year ago. I hope readers will check it out at http://news-opinion.blog-city.com . I've taken frequent shots at the corporate media in general and Fox News in particular including one several months ago on Rupert Murdoch as "The Most Dangerous Man in the World." News Hounds, keep up your good work here!


Posted by: Bryce Babcock at July 15, 2004 03:01 PM

Please take my last name off my comments.

Posted by: Russell at July 15, 2004 11:15 PM


You make an excellent point about Fox's financial shows. I may add one of them to my list of programs to watch. During our monitoring for the movie, I watched Forbes on Fox for about a month but asked to be relieved of it because it was so odious. It was pure propoganda throughout.

Posted by: Ellen at July 16, 2004 01:36 AM

Thank goodness I am not the only person who feels this way.

I have been satiring the media for a little over a year now on my website:


I will post a link to this site, on my site, and I would love to be affiliated with this site also.


Posted by: Chris at July 16, 2004 04:42 AM

Your insides are stronger than mine! I can't watch the stomach churning pious propaganda masquerading as 'news' that Fox pedals. I'm British and much the same is happening there with Murdoch's inverse midas touch affecting vast tracts of the media and unfortunately, the public who suck up this excrement as gospel. I now live in the US and my wife has wisely decided not to allow me to watch Faux News - I start frothing at the mouth and develop uncontrollable ranting. Now I have you guys to do it for me. You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din...

Posted by: Nick at July 16, 2004 10:40 AM

Your insides are stronger than mine! I can't watch the stomach churning pious propaganda masquerading as 'news' that Fox pedals. I'm British and much the same is happening there with Murdoch's inverse midas touch affecting vast tracts of the media and unfortunately, the public who suck up this excrement as gospel. I now live in the US and my wife has wisely decided not to allow me to watch Faux News - I start frothing at the mouth and develop uncontrollable ranting. Now I have you guys to do it for me. You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din...

Posted by: Nick at July 16, 2004 10:41 AM

Awesome blog! You guys are doing a truly remarkable job!

Posted by: Brian at July 16, 2004 12:25 PM

When I came to the US from Britain 10 years ago, part of the inevitable culture shock was the incredibly right-wing nature of most American politics. Another was that mainstream news media appeared to be not only concentrating on fluff rather than hard news, and doing that with a strongly right-wing spin. That the term "liberal", which means generous and forward-thinking, is generally used as an insult by a large number of people who don't know the difference between socialism and fascism, or between liberalism and totalitarianism was yet another. But the biggest shock was that religious extremists really do have immense political power in this country, while peddling the lie that they're vulnerable and under threat. I've come to love this country, and I've come to believe that the vast majority of Americans are decent people in their hearts and souls, and that's why I'm so angry that they're being sold lies by a news media that was once the envy of the world.

Posted by: Kaz at July 16, 2004 02:30 PM

Amen Kaz

Posted by: Nick at July 16, 2004 02:39 PM

Thanks for monitoring the propaganda spewing from Murdoch's business. "News" is too good a word for Fox. I've written so many complaints that Fox has blocked my e-mail. Please send lots of messages of disgust to the following:


Tell these enemies of democracy THE TRUTH !!!!

Posted by: Peter Truman at July 16, 2004 05:09 PM

If I may...

Johnny Dollar - Unlike Fox News, which claims to be fair and balanced, News Hounds is pretty open about its agenda. As for taking things out of context and quoting only one line, you should really check out Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham, and other Fox friends. They look at the Senate report blasting pre-war intelligence and see that the report appeared to weakly support an al-Qaeda-Iraq connection. They look at the 9/11 report and see, and report, only that Iraq had "contacts" with al-Qaeda (ex. anti-Saddam group Ansar al-Islam in American/British controlled Kurdistan). This is what's called selective reporting.
Unlike those folks, who seek a pro-Bush line or two in a 500 page report bashing the administration and report only that line, News Hounds appears to use extensive quotes from a variety of programs, personalities, and dates to support its claim of bias.
Incidentally, O'Reilly and Hannity endlessly allude (on their Fox News and radio shows) to an alleged leftward media bias that predominates, as they see it, all of the mainstream media. They, unlike News Hounds, provide no quotes, evidence, studies, or other support for their position. They state it as flat fact.

Posted by: Eric at July 16, 2004 06:05 PM

christopherohio -
It is not a "conspiracy theory" to suggest that Fox News is biased, or even that President Bush has engaged in extensive deceit, careless and partisan decision-making, inconsistent logic in his approach to policy, and poor public speaking. (These are well-supported, if slightly biased, assertions.)
It WAS conspiracy theory (in that there was little or no objective evidence to support the position) to suggest 1)that Bill Clinton was involved in conspiracies to murder his friends (ex. Vince Foster), his enemies, and even Arkansas children (who were killed in a rail accident), 2)that Al Gore had claimed to have invented the internet, to have initiated Love Canal investigation, and to be the inspiration for “Love Story”, and was thus a serial liar, 3)that Bill Clinton was guilty of unethical business practices (Whitewater), used troopers to help him get women (Troopergate), raped a woman (Kathleen Willey) or sexually assaulted several others (Paula Jones et al), 4) that Hillary Clinton is actually a lesbian who only stays married so she can become president and implement her radical socialist vision for America, 5)that liberals/secularists, driven by their avid anti-Americanism, are trying to make a One World government run by Jews and atheists that will destroy the U.S. and all its institutions, and 6)that the mainstream media (again, acting as an "elite" allied with the U.N., anarchists, communists, and abortionists) consistently and intentionally presents news with a one-sided liberal slant in order to control the minds of viewers.
While Michael Savage, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, and Ann Coulter are the only folks I've ever seen who believe all 6 of the above theories, and these 4 are only on Fox News a few times a week, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, and even Hume, Cavuto, and Kasich each have expressed support for at least one of these unlikely scenarios.

As for your second point, I hope you will be thinking of your country's future and the well-being of your fellow Americans when you vote for President on November 2. If you really vote with spite, hatred, and blind allegiance to a dishonest and piss-poor president on your mind, how can you claim to be a better American or better person than those on this site that you insulted?

Posted by: Eric at July 16, 2004 06:10 PM

e wright- Where to begin?
All caps, words like "pussies", poor spelling and grammar, and name-calling are unlikely to help you win arguments (particularly at a site that clearly values evidence over vitriol).
All that aside, ACLU stands for American Civil Liberties Union (by the way, "Undergod" is not a word and you don't put periods between words of an acronym - ex. United. States. of America). The ACLU does indeed fight for the civil liberties of all Americans, even those who may be objectionable (such as the KKK, NAMBLA, and Rush Limbaugh), regardless of their client’s race, gender, creed, religion, or political persuasion. (Note that they also do most of their legal work for free.) They (like the founding fathers) are against a particular religion being forced on Americans, and since that religion is often Christianity, they are seen by some as atheist, anti-Christian, etc.. Note that they also defend Christians, however, such as a girl who wanted a Bible verse in her yearbook ad, a minister who baptized people in a public park, and (according to him) Rush Limbaugh. If you wish to live in a Christian theocracy, I hear there's some great land on this beautiful island called Greenland...

Posted by: Eric at July 16, 2004 06:13 PM

Lilly- You seem very articulate. It is odd to think that you might actually vote for the same people as e wright does...

Your conception of a left-leaning mainstream media, while widely-held, deserves questioning. I strongly recommend Eric Alterman's _What Liberal Media_, which is fantastically written and very convincing to anyone who actually reads it. If you don't want to read it (so much for a healthy and dynamic democracy), surely you'll spare me the time for four questions:

1)Which president has received more favorable press coverage in the mainstream media, Bill Clinton or George W. Bush? (note: I'm leaving out the internet, talk radio, Fox News, and even smaller publications like the NY Post and the Washington Times, and speaking only of the so-called "media elites" like those you mentioned (NY and LA Times, CNN, CBS, etc.) in my inquiry, thus leaving out a huge segment of the media that was and is rabidly anti-Clinton and pro-Bush.)

Think about such issues as Presidential misconduct, honesty, personal history (e.g. military experience, drug use, business dealings), and policy-making as you answer this first question.

2) Which candidate in the 2000 election received more favorable press coverage from the "mainstream media" (see above)?

Think about the portrayal of both in terms of personality, honesty, experience, vision, and policy by political and other reporters. You can even include arch-liberal Ralph Nader in the question if you want.

3) Which networks favored and which opposed Bush's controversial invasion of Iraq in 2003? (Note that 66% of Americans and most of the media now seem to feel that the war was a mistake and was based on poor and misleading intelligence - I'm asking about coverage in 2003, particularly before the decision for war.)

4) Which major networks did Michael Moore borrow his damning footage of President Bush from, in order to make "Fahrenheit 9/11"?
(If you haven't seen F9/11 (again, so much for a healthy and dynamic democracy), I'll share a few of these with you: Bush's close friendship with the Saudi royal family; his failed business dealings, investigation by the SEC, and decision to (like Dick Cheney at Halliburton) move his company's headquarters offshore for tax purposes; his "military" record; his penchant for vacation; his inaction at the time of the attacks on 9/11; his referring to the "haves and the have-mores" and "the elite" as "[his] base"; his appointment of ideologues, corporate insiders, Iran-Contra criminals, and even industry lobbyists into nearly every appointive post in the government; his disdain for the anti-pollution Kyoto Protocol, the ABM treaty, the International Criminal Court, the U.N.'s Rights of the Child, Treaty to Ban Landmines, Small Arms convention, and, most recently, AIDS conference; ... wait, I'm ruining the movie for you - are you still reading this? Go watch the movie - you have to admit you haven't seen much of this footage anywhere before.

If you're still reading, Lilly, do you still think (even without reading Alterman or watching F9/11) that Fox News is just another "voice in the debate" (I presume by "debate" you mean America's providers of ostensibly unbiased news)?

One last point (sorry for the length): Your (and Limbaugh's, Coulter's, ...) conception of a liberal "media elite" is probably based on ideas put forth by the bastions of the Right like the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and, sadly, Fox News. Much of their "research" to back up this assertion was done by the highly partisan Media Research Center, which published the very thorough _And That's the Way it Is(n't)_ in 1990, complete with over 300 pages of case studies, charts, quotes, and the like. Also, they relied on disgruntled industry insiders like Bernard Goldberg ("Bias") and John Stossel.
While they make some case that the network and large print media in the 1980's occasionally allowed its reporters’ opinions to color their news reporting, none of these sources of evidence covers the time period 1996-2004. During these last few years the presentation of news (if not the personalities themselves) underwent a sea change, largely in response to 1)allegations of bias, 2)the formation of new, and very well-funded, conservative think-tanks, publishers, and news channels, 3)the numerous scandals these loud, well-funded, and extensively "researched" (read: Arkansas Project) sources were able to dig up on Clinton, and 4)the huge-scale consolidation of corporate media ownership.

I just saw Leslie Stahl hammer Johns Kerry and Edwards the other night about their fortunes, their penchant for flip-flopping, and the possibility that Edwards will outshine Kerry on the campaign trail. Her questions (the same you will hear on Fox News and talk radio stated as indelible fact) may as well have come from the RNC's talking points. She had to be reminded that Bush and Cheney are also millionaires (who supported, rather than voting against, a huge tax cut that made them richer); that the Johns’ votes "for war" were actually for a timetable and series of actions to disarm Iraq (as Kerry explained in a speech on the floor of the Senate at that time), which President Bush abandoned under pressure from his neo-con PNAC advisors; and that they are not the anti-Christ. On all but the last point, she refused to accept their answers (which, incidentally, both have given countless times before to others in the repetitive news machine), continuing to ask, "but what about...?", "but aren't you...?", and "but your critics say...?".
It was not objective reporting, nor an unbiased interview. Again, this was Leslie Stahl on CBS. I think some things have changed since the 1980's in the media.

Lastly, see my note to johnnydollar regarding comparing Fox NEWS bias to News Hounds bias. Compare their stated purposes, then rethink your last comment.

Posted by: Eric at July 16, 2004 06:20 PM

tfd - It is nice to see someone criticize News Hounds while admitting that Fox News is not, in fact, fair and balanced. Again, News Hounds does not claim to be, nor does it claim to be, unbiased, while Fox News's mottos are "fair and balanced" and "we report, you decide". (Note as well that, as a news provider, Fox is more duty-bound to provide unbiased information.)

As for the site, its work, and its manifesto being a waste of time, three questions:
1)Do you not feel it is important for viewers to know when their source of information and news is biased (often against their own interests)?
2)Doesn't this site seem exceptionally busy for a waste of time?
3)If you don't like this site and think it's a waste of time, why are you here?
4)How can you accuse this site of "forcing itself" on you?

Note: It is also somewhat hypocritical to disparage people for sitting around watching TV (in order to maintain a media-watching website and information source), criticizing others, and wasting time.
(Sorry) 5)Aren't you sitting around, reading the internet, and criticizing others (instead of going out and helping your fellow man)?

Posted by: Eric at July 16, 2004 06:24 PM

and Otto-
Do you “respectfully disagree” with News Hounds about FNC's bias before, or after, reading the evidence this site, “Outfoxed”, and others like them present? Do you have similar evidence to support your view that CNN is biased to the left?
Perhaps your political views are quite conservative, so you see Fox News, which expresses a viewpoint similar to your own, as mainstream or neutral. Therefore CNN, NPR, ABC, and others, which upon close scrutiny (see notes to Lilly above and Eric Alterman's _What Liberal Media?_) are found to be mostly neutral, would seem liberal to you because they do not seem to espouse your views. Surely you see that Fox News presents news differently than the other networks (ex. "homicide bombers", numerous political talk shows run or dominated by acknowledged and loud conservatives, consistent verbal and visual reminders that they are "fair and balanced" and that they are presenting you with a viewpoint and presentation of the news that you will not find on other media, etc.). Do you really believe that it is NPR, ABC, CBS, PBS, CNN, NBC, and the major print media that have a bias problem, rather than the one network that seems to stand out, constantly defends itself as unbiased, and presents viewpoints closely akin to those of way-right talk radio hosts?
If you do, you're probably too far gone for convincing, and I'm guessing you won't be sampling my questions to lilly above, Eric Alterman's excellent book, or Michael Moore's movie. If you're still reading, though, I thought you should know that I do in fact watch Fox News, read Foxnews.com, michaelsavage.com, hannity.com, and bushcheney04.com, and listen to talk radio when NPR is running boring stories. I have read Laura Ingraham's, Ann Coulter's, Bernard Goldberg's, Brent Bozell (Media Research Center)'s, and parts of Sean Hannity's, Michael Savage's, and Bill O'Reilly's books. I am a political liberal/progressive because I have considered and rejected the belief systems and ideologies put forth in these outlets (generally due to the hateful way they are expressed (see E Wright above, who is relatively mild) and, mostly, a lack of substantive evidence to support their positions. I am not suggesting that you read Michael Moore, Arianna Huffington, Molly Ivins, David Corn, Al Franken, Jim Hightower, moveon.org, michaelmoore.com, or bushlies.com. Since you came to this site, though, I hope you will read Eric Alterman, David Brock's "Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an ex-Conservative", mediamatters.org, and johnkerry.com.

After this, you will realize (not to ruin the surprise) that the mainstream media has taken a sharp turn to the right/center/corporate in recent years, even as talk radio, internet news sites like newsmax.com and worldnetdaily.com, and Fox News became more popular. This does color America's views of current events, and it definitely affects their votes.

You will also find, otto, that, while many liberals do truly hate or despise George W. Bush, it is because of his policies, personality, choice of cronies, political methodology, and dishonesty. People (myself included) disliked Clinton because of his sexual habits and his brazenness with regard to these habits. The right-wing attack machine (very well described in Brock's book) provided fuel (albeit misguided, false, or weak fuel) for conservatives, leading them to bash every aspect of the President even as their air and water were cleaner, the economy boomed, the country and its troops were safe, and gaps and chasms between diverse people closed slightly. They even grouped in Al Gore and Hillary Clinton, both of whom (despite normal sexual lives and similar policies to Bill's) were also slandered, berated, and libeled to no end.
We do not hate George Bush this way. We (at least I) see him as incredibly dishonest, disingenuous, and dangerous. He is arrogant, closed-minded, unapologetic, and dogmatic. His policies have resulted in America becoming a more divided, less equitable, less prosperous, more dangerous, less respected, less trusted, less free, less clean and healthy, and less tolerant country. This after he promised to unite the country, have a humble foreign policy, aid the poor and less fortunate through his compassionate policies, protect the environment, the economy, and the military, and be fiscally responsible, and after barely (if at all) winning the most bitter and divisive election in recent memory. As even a staunch conservative will agree, he has not done these things. Why not?
The answer: the only prayer he has of winning the election and the only reason he has not been impeached, raked over coals, and served up with a side of Enron: September 11, 2001.

Thanks to anyone who bothered to read my little rants/rebuttals. I apologize for flooding your blog with these cray-long posts, but I've been reading a lot, am very focused on the prize this November, and I noticed that the conservatives in here seem to at least want to engage in dialogue and argument (pussies aside).

If you need references, sources, or details with regard to any of the arguments I made above, write back on this blog. Or better yet, go read David Brock and Eric Alterman and watch (if you haven't yet) Fahrenheit 9/11. (Hell, you read all this, surely you've got time to read two books and watch a movie. :)

Posted by: Eric at July 16, 2004 06:31 PM

Thanks so much for your thoughtful and kind-hearted comments. It's people like you who make working on this blog so rewarding.

Posted by: Ellen at July 16, 2004 09:15 PM

Thank you for doing this. It must be awful.
I'm going to see Outfoxed on Sunday at a local party. I live in Knoxville, TN and am trying to change these conservatives one at a time. :)

Posted by: mpower1952 at July 16, 2004 11:34 PM

I hope you enjoy Outfoxed. I really loved it. I know I'm biased but I think it's how I would feel despite my involvement.

Posted by: Ellen at July 16, 2004 11:50 PM


Thank you for your respectful comments.

I was not born a conservative; I feel forced to vote for Republican candidates mainly because the one issue I value most, abortion, is only fairly (though not as widely as I would wish) represented by the Republican Party. The radical liberals have forced pro-lifers out of the Democratic Party, the party that was supposed to protect all the underprivileged.

So it is conforting to see that at least one widely watched news outlet, Fox, presents the pro-life position in an aproximately neutral way, and not as that of a fringe lunatic group.

Posted by: Otto at July 17, 2004 02:49 PM

Please, answer ... how can you be pro-life, in anyway, and support the killing in the middle east????? and our role in Afghanistan and Iraq???

Posted by: Victoria at July 17, 2004 04:20 PM

>>>>The radical liberals have forced pro-lifers out of the Democratic Party, the party that was supposed to protect all the underprivileged.>>>

Otto -- While you support killing babies and pregnant women in Iraq and Afghanistan, you support abortion in the US.
Congratulations on your admitted Hypocrisy!
Oh - and all those Democrat pro-lifers -- well they've decided their kids' lives may not be directly affected by abortion, but they don't want their kids to die in the certainty of more Bu$h's war$.

Posted by: Nancy at July 17, 2004 05:21 PM

Wow, I really prefer Eric's more emotionally restrained messages.

I did not say I was in favor of any war. But in any election, one has to ponder the pluses and minuses of each candidate. Unless you can prove me that approximately 1,200,000 people were killed for every twelve months of US-led action in Afghanistan and Iraq, then it is obvious that I have to side with the issue in which more lives (or rather, deaths, are involved).

And, anyway, voters who think that the President sworn in in January 20, 2005, whoever he may be, will pull out troops from Afghanistan or Iraq as soon as possible is completely deluded.

Finally, I think the focus here is Fox News, right? Therefore, my comment stands: "it is conforting to see that at least one widely watched news outlet, Fox, presents the pro-life position in an aproximately neutral way, and not as that of a fringe lunatic group".

Posted by: Otto at July 17, 2004 05:57 PM

Oops, I meant, "ARE completely deluded."

I think even Nader (if he ever had the chance of sitting in the Oval Office...) would have second thoughts about doing the Spanish move and letting Iraq blow up.

Posted by: Otto at July 17, 2004 06:05 PM

Last night (Friday 16) I turned on Scarborough to hear him discussing the sinking of Air America Radio.
As near as I could tell their (source) was the latest ratings at WLIB which they claimed show the station to be in big trouble.

I sure hope not.

Posted by: Timothy Barnwell at July 18, 2004 12:58 AM

Not only is American society threatened by corporate control of the media channels and complicity with the polital system, but their seemingly single-minded attatchment to one news channel like Fox is truly dangerous.

Getting all your news from one source limits your intellectual process and awareness of options, no matter how many viewpoints they claim to provide. For example, you could attend a KKK rally and get different viewpoints there, but they all point in one direction.

Fox News junkies are intellectual slaves, trained to act without benefit of critical thought, never asking if their logic is sufficiently founded or applied appropriately. They accept suggestion and inuendo as law. "Support our troops" and "Never question the President in times of 'war'" is nothing but veiled censorship and an attack on our liberties and rights as US citizens. Now it's "activists judges". They never question the twisted logic to "defend marriage". Why don't they defend it against heterosexual adulterers and abusive mates? What proof do they have that gay weddings destroy families? Why are they allowing the government to legislate morality and social values, something the Constitution itself was created to prevent. Why do the MP's charged with abusing prisoners go to trial within the month of discovering the scandal when we have "detainees" who still have not seen a lawyer, been charged in violation of law for up to 3 years? Nobody is asking these questions.

Its getting worse. On July 12, John Gibson asked the New York policeman in charge of security for the RNC if protestors could be "rounded up" BEFORE the convention. He claimed, and without a shred of proof, that the protesters were working in unision with AQ to create distractions to aid the terrorists.

Wake up America, before its too late.

Posted by: subclavius at July 19, 2004 02:03 PM

I sure admire parts of your Manifesto like "Fox and other media conglomerates have become echo chambers for the rich and powerful with whom they have become all too cozy." and "We believe that a viable democracy depends upon viable media." however, and with all due respect, it seems to me that your attacking the wrong dog...eer...FOX. You say that you: "...banded together in cyberspace in concern and outrage over the failure of American media, and Fox News in particular, to relate the news properly." Were it not for FOX and the book Bias would we even be discussing the effect of media conglomerates or how our news is twisted to suit any group of people to the exclusion of truth? Why are we madder at FOX than we are at the established media that have been skewing the news for much longer? How do we condem FOX news while ignoreing the established medias abuse?
I guess my question is are we only picking on FOX because:"its "news" reporting and spins in favor of the Republican party." or truly concerned with"lies and distort[ion]s" ?
In light of the recent statements by Newsweek's assistant managing editor Evan Thomas:
"There's one other base here, the media. Let's talk a little media bias here. The media, I think, wants Kerry to win and I think they're going to portray Kerry and Edwards I'm talking about the establishment media, not Fox. They're going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and optimistic and there's going to be this glow about them, collective glow, the two of them, that's going to be worth maybe 15 points."
I think perhaps the problem is larger than FOX.

Respectfully and without engagement.....

Posted by: oneshotleft at July 19, 2004 05:37 PM

here is my map of how i made it here and WOW am i impressed with the site! in canada, there is no FOX news so we dont get to see the bullsh*t biased crock of lies you ppl do but then again we dont get to laugh our asses off at them either! i actually bought the sean hannity "freedom" book but QUICKLY returned it as it was just a cover for the shallow minded conservatives who support prez bush and his inane presidency. where is an assasination when you need one! LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SITE.

started looking for links to...

Arts & Letters Daily

Library at Swarthmore College

04.14.04: Cool Web Tool: Bloglines

OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism +7 from yesterday
http://www.outfoxed.org/ - 7 mentions

For the latest Fox News distortions, updated throughout the day, visit the News Hounds blog.

ps - would be nice if HTML worked - does it?

Posted by: heather at July 19, 2004 05:55 PM

sorry one more - would make more sense if most recent comment posting was at the top perhaps?? just a suggestion for easier reading. but either way GO TEAM!!!!! loved Fahrenheit 911 the truth shall overcome.

Posted by: heather at July 19, 2004 05:58 PM

In our opinion, Fox News is WAAAYYYY worse than the others news outlets. It's true, they could all stand improvement but I think Fox goes beyond bias into propaganda. That's bad enough but to call it fair and balanced... As I said in an earlier comment, I think that's consumer fraud. That's why I signed MoveOn.Org's petition to the FCC today.

Posted by: ellen at July 19, 2004 07:38 PM

Why does Fox News bother so much if it gets, at best, less than 2% of the audience. Doesn't anyone get irritated by the left-leaning bias of CBS/NBC/ABC, which get 30% of the audience?

Posted by: Otto at July 19, 2004 07:43 PM

For Otto and those in the pro-life movement:

I am neither Republican or Democrat, but I do vote for the Green and Libertarian Party based on the qualifications of their candidates, so please accept this comment as a respectful observation of the environment we're in today....

One thing I've noticed about the conservatives in the Republican party is how narrowly they define their argument and how often it is misappropriately applied. For example, my mention above about the "defense of marriage" argument. Its the same for the pro-life stance of the Republican party.

This is an attempt to legislate moral choices through law. That is something that the founders of this country and writers of the Constitution foresaw and made a concerted effort to prevent.

Generally speaking, the founding fathers were a pious group, probably a heck of a lot more than the bunch we have in office today. (I'm sorry, but merely walking out of church every Sunday with a Bible in your hand doesn't make you a Christian-Bush blasted Iraq and Clinton bombed the Balkans while doing so). But they were Diest, believing that God created the world and then took a backseat to let us choose our way. Can you see how Christianity and the model it operates under now has a temoral aspect?

The fact is, our government has no right to legislate morality outside of the general laws that society is founded upon, such as stealing and the like. If so we would be subject to ad-hoc laws like the British saw under King George, meant to serve his desires and not the will of the people.

The problem is, the more power the Republican party receives, the more it operates under its own interests. The loopholes exploited to imprison detainees without representation is a prime example.

I better be quiet or John Gibson might ask them to "lock up" me as well.....

Otto-try taking a stance yourself, educate others, participate in nonviolent protest. But don't give the government more authority than it needs. And Fox News is a tool for it to sell its opinion and encourage you to make up your mind and form conclusions without investigating the matter and realizing the inplications for yourself.

Peaceto you all. Stay awake for some of you, and WAKE UP for the others!

Posted by: subclavius at July 20, 2004 12:54 AM

Your blog made my day. The ridiculous chattering talking heads with their conservative talking points that are obviously handed to them at the beginning of the day have been irritating me for a long time.

Your blog, which I just discovered by accident, will help me to sleep better.

P.S. My son-in-law visitng from Europe watched Fox late at night and found it to be the funniest station on television. He couldn't believe O'Reilly was for real. (Neither can I).

Posted by: Rosalie Almborg at July 20, 2004 11:22 AM

Imagine this, if you will...I found this incredible site a mere 20 minutes after watching "Outfoxed" on DVD. A freaky episode of "The Twilight Zone"? Coincidence? I think not! Keep it up guys! BTW, I'll post a link from my website.

Posted by: M. Douglas at July 20, 2004 04:24 PM

I just watched the Outfoxed DVD and was very impressed with the film and all those who worked on it.

I am going to send my copy to my representative, Nancy Pelosi, and request that she place pressure on the FCC to stop this blatent propaganda machine.

I urge others who purchased this DVD to send their copy, or to send another copy to their representatives as well (it's only $10 on Amazon).

Posted by: Casey at July 21, 2004 01:39 AM

What a hilarious site! So much bull in such a small space, so much pomposity!
I wish I had as much time on my hands as you apparently do, what a waste of bandwidth..

Posted by: Phil at July 21, 2004 05:57 PM

If you guys have any extra time and funds, could you investigate the possibility of Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter being the same person..... I know it sounds incredible, but picture Sean with a very close shave, eye shadow, a blonde wig and a mini-skirt.......I know they have appeared on FOX shows together, but television images can be manipulated. Let's get Alan Colmes to testify, minimum. I think this matter carries at least as much weight and validity as the Starr Reort. Thanks.

Posted by: Wes Powell at July 22, 2004 01:18 PM

By Golly, you could be right!

Posted by: Ellen at July 22, 2004 09:45 PM

Thanks so much for this site. I've blogrolled it. I don't see that much news on TV these days, but when I do watch, I'm kind of appalled at the shallow coverage and lack of investigative initiative out there. And I don't even watch Fox. I think it's pretty great of you to subject yourselves to it so we don't have to. I did, however, just see Outfoxed. I only wish that everyone in the US could see it. We so need to take back our media.

Posted by: pat at July 23, 2004 11:18 PM

geez... thanks for watching fox news. those dittoheads make my toes curl. you guys deserve combat pay!

Posted by: brad at July 25, 2004 10:16 PM

Thank God there are some sane people in the Democratice party. I am a Christian and find that Bush gives me a bad name. He is doing to Christians what the rest of the Rep party is doing to the term liberal. I am against abortion except in cases of health issues, there are plenty of wonderful people out there that can't have children and would adopt. I believe there should be limited support to faith based programs. I believe in the ten commandments but the only ones on stone in any public building should be the originals. It is down right hard for an intelligent Christian to vote in the coming election. The Dems need to clean up their speech and down play sexuality if they want to attract the people like myself who are sick of the status quo for good solid investigative reasoning, not listening to smear or sound bytes from either side. The Dems need to give out facts in a clear and honorable manner as often as possible. It is hard to reason with a loud mouth badgerer so we need to find a civilized forum that can reach the public. Thank you for all you are doing, I can't watch FNW for more than a few second without getting nauseous. Keep up the good work and keep it clean, no matter what you feel like saying, it only gives ammo to the enemy.

Feeling outnumbered in Utah

Posted by: Judy at July 26, 2004 01:13 PM

I purchased the OutFoxed DVD and it came today. I watched it with my 21 year old son. We both had views of Fox before this. It is so apparent. Your film firmed it up. We will be sharing the dvd with many friends. Thank you. D. Langer

Posted by: David Langer at July 27, 2004 01:26 AM

We as a family watched the dvd today.I am appalled that this is happening in our country.
Hope there is suggestions on this site as how to deal with this deception of the citizens of USA.
Thank you.

Posted by: kathleen weadock at July 27, 2004 05:45 PM


See our "What You Can Do" link under "Current Issues and Events."

Posted by: ellen at July 27, 2004 07:01 PM

To all:

I have no problem watching any the news|entertainment channels (remember they all rely on advertising dollars which is directly related by ratings and driven by the entertainment value of their programming). Heck, even PBS rolls out the great specials like James Taylor, Ringo Starr, Charlotte Church, etc. during their pledge campaigns. Could you imagine airing only Charlie Rose shows during those periods and the premiums for pledging are Charlie Rose CDs and DVDs? Anyway, I digress. My point is, I am able to tell when Peter Jennings or Brit Hume are leaning in their respective directions. I believe motivated people are the same way and also believe they are in the majority of news|entertainment consumers.

If Americans only get their information from one type of news|entertainment source they will no doubt begin to believe what that outlet reports. A person who only gets their news from NPR or FNC will have very different views of the same story.

I came across an organization called Mindfully.org that on its "About" page it states:

"It is not possible to get a clear image of the state of the world by reading one article or one source. You the reader must do the work and connect all the dots. Nobody—no organization or person—is going to be the end-all source of information. And the Internet is not the place to stay for information. It is essential to mingle with your fellow citizens. It is essential to remain open, yet skeptical. Be hopeful and active, yet expect the worst and prepare for it.

The reasonable conclusion that mindfully.org comes to with all the information that we review during each day is that our leaders have lost the will to lead and are completely beholden to industry for their continuing supply of money. Until politicians are forced to stop taking money from corporations, there will be no leadership, and the direction we are headed in will remain unsustainable at best. The same goes for academia; stop the flow of money or forget about the truth. Science is no longer science, doctors do not maintain health, teachers do not teach, journalists do not inform."

So my advice to all of you is to read everything you can from The Drudge Report to The Drudge Retort. Get your TV news from Fox to CNN to PBS. Listen to Al Franken AND Bill O'Reilly. For those of you with XM Radio, check out John Bachelor on ABC XM 124 and Bob Edwards (Former Morning Edition news man) coming soon to XM 133.

Remember, "Man does not live by bread alone. People have spiritual as well as physical needs. In the Bible, these words are spoken by Moses to the Israelites in the Exodus; they are also used by Jesus in disputing with Satan." (The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002.) Just as people have spiritual and physical needs, they have intellectual needs. Feed them. Data modelers say "the more sides to an object you see, the smoother that object becomes." See all the sides you can.

Finally, in the "you're only as good as the company you keep department", I would suggest that those who are managing this site read more about one of MoveOn.org's main benefactors, George Soros. The following is a link to the Mindfully.org site and an article on him. Pay close attention to who he is partners with (hint: at the Carlyle Group).


God Bless you all. God Bless America.

Posted by: mjdol at July 29, 2004 03:44 PM

I discovered this site about a week ago. I saw OUTFOXED about a week ago, but didn't realize until just now that there was any connection between the site and the film.

This site does not hide its purpose. It does not claim to be a news channel. It does not hold high the banner FAIR AND BALANCED. It is not foisting talking points on the public daily under the fiction it is news.

This site does something very important. It contrasts the intelligence, the studiousness, the dedication of those who support liberal causes against the angry, spiteful, juvenile conduct of their detractors.

This is the end for the Tom DeLay brownshirts. First Bush and Cheney will be shown the door, then the criminal prosecutions will follow. DeLay is going to be prosecuted for a felony and probably convicted. Once Kenny Lay starts rolling on people, no telling who will go down.

Keep up the good work.

Posted by: Gabby Hayes at July 30, 2004 03:11 AM

Well I stumbled on this web site and will check in more often now.
Saw outfoxed the other day and after Bernie Sanders our Rep from Vermont gave a little motivational talk for us to demand independant media, challange inaccuracies etc. That's our guy, and of course he's one of the guys who generated a letter for Murdock to come to congress for a little discussion.
I wondered who was watching. I usally watched Cspan during the convention, does anyone have their neilson ratings? but I channel surfed when Kerry spoke CNN and MSNBC pulled their rolling news at the bottom of the screen, FAUX did not , very distracting as they intended.
The Daily show showed up even the "liberal" media, for the idiots they are.
Thanks for the public service you are performing and may the Moveon.org lawsuit make it so you won't have to do this dirty job anymore.

Posted by: Carol Davis at July 31, 2004 08:00 AM

As long as your watching, make a list of the advertisers so we can start the this advertiser boycott list!

Posted by: Steven Dawes at July 31, 2004 02:34 PM

Steven, Click on "What You Can Do" on the right side of the site, under "Current Issues and Events." You'll find the list there.

Posted by: Ellen at July 31, 2004 09:18 PM

Thank you thank you thank you! What a great discussion. Good answers to questions, without spewing hatred. Yes, y'all lean to the left, but you are honest about it, and you suggest to anyone who is really interested in making their own minds up instead of having their heads filled with propaganda to do actual research and READ A BOOK! Hallelujah! I am tired of Fox, tired of fluff news and celebrity gossip on the networks. I want my media to ask the hard questions, not roll over and play dead. I want facts, and they are very hard to come by in today's media. I am mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore. Let's all get mad together and maybe we can accomplish something.

Posted by: marggi at August 2, 2004 03:57 PM

Personally, I think your simply upset that the reign of liberal media is over. If you were fair and balanced, your site would show examples from all the networks (which does not take much work),instead you focus on Fox.

I understand that objectivity is difficult when you need to be critical of your own liberal viewpoints in the media. In other words, its hard to find fault with Dan Rather if you agree with him. Conversly, its easy to find problems with Sean Hannity because you don't agree with him.

To me, Fox News itself may not be fair and balanced alone, but when included in a portfolio of all the American Media, such as Hollywood actors, ABCNBCCBS, PBS, NPR, NYT, LATimes, etc, it is actually fair to have a conservative viewpoint balance the liberal news outlets.

Perhaps Fox's incredible performance vs every other news outlet proves that people (including yourself) are using Fox to create a fair and balanced viewpoint that has been missing for quite some time.

Ultimately, I'd like to give all your readers and yourselves some advice. I turned off my TV when I just couldn't stand the pure hate filled "news" that I found on every channel. I owe Fox a "thank you" for helping me understand just how unfair and unbalanced every news channel is, and gave me the distrust I needed to re-capture a valueable 5 hours of my life to devote to things I have control of, my life.

Posted by: Gregg Larson at August 2, 2004 05:27 PM

Gregg, I feel the need to comment on your use of the term "liberal media". Being a liberal myself, I do not see my views being expressed in the public media forums. The term "liberal" has been co-opted by the conservatives to mean "anyone who doesn't think like I do", and I refuse to buy in to that definition. What I do see is sound byte news, where nothing is given a context, where speeches are cut to three sentences, where only the two major parties are given ANY acknowledgement at all because it would call for research and actual journalism, where spectacular footage trumps political import for air time. If conservatives feel their views are not represented, I have to agree, but that does not mean the coverage is liberal, it means it is lazy. To just opt out and let the current situation persist is not good for democracy. True, you have five hours back in your life, but the misinformation is still influencing the outcome of our elections. I think it is important to agitate for better journalism and an open debate on substantive issues. What bothers me most about Fox is the lack of debate. I see people shouted down, their microphones cut off, interviews cut short. Namecalling is not debate. It may be good for ratings to have a "news" show with angry people shouting at each other. But it is not good journalism, and it is not good for society. Fox is not the only guilty party, but it is the worst. It has brought journalism to a new low. If we insist that the Fox network treat opposing opinions with respect, and stop representing itself as "fair and balanced" when it is neither, it will be a step in the right direction.

Posted by: marggi at August 2, 2004 06:39 PM

You're correct that misinformation influenced and influences the elections. That is what NPR, NYT, LATimes, ANCNBCCBS has relied on - and Fox let the secret out!! And you have the right to your opinion that Fox is the worst at this. However, I would say that is the case because you disagree with the bias content of Fox and you don't see the bias (or you agree with it) in the case of the classic liberal, I mean "lazy" media.

It seems scary to me to think that if you won your arguement, and Fox went away, that you'd be happy with the rest of the news being "lazy" misinforming people. That just seems like you want Fox shut up so that things can get back to the way the networks were. If that's not the case, you need to start dedicating some of your front page to the other blantant examples of other media outlets.

For Instance, Do you not have a problem with Dan Rather speaking to help raise money for the DNC?
Let me guess, he was "lazy":


Do you not have a problem with the networks annoucing the "results" of elections before everyone in the state has voted (again this is not just FOX):


Here's a copy of the very first thing Dan Rather said on the Sandy Berger story:

"Sandy Berger, who was National Security Adviser under President Clinton stepped aside today as an adviser to Senator John Kerry. CBS's John Roberts reports this was triggered by a carefully orchestrated leak about Berger and the timing of it appears to be no coincidence."

Why is it when the Republicans do something wrong, it is the "Seriousness of the Charge" that requires an immidiate investigation, but when the democrats do something wrong, it is a "carefully orchestrated leak".


Do you have a problem with CBS promoting its own Bush Bashing Books without informing the audience that their parent company owns them?

If it were not for the internet and Fox News, these stories would have never been know to you or me - and I think that you'd be happy with that.

To state that the other news organizations are "lazy" shows a lack of open mindedness on your part. Even in your manifesto, you agree that this problem exists with all networks, it would just be nice to see you admit it more openly than stating its being "lazy"....

Also, I find it funny that you have a mission to make sure that Fox News lives up to a standard your website can't live up to. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I could understand your arguement if your site were fair and balanced, but you are not, so what makes you a judge of what is fair and balanced? I believe that actions speak louder than words.

Opting out is good for me, and my life has always improved no matter who the president is, was, or will be. The Candidates are no different from one another (except if you are talking about Ralph Nader - whom I voted for in the last election). If you are a democrat who thinks a Rich Republican is out of touch, the answer is not richer democrats.

If you think that Fox is distorting elections, how about the democrats keeping Ralph Nader off the ticket, disenfranchising myself and many others?

How about the Mantra of "Anybody but Bush". Democracy is about voting for somebody, not against someone. I am not going to vote for Kerry because he is not Bush. I want to vote for Nader, but the democrats are trying to stop me. Then they expect I will vote for Kerry, because I am a Nader supporter and they've disenfranchised me? No thanks, I'll vote for Bush.

Posted by: Gregg Larson at August 2, 2004 08:26 PM


In the end I feel we both have the same feelings about the problem, from different angles. Getting rid of TV is great, but if your in the mood for some good liberal TV, just turn on Boulder's Cable Channel. I find myself consumed by the City Council meetings...

Posted by: Gregg at August 2, 2004 08:50 PM

Gregg, I think you are confused. I am not a part of this website. I am a drop in just like you. Please do not atribute my comments to to wrong source. I agree with much of this site's content, but I am not at all sure they would agree with me, I have not asked them. Does knowing that help to clear things up for you? All I have done is call for substantive debate and respect for diversity of opinion. Everything else you think I meant by my comment, well, I didn't. I mostly agree with you. I think we have much in common, maybe just different ways of exprssing it. I want to hold all news sources to a high standard, seems like you do too. You are frustrated with the status quo, so am I. The issues I see discussed at every level are the ones rich corporations feel are safe, and they control the content that we are exposed to. They have bought both parties, the differences are marginal between the candidates. I wish Nader was allowed to contribute to the conversation. I think you assumed I am a Democrat, just because I stated that I was liberal. The Democrats are not liberal, they have tried so hard to be centrist and the center has moved so far to the right that they are closer to being 70's Republicans than anything I would call liberal. What I wish for most is for the partisan bickering to END and for those of us who are unhappy with the way our society is headed to find the issues we have in common and fight those battles, instead of the battles chosen for us by media pundits. But I am mad as hell, and I am looking for a forum where an individual can add their voice to a call for change. So I dropped in to this site and liked the level of debate that I saw, and left some comments. I apologise if I was misleading, it was not intentional. I loved your answer, it was well documented and thorough, two things that are missing from most discussions these days.

Posted by: marggi at August 2, 2004 10:01 PM

Well, I was confused!! I guess I should have known. I take back anything that would associate your comments to the site!!

Posted by: Gregg at August 2, 2004 10:42 PM

Just finished watching /Outfoxed/ and came clattering down the basement stairs to the family computer to find you site. Even at the ripe old age of 20, I find myself so frustrated with the news that I only sparingly and begrudgingly tune in...and only then because I know that I can't claim to be an informed citizen if I don't at least listen to what the crackpots have to say. Your site, and Jim Gillian's, excite me and I now plan on tuning in near daily. After the documentary, I'm starting to think about putting on my own radio program on my college campus. ::wanders off to ponder the possibilites::

Posted by: banannagoats at August 2, 2004 11:40 PM

God bless you ladies. God bless you every one. Those sheister idiots are hiding behind the difficulty of ammassing empirical data that proves wrongdoing, basically the same case used by O.J. and Peterson. They at Fox, as self-proclaimed patriots are desecrating one of the cornerstones of their so-called beloved country, a chosen value of innocence until proven guilty. I, myself, am constantly eager to empirically show what a crap-pot that channel is. Not that it would change their minds since they, as Kerry alluded to the other night, don't really believe in science. But for the openminded, somewhat naive and manipulable it's important. So here I stumble with immense relief onto your sight where you are taking the initiative to record data on the blatant and criminally twisted mindnumbing and shameful assault on all that is good in the power of "freedom of the press." Thank you, keep up the good work.

Posted by: Joey at August 3, 2004 04:55 PM

P.S. It would be invaluable, I think, if based on some unbiased and reasonable, scholarly criteria, you could somehow tally relative numbers of deragotory and negative statements, mannerisms, contexts, and implications directed at liberal versus conservative positions. For example, the number of times Bush and related stories are painted in a positive light and context, versus those about Kerry or, historically, Clinton for that matter. Thanks again.
Murdock is the antiChrist.

Posted by: Joey at August 3, 2004 05:22 PM


I believe FAIR may have done this. You could also check mediamatters.org

Posted by: Ellen at August 3, 2004 07:45 PM

The New York Times has conducted an unscientific poll of 153 journalists in Boston for last week's convention, and it found that about 80 percent of them believe John Kerry would be a better president than George Bush.

Posted by: faxman at August 5, 2004 12:01 PM

I just finished watching both Uncovered and Outfoxed in a double feature. I always knew FOX gave me a headache. I always knew Dubbya was a liar and poser on a tremendously grand scale. What I didn't know was how close we've gotten to Cold War era Russia in terms of how our media has been hijacked.
I never understood why so many couldn't see the emperor is wearing no clothes - but after watching your film I'm getting it - the country has been brainwashed by the propaganda machine that is FoxNews.
Deprogramming lines form to the left please!!!
Congrats on a great film, you folks deserve combat pay for watching that much Fox!

Posted by: Al Tucker at August 5, 2004 07:48 PM

Has anyone noticed that Bill O'Reilly is coming out with a book called "The O'Reilly Factor for Kids"? In September. Just saw it on Amazon and felt like alerting the world. Wonder what it'll be like. (Amazon says it's for grades 10-12, but they sometimes get that stuff wrong, so don't decide 'til you see the book).
I'm sure he just reports and lets the kids decide.

Posted by: L. Parsons at August 6, 2004 02:40 PM

You guys are absolutely necessary. Who holds the media accountable? We viewers and conscientious citizens have to exercise our critical thinking and protect our democracy.
Fox News has proven itself to be a multi-billion dollar "infopinion" organization claiming to be "fair and balanced" and at the same time shamelessly lacing their "news" with obvious bias and opinion. Claiming to be "fair and balanced" and at the same time, shamelessly pushing forth opinion laced with news is the de facto definition of propaganda.

The right wing is now complaining about those "527's" and whining about Michael Moore and MoveOn.org. At the same time, the media ignores the political campaigning that Fox News (and right wing radio) does for the Bush administration and the GOP. FNC is effectively a multi-billion dollar 527 for the GOP.

Posted by: pleio at August 7, 2004 12:13 AM

Just finished watching the DVD Outfoxed. Thank you for what you have produced. Libral media? What channel is it on so I can watch it. It's interesting that Bill O'Riley feels so attacked on a daily basis. It reminds me of the martyr complex that many radical Christians have. It seems their belief that they're constantly under seige feeds their ferver.

Keep up the good work.

P Rose

Posted by: P. Rose at August 8, 2004 02:12 AM

For about two weeks now I've noticed that the FOX News website carries a 2" square reelect Bush banner ad. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a breach of ethics for a news outlet?

Posted by: Robrob at August 14, 2004 07:34 PM

Thank you so much for being so diligint with Fox News. I had people around me saying how "fair" fox was, and I thought I must be the only one who realized how mean spirited and phony they really are. Luckily I found you guys to confirm what I knew all along, and save me time from watching that propoganda hoping someday they might report something fairly.

Posted by: Jim at August 20, 2004 09:04 AM

Reading through these messages, you see the theme that republicans defend Fox by saying that all other media outlets are hate filled and biased and Fox just balances it out. These guys have got to be kidding. What mainstream news network has people like hannity or oreilly who day in and day out scream, yell, and hate on everyone that doesnt agree with them? Dan Rather, or Tom Brokaw? You've got to be kidding. I guess it's pointless arguing with these people because obviously they are political hacks because nobody in their right mind could watch CNN/ABC/NBC/CBS and say it is anything like the hate filled FOX Network.

Posted by: Jim at August 20, 2004 09:18 AM

You missed the Atlantic Tug. Nothing but garbage. My first and last visit.

Posted by: Kenneth R. Server at August 24, 2004 11:16 PM

Amen, Kenneth. This is the worst site I've ever been to, and I won't be back.

God bless FOX for their reporting.

Posted by: Shawnee at August 27, 2004 10:45 PM

Your wonderful site is linked and reviewed at:

You are by no means required to reciprocate, though if you do, please link to the top of the Sleep Furiously sitelet at:
Because inner pages may change locations in future.

Much respect and gratitude,

. . .

Leigh Baker-Foley

Posted by: Leigh Baker-Foley at August 30, 2004 12:29 PM

Thanks for reinforcing the need for the Fox News Network. By reading the posts, I find myself wondering how the Left leaning folks in our society can be so full of hate. One of the posters referred to "Tom Delay's Brownshirts"?

You have got to be kidding.

Posted by: Layne Buck at September 2, 2004 04:54 PM

I've always found it to be odd that the faithful viewers of FOX News Network see the need to defend the conservative bias of the station. While I don't consider their interpretation of "news" to be balanced, I do find it to be an informative source for the neocon views. It has a place in explaining an extremist, and some might argue, popular point of view. Maybe Layne is correct - our society is so full of hate - guilty on the right and guilty on the left. Unfortunately, FOX has a way of increasing the divide between us. I may have a different point of view than Layne, but I hope that he doesn't think that anyone who disagrees with him is hateful. Sounds rather hateful to me.

Posted by: sara d at September 3, 2004 01:38 PM

yes, its true, only fox news has distorted the "factual truth" every other news outlet in this universe has reported the news without bias, spin or equivocation. My challenge to all of these "concerned" liberals is to apply the same energy to any other media outlet that they adore. The truth is that they have no need of looking further than any thing, one or group that they view as "conservative". Beauty is indeed within the eye of the beholder. Since I see both biases, I pronounce all "conservatives" and all "liberals" as prigish, denial based believers. If truth only grows on your tree, you are alone and thinking all others are wrong, you deserve the frustration and unhapiness you loose upon yourself. It is this all or nothing thinking that has made the dems and the reps more or less interchangeable. As a nation and as a people, we are more alike than different. None need throw out the baby with the bathwater. If from the mouth of a fool, criminal, child, lover, liberal or conservative "truth" is "truth" regardless of its source.
This brings up an interesting point, why are all of you watching fox news? Bored with the usual fare? Toodles, kids, been a treat waxing pedantic with you hairsplitters.

Posted by: yadayada at September 4, 2004 08:12 AM

Your group is just as bad as the right-wing partisans. Critical thought is not even considered as an attribute and Kool-aid is the drink of the day.

You are lucky and opportunistic to capture the modern-day American's lack of attention span, and spurts of indignation with your cut-n-paste quick hit smear without significant context or substance.

The bottom line is... I "hate" the direction you and the "right" are taking this country. If you really cared about positive change, you would involve yourself in groups such as the Concord Coalition (e.g. non-partisan discussing reformable issues).

Try an "actual objective study" on media bias... not some film by a person who really wants some of that M.M. pub so he can sit in a presidential box at the next DNC. -- A Measure of Media Bias, by Tim Groseclose of the University of California at Los Angeles and Jeff Milyo of the University of Chicago.

The hard part about critical thought is that it takes effort and "real" tolerance.

Posted by: Kevin-Tampa at September 5, 2004 10:02 PM

You aught to spend some time digging into all the fair and balanced coverage by Dan Rather and CBS.

Posted by: Robert O'Connell at September 10, 2004 02:46 PM

I like choking my chicken.

Posted by: Mike Hunt at September 11, 2004 03:33 AM

I watch Fox Sunday because I like to see the current conservative world-view. The addition of Juan Williams and Mara Liasson from NPR is supposed to add "balance" and credibiity, but while there is a semblance of collegiality which gives the air of balance, it's very clear that the Fox mindset dominates and wins every discussion. If Mara and Juan didn't appear how balanced and credible would Fox Sunday seem. To conservatives it would probably be more appealing because they don't seem to appreciate alternative views to their prejudices. So, why do Juan and Mara continue this pretense?

Posted by: DickP at September 13, 2004 09:45 AM

why did the baby cross the road

cause it was stapled to the chicken

Posted by: joe at September 14, 2004 08:48 PM

Do you people DENY that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR are all spinning left-wing propaganda. Yes, Fox slants to the right, but not nearly as far as the above mentioned networks lean to the left. It's a breath of fresh air to us who have had to put up with left-wing "NEWS" for years. We finally get one network and you want to censor it. Read, when you add up all the liberal media outlets, and compare them to the few conservative ones. The liberals have a louder voice. Isn't that good enough for you?

Posted by: Johnnie at September 17, 2004 07:25 AM

so funny this site...OUTFOXED...thanks for the
promotion of FOX network..you folks believe in
democracy, well the ratings have spoken and it's
Fox News that's winning it, meaning more folks
watch that than all the left leaning media out there..and the BIGGEST one is GOVT sponsored
NPR..none of my friends or i even watch the news
anymore. we check blogs and google news and other
websites for the late breaking news, and do research on it to verify the reporting so we can
form our own opinions on the news of that day.
the days of being force-fed news that's "newsworthy" is gone. Trust no one and
do your own research! that includes fox and every other news service, but alas, FOX is popular because they are the most fair and balanced as of now.

and while you are at it defending dan rather and
CBS..check out this site.

Posted by: holoholo at September 17, 2004 07:33 PM

It's almost 3 am in New Hampshire and I just finished watching Outfoxed. I just wish I could jump through the screen and give you all great big hugs. THANK YOU!

Posted by: maryt at September 18, 2004 02:24 AM

1 pm PST:

Thought I was hallucinating- hearing Pat Buchannan on CNN tearing Bush apart on Iraq!

Posted by: Judith Hodgens at September 19, 2004 04:21 PM

I alway said liberals are solid believers in freedom of speech, as long as there the ones talking.
All I can say is GO FOX NEWS!!!!!

Posted by: Dave at September 19, 2004 09:41 PM

Yes, Go fox news. Go far, far away.

You guys are doing a wonderful job.

Posted by: Martin at September 25, 2004 12:19 PM

All i can say is if you hate Fox News that much then dont watch it.There are lots of news channels to pick from,go watch one!!

Posted by: janet at October 4, 2004 07:00 PM

If you want "Fair and Balanced" read the CSMonitor. If you want to know what the NeoCons are doing watch Fox News. If Fox says "America is worried about Kerry", you can bet that Karl and the Boys are the ones who are worried.

Bush would get my vote if he dumped Ashcroft, Wolfowitz and the Dick.

Posted by: JohnO'Neill at October 6, 2004 11:11 AM

So where do you people get the real unbiased news from?

Posted by: SPO at October 9, 2004 11:30 AM

Oh wait a minute, the people who run this site are with moveon.org? Aren't they funded by that foreign billionaire who is trying to buy himself a US president by donating millions of dollars that he made by speculating against other countries currency thus causing some dramatic drops in money value and causing near disasters in those countries? Also isn't one of their top adds to discredit the opposition to call him Hitler? Oh man then this is a fair and impartial site after all, please give me more information.

Posted by: SPO at October 9, 2004 11:49 AM

Just stumbled onto this site from a Google News link. Way to go guys and gals. At last the Democrats are fighting as nasty as the Republicans.

You could see the look of fear and disbelief in Bush's eyes when Kerry challenged him. Most conservatives can sling the mud but can' take the counter-punch.

If you're undecided, remember that you're voting for the entire Party, not just the presidential candidate. Its obvious from the last four years that Republican politicians don't care about the average, wage-earning citizen.

Vote your self interest. Vote Democrat.

Posted by: Dave Two at October 9, 2004 11:36 PM

I've posted a few comments here and all I can say is I LOVE THIS SITE! I love communicating with people who truly see this bunch of conjuring artists that inhabit Fox News.

I'm also glad people aren't KICKED OFF this site (unlike conservative websites, who seem to frown on even the politest opposing viewpoints.)

We need to keep people informed about how distorted Fox's information is, thanks for all your hard work guys and gals!!!


Posted by: Maggie at October 11, 2004 11:15 AM

U.S. History

1953: U.S. overthrows Prime Minister Mossadeq
of Iran. U.S. installs Shah as dictator.

1954: U.S. overthrows democratically elected
President Arbenz of Guatemala. 200,000
civilians killed.

1957: U.S. backs assassination of South
Vietnamese President Diem.

1963-1975: American military kills 4 million
people in S.E. Asia.

1973: U.S. stages coup in Chile, democratically
elected President Salvadore Allende
assassinated. Dictator Augustus Pinochet
installed. 5,000 Chileans murdered.

1975: U.S. backs military rulers of El Salvador
70,000 Salvadorans & 4 U.S. nuns killed.

1980: CIA trains Osama Bin Laden & the
Mujardeen to kill Soviet troops. CIA
gives them $3 billion in "aid".

1981: Reagan administration trains & funds the
Contra's. 30,000 Nicaraguans die.

1982: U.S. provides billions in aid to Saddam
Hussein for weapons to kill Iranians.

1983: Reagan White House secretly gives Iran
weapons to fight Iraqi's.

1989: CIA agent Manuel Noreiga (also President
of Panama) diobeys orders from Washington
U.S. invades Panama & removes Noreiga.
3,000 Panamanian civilians casulaities.

1990: Iraq invades Kuwait with weapons from
United States.

1991: U.S. enters Iraq & Bush, Sr. reinstates
dictator of Kuwait.

1991 to 2003: U.S. planes bomb Iraq on a daily
basis. U.N. estimates 500,000
Iraqi children die from bombings
& sanctions.

2000-2001: U.S. gives Taliban-ruled Afganistan
$245 billion in "aid"

9/11/01: Osama Bin Laden uses expert CIA training
to murder 5,000 U.S. citizens.

2004: Osama Bin Laden escapes from Tora Bora.
U.S. Special Forces didn't get into that
area for 2 months. Osama got a head
start. Current whereabouts unknown.
Al-Queada terror attacks continues.
World on edge. No WMD, No nuclear
weapons or ability to produce them.
Bush orders invasion & occupation of
soverign nation of Iraq. Saddam Hussein
arrested & imprisoned. 1,900 U.S. troops
killed since hostilities ceased. Scores
of innocent Iraqi women & children

Posted by: Matt Makaveli at October 11, 2004 12:24 PM

U.S. History

1953: U.S. overthrows Prime Minister Mossadeq
of Iran. U.S. installs Shah as dictator.

1954: U.S. overthrows democratically elected
President Arbenz of Guatemala. 200,000
civilians killed.

1957: U.S. backs assassination of South
Vietnamese President Diem.

1963-1975: American military kills 4 million
people in S.E. Asia.

1973: U.S. stages coup in Chile, democratically
elected President Salvadore Allende
assassinated. Dictator Augustus Pinochet
installed. 5,000 Chileans murdered.

1975: U.S. backs military rulers of El Salvador
70,000 Salvadorans & 4 U.S. nuns killed.

1980: CIA trains Osama Bin Laden & the
Mujardeen to kill Soviet troops. CIA
gives them $3 billion in "aid".

1981: Reagan administration trains & funds the
Contra's. 30,000 Nicaraguans die.

1982: U.S. provides billions in aid to Saddam
Hussein for weapons to kill Iranians.

1983: Reagan White House secretly gives Iran
weapons to fight Iraqi's.

1989: CIA agent Manuel Noreiga (also President
of Panama) diobeys orders from Washington
U.S. invades Panama & removes Noreiga.
3,000 Panamanian civilians casulaities.

1990: Iraq invades Kuwait with weapons from
United States.

1991: U.S. enters Iraq & Bush, Sr. reinstates
dictator of Kuwait.

1991 to 2003: U.S. planes bomb Iraq on a daily
basis. U.N. estimates 500,000
Iraqi children die from bombings
& sanctions.

2000-2001: U.S. gives Taliban-ruled Afganistan
$245 billion in "aid"

9/11/01: Osama Bin Laden uses expert CIA training
to murder 5,000 U.S. citizens.

2004: Osama Bin Laden escapes from Tora Bora.
U.S. Special Forces didn't get into that
area for 2 months. Osama got a head
start. Current whereabouts unknown.
Al-Queada terror attacks continues.
World on edge. No WMD, No nuclear
weapons or ability to produce them.
Bush orders invasion & occupation of
soverign nation of Iraq. Saddam Hussein
arrested & imprisoned. 1,900 U.S. troops
killed since hostilities ceased. Scores
of innocent Iraqi women & children

Posted by: Matt Makaveli at October 11, 2004 12:25 PM

Haha! You guys are idiots. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Posted by: Someone smart at October 11, 2004 06:32 PM

I have just come across your wonderful "labour of love". Keep up the good work. I am a Spaniard (North-Western, Spain, Europe) and we managed to recently get rid off a rather stupid little man called Aznar (after our own bloodbath
11th March 2004 and because of the Fox News equivalent propaganda coverage and deception). "You can fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time".
Good luck getting rid off your little man.

P.D. Europeans do not harbour feelings of dislike, hate, abhorrance or any such like towards Americans. We just can't stand this illiterate arrogant little man you have as president. (Anyone else please - can't be worse or can it???).

Posted by: Juan Insua Naya at October 11, 2004 06:33 PM

WOW! a Gang of EIGHT to save America from the FNL and SRT (that be state run TV - idjet).
Man were Mao here to cheer you 8 on - life would just be perfect. But then i kid myself.

A Humble Request: Could you 8 spend some quality time bending your eyes/ears to the other channels too?
did'nt think so....to much to watch, so little time...
Hail mediocrity! Hail Michael Moore-On.org.

PS: Hey Juan,
Get over your euro-centric "illiterate arrogant little man" fear syndrome and groww some cahones. You may need them soon....

Posted by: A Skeptik at October 12, 2004 03:04 AM

I'm about as tired of the controlled media as I can get. First, the fact that conservatives chose for me what programs I should or should not listen to (perhaps book burning will rear its ugly head again!) just amazes me! Now, the fact that Sinclair Broadcasting is about to demand their affiliates to broadcast "Stolen Honor" only reinforces my opinion that Bush is SO controlled by big business. A president "owned" by a conglomerate like SB is certainly not good for our country, our freedom, or our future. Juan is right...Europeans don't hate Americans; they just hate ONE American.

Posted by: Liberal and Proud at October 12, 2004 05:37 PM

I'm pro-choice, against the death penalty, and generally for a variety of "liberal causes" and at the same time, believe it or not, I'm also a fiscal conservative who supports lower taxes and a stronger military. I am not a political cartoon; I do not live in a black and white world; I am not 2-dimensional. Why is it that the 8 "news hounds" of this website live in such a simple world where for some unknown reason their critiques of Fox are "fair and balanced". You cite that you want to fight ideology, but all you do is promote your own narrow band in the guise of moderation and truth. Truth isn't left or right, conservative or liberal. For all your complaints of subjectivity and deception, you engage in so much of it that I cannot decipher if this is simply a case of the kettle calling the pot black or egotism run amok. For god's sake, do you 8 "hounds" ever read your own smug postings. The drip with so much sarcasm and hubris, that I don't honestly believe that you are middle-aged because I would hope that with over 30 years of experience any middle-age person would know the difference between honest observation and juveniule narcissism.

Posted by: A 3-dimensional persona at October 13, 2004 12:40 AM

I have few words to share with "A 3-dimensional persona." I couldn't agree more with your statement that truth isn't left or right, conservative or liberal. My impression of this site is that many viewers/bloggers, including myself, try to gather our news from any number of different sources. While many of us who blog on this site may not be "fair and balanced," at least we don't purport to be a news organization.

Sara D.

Posted by: sara d at October 18, 2004 08:51 PM

Hmmm... the media is conservative?

Aside from Fox News, which does have a conservative slant, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC are definately liberal-leaning. I won't even go into the numerous liberal newspapers (NY TIMES, Boston Globe, San Franciso Chronicle, just to name a few).

If NEWSHOUND is associated with MoveOn and the Center for American Progress, than George Soros can't be far behind. He's the same gentleman that was convicted of fraud (insider trading) in France, has claimed he'll buy a Bush defeat and has likened the War on Terrorism to Nazi Germany.

Good luck with your site... you'll need it.

Posted by: Bubba John at October 19, 2004 07:47 PM

You people are crazy. Anyone out there that really believes the main-stream media is slanted to the right, dead center or anything but left field is demented. Fox News is slightly right of center, but ABC NBC CBS PBS MSNBC and CNN are so far left it's insane. Or maybe I just think Fox is slightly right because I'm so used to left-winged stations pushing their own political ideology as unbiased news. There is nothing wrong with editorializing your political opinion, but masquerading it as news is unethical, and as we've seen in the ratings, UNPOPULAR. I agree with Bubba John. Good luck with your site!

Posted by: Not a left-wing moron at October 26, 2004 04:18 PM

Great site -- just discovered it. I'll be back often.

Posted by: Roger at October 26, 2004 11:53 PM

Love this site - it is greatly needed to keep things "Fair and Balanced". Fox has 40% of America believing that Saddam had something to do with 9/11! Fox is dangerous and as a result of what they do, people die. Political opinion masquerading as news should be outlawed, on both sides. I support you guys whole-heartedly!

Posted by: Kevin at October 28, 2004 12:36 PM

Have read all these comments tonight. Goes to show that we are all so different in our beliefs.
Those on the left who are intellectual and yet believe everyone else is ignorant and then those of us in the middle to right who know that our country was formed with Godly principles and we still do all we can to see that we do not lose the rights given to us by God, the freedom to life, liberty and the pursuit of justice. Daily we see the left liberal appointed judges taking away the rights we have in this country and judging by their own standards rather than according to the Constitution. As we fall further and further away from the principles upon which this country was founded, including the ten commandments, we stand in danger of the judgement of God. Is this what is really desired? Doesn't anyone think anymore? We may wind up with a new president which so many are screaming for but we may also lose much of what is good in this country. Don't be mindless. In the Old Testament, God brought war against evil leaders such as Saddam Hussein.He also raised up evil leaders in judgement over a nation. How can any of us say we are Christians and yet be willing to vote for a party or candidate who promotes two issues we know are wrong. We are legislating two blatant sins as a country as well as the sin of not loving each other as there seems to be so much hatred in the election process this year. We need to repent as a nation and individually and pray that God will have mercy on our country.

I have listened and read everything I can find so that I keep myself informed on the issues. I have watched all the networks for the news and each one of them has a left slant, except Fox. You may not like it but many are drawn to listen to Fox and also to the radio talk shows because many see the direction our nation is taking and most in this country know something is terribly wrong. You can see in the answers above that there is division among us. You have Heather offering assination as an answer. On the opposite extreme, you have Eric, Otto and Baxter, whom I agree with. We will have to live with what happens on Tuesday. If you know how to pray, now is the time to do so.

Posted by: Fl. Grama at October 28, 2004 11:26 PM

I applaude your effort and the amount of people who do participate. I found this site by just looking at various links and thought I would post a comment or two. I was amazed at the amount of response and quickness with which it was rendered. I was actually 1 hour late to work I became so involved in writing. Today I was a bit surprised as most of my comments were no longer there. Some were allowed to stand but many had been CENSORED? I will be reading more as I enjoy discussion and the exchange of ideas and hopefully the enlightment of mankind. But, and a very big but here. CENSORSHIP and lies are not the way to carry on growth in someone's development. I have noticed that to many of your readers are here to parrot their prejudice and outright uneducated and untruthful information. SHAME on those and accolades for those in search of truth and honesty.

Posted by: Tony at October 29, 2004 02:03 PM

I'm not sure why any of your comments were removed. It wasn't by me. Each of the News Hounds keeps tabs on their own threads. However, we have gotten stricter about keeping people on topic and enforcing the rules at the bottom of the page. We do not censor relavant, polite opinions. Our "get tougher" policy came about as the result of complaints from our readers. Generally speaking, we still err on the side of inclusiveness.

Posted by: Ellen at October 29, 2004 02:22 PM

To Mrs. Sara D.
I share your sentiments, but my main contention lies more with the tone than the content of this website. It does not purport to be a news organization, as you say, but for all its "noble" intentions it engages in the very behavior it claims to fight. I am an advocate for more objectivity and transparency in the realm of news, but to claim that these newshounds are advocates of objectivity would be analogous as suggesting that the KKK could be objective advocates of racial equality or that the Christain Coalition could be objective advocates of abortion.

Posted by: A 3-dimensional persona at October 29, 2004 11:45 PM

You guys are all kidding, right? As capatilists we vote every day with our dollars. Fox news has become the number one cable news source for a reason. In eight or so short years they've dwarfed what CNN took 25+ years to build. Why do you think that is?

I'd say 'use your head' - but judging by the content of this sight - I'd say that's a stretch.

Posted by: Bill at October 30, 2004 12:26 PM

Thanks for the reply Ellen. I did post about 11 comments but in the heat of the moment I might have been posting to several differant pages. I did keep copies and it did look like several were posted on the page that do not seem to be anymore. I did use one 5 letter word and did refer to a barbaric African policy so that might have called out the editors. I thought they were appropriate and not vulgar but beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I do have to concur with your comment about postings. Many comments by my fellow man/women leave much to provide food for censorship. lol.

Although I do not share many of your views as strongly as you I still think the site is quite nice and definately has a nice response rate.

As Arnold said, I'll be back.

Tony III

Posted by: Tony III at November 1, 2004 03:08 AM

I think it's possible some of the other News Hounds may be stricter than I about staying on topic. We have gotten a lot of complaints from readers about comments going off on unrelated tangents.

In any event, I'm glad you like our site despite the differences of opinion. If I may so myself, I like it too!

Posted by: Ellen at November 1, 2004 04:26 AM

Until they are banned, the Republican Party and its mouthpiece, Fox News...IS, HAS BEEN, AND ALWAYS WILL BE... America's ULTIMATE HATE CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

BAN all republicans. Once this happens, we can have a TRUE democratic diversity of ideas among progressive parties, such as the Green, Democrat, and Socialist parties, reported by righteous agencies who don't have Fox New's facist, vitrious viewpoint.

God DAMN the republicans, they need destruction.

Posted by: M. O. Jekearthe at November 3, 2004 03:40 AM

Having been created by the grace of the allmighty - and nor aborted by pressure of society - during the violent time period of the 1932 summer months, preceeding the disaster of the 1932 elections in the USA and Europe, I could certainly attribute to the flow of hate-mongering non-sense of the 'foxhounds'.

I shall not! Instead I recommend to these narrow-one-sided-fanatics the following revised name: Skunk-hounds who spit destruction into a fair-and-open minded society of the United people of all freedom loving societies, at home and abroad.

We do not need to seed hate, but tolerance and understanding. This should be our goal.

Posted by: Wutti at November 3, 2004 05:58 AM

Dear M. O. Jekearthe:

I think that it is people like you who have such vile hatred sething out of your bones that give the democrats a bad name. We live in a democracy where the majority rules. The majority voted Bush in. Deal with it and grow up. The democrats shouldn't tolerate people like you. I am embarrassed by your words. Do you call yourself an American? Act like one! You don't have to love Bush in fact it is up to the democrats to keep the Republicans in check so that they keep America balanced. As a nation, we must work together. Try to stomach the results and move on. Maybe next time the democrats will win, but until then stop acting so mean spirited. Freedom of speech is one thing, but wishing destruction on our own (yes Rebuplicans are Americans too) is another thing. Please think about how you are affecting the democratic party.(Very negatively!!)

PS: I agree with Wutti at November 3, 2004 05:58 AM

Posted by: ken at November 3, 2004 10:53 PM

Dear M. O. Jekearthe:

I think that it is people like you who have such vile hatred sething out of your bones that give the democrats a bad name. We live in a democracy where the majority rules. The majority voted Bush in. Deal with it and grow up. The democrats shouldn't tolerate people like you. I am embarrassed by your words. Do you call yourself an American? Act like one! You don't have to love Bush in fact it is up to the democrats to keep the Republicans in check so that they keep America balanced. As a nation, we must work together. Try to stomach the results and move on. Maybe next time the democrats will win, but until then stop acting so mean spirited. Freedom of speech is one thing, but wishing destruction on our own (yes Rebuplicans are Americans too) is another thing. Please think about how you are affecting the democratic party.(Very negatively!!)

PS: I agree with Wutti at November 3, 2004 05:58 AM

Posted by: ken at November 3, 2004 10:54 PM

I see "fair and balanced" news all the time. Just not in this News Hound. What interests me is that these people are so afraid that people cannot handle any kind of news but their own. We need them to filter our news. Sorry, but that is what is going on here. Please, don't try and think for us. Just go on with your lives and beliefs, just don't try and think for the American people. They have voted their conscience and you do not even have to do it for them.

Posted by: Big Al at November 3, 2004 11:58 PM

Did anyone else receive a pre-recorded telephone call from Sean Hannity, encouraging them to vote for GW?

Posted by: Sara D at November 4, 2004 06:51 PM

To Mrs. Sara D.
I share your sentiments, but my main contention lies more with the tone than the content of this website. It does not purport to be a news organization, as you say, but for all its "noble" intentions it engages in the very behavior it claims to fight. I am an advocate for more objectivity and transparency in the realm of news, but to claim that these newshounds are advocates of objectivity would be analogous as suggesting that the KKK could be objective advocates of racial equality or that the Christain Coalition could be objective advocates of abortion.

Posted by: 3-dimensional persona at November 9, 2004 11:35 AM

Now that is fair and balanced.

Posted by: Les at November 9, 2004 11:48 AM

OutFoxed? How about OutFleeced! Anyone who likes what Michael "Less is" Moore our OutFoxed has to say lacks the ability to think intelligently.

Until you fix that shortcoming, you will continue to lose elections. Isn't it ironic that the Kurds are more pro-America than the liberals and Democrats.

Ever wonder why conservatives earn more per capita than liberals? I'll give the ignorant a hint - it has to due with intellect.

O'Reilly rules!

Posted by: Mike at November 13, 2004 01:43 PM

Gosh, Frankly having a discussion about news TV, especially local news, in America is like having a discussion about in what way to shower. People may as well watch the same movie over and over again. TV News is mere pointless thoughtless entertainment. Newspapers are slightly better. News has nearly no positve effect on peoples life. It only promotes misery.
I still study news but the argument that news is slanted one way or the other is pointless. The Media is owned almost absolutely by a select few people whose philosophy is how to stay rich and get richer and to do so they slant their company in whatever way accomplishes this. I say news is slanted neither way. Political parties have a moral sence of which Media giants do not.
If people really want to influence the world turn the set off and go talk to a friend, neighbor, enemy, etc. Blessed be the Peacemakers!

Posted by: Todd Fisher at November 15, 2004 06:39 PM


You seem to miss the point. Yes, media companies pursue wealth, first and foremost.

But we have a situation whereby Bush & Co. pander to these media giants and provide them with real, bottom line, business advantages, like lower corporate taxes, lower personal taxes for billionaires, lower capital gains taxes, and less regulation to restrict their grab for higher and higer profits (think FCC).

That makes Media giants "political." In return for all this favoritism, the giants make Bush look as good as possible, cover his many errors, cover up the dangers he represents, (for example by his creation of vastly more terrorists) and generally push his agenda.

So, to say the media giants have no real interest in "politics" really misses the central and vital point.

The media has the megaphone. They are mis-educating the American electorate badly.

Beware - a modern country can be led to its destruction by government and media. It happened in Germany not all that long ago.

P. Sons

Posted by: Pete at November 26, 2004 01:46 PM

You know, it occurs to me that you ought to get a life... :) One network out of all of the majors does not have a leftist bias and one would think that someone shot your dog. What I see is an obsession and, ironically, a complement to Fox to have you all chronicle their broadcasts. You could save yourselves a lot of time with well- written one page declaration of what you think is wrong with Fox and we would all get the point...

Posted by: Lawrence at December 29, 2004 01:49 AM

Lawrence, who posted just above this one, overlooks the fact that Fox is not only biased and inaccurate, it is also the most widely watched news outlet. They are a huge force for anti-democracy, and must be watched like a hawk, so that when the US goes completely down the sewer those left standing in crap will at least know how they got there.

Keep up the good work on this site. It is a valuable service.

Posted by: Phil at December 30, 2004 08:42 PM

What a great site this is. Good job, well done, and please, maintain the momentum already gained.
This comment comes from Australia, here we are not as ignorant as many Americans are,neither are we frightened to voice our views of our political leaders when we disprove of their actions.
Too bad Americans confuse patriotism with Nationalsim and can't see the wood for the trees.
The U.S. needs desperately, sites like yours, I've been scaning the web for three years now, and am given a tiny bit of hope for the future when I see and increase, (though minute at this time) of sites as yours trying to seperate the wood from the splinters for U.S. citizenry.
Well done and keep it up.

Posted by: Eddy at January 1, 2005 04:21 AM

YAY! Hooray for more signs of intelligent life!

I came across your site quite accidentally while searching for something else... and now you're in my "favorites" folder and on the list to send to my friends. As a concerned, middle-aged citizen myself, I am truly heartened to find others like me who are deeply offended by FOX "news" (and others of their ilk).

As someone else previously posted, your stomachs are stronger than mine. To watch FOX regularly, even to analyze and review, is just not something my blood pressure can stand. Thank you for taking this on!! Keep up the good work.

Posted by: Kitty at January 7, 2005 09:53 AM

You think it takes a strong stomach to watch FOX 'news'? Our young men are being slaughtered in Iraq based on a pack of lies. It's the least we can do for them, to bear witness to the lies and the murderous blunders of the Bush idiots and their puppets at FOX. Sure, it takes a strong stomach to watch FOX. It takes a strong stomach to stand up to evil. Just Do It. It may be the most important thing you ever do. By the way, we are starting to topple them. One exposed lie at a time, these guys are starting to fall apart like a cheap suit. Keep up the good work!

Posted by: ebonius at January 7, 2005 11:14 PM

I guess since you have the cornerstone on Fox, I should start a website on CNN, NBC, SeeBS, and ABC. Oh, I forgot the traditional media doesn't have any bias. They are reputable in doing their job and not harmlessly fluffling any Democratic candidate which comes their way, nor are they engaging in any risky behavior by fronting false documents that would possibly damage a candidate in a reelection bid. Its a shame when people actually get to hear the truth once in a while, without a spin on it.

The rise in popularity of Fox, conservative talk shows, and online blogs show nothing about how the American public want other news sources. I for one do not partake in the watching of Fox and only occasionally listen to the radio. Being a college student I find the internet the most attractive medium for news information, but I agree that the rise in popularity of these extremely biased sources developed by members of the vast right wing conspiracy is an example of how smoking can ruin your health.

Posted by: Tom at January 8, 2005 03:27 AM

Do u ppl ever read the hubris in your "reporting". When did objectivity become a synonym for arrogance and self-indulgent narcissism for you 8 "newshounds"? There has been and always will be public media-watchers, but you 8 "newshounds" are not part of that noble tradition. Is Foxnews conservative? Without any doubt. Is this website objective? Lol... you 8 "newshounds" spend 75% of your time being snide and the other 25% purporting your own moral and intellectual superiority. I can't stand watching Geraldo on Fox News because he is so pompous and full of himself, but reading even your mildest postings is a thousand times worse.

Posted by: 3-dimensional persona at January 15, 2005 07:40 AM

Do u ppl ever read the hubris in your "reporting". When did objectivity become a synonym for arrogance and self-indulgent narcissism for you 8 "newshounds"? There has been and always will be public media-watchers, but you 8 "newshounds" are not part of that noble tradition. Is Foxnews conservative? Without any doubt. Is this website objective? Lol... you 8 "newshounds" spend 75% of your time being snide and the other 25% purporting your own moral and intellectual superiority. I can't stand watching Geraldo on Fox News because he is so pompous and full of himself, but reading even your mildest postings is a thousand times worse.

Posted by: 3-dimensional persona at January 15, 2005 07:42 AM

How sick all of you are. Hopefully you will always remain the "minority", we will look out for you anyway, how about moving to a new country?
soon. Take Michael Moore with you.

Posted by: joy at January 15, 2005 08:15 PM

Why isn't there a News Hound for CNN? Answer: Because conservatives can watch it themselves and decide.

Here is an idea, liberals should watch FOX and make up their own minds about the content. But that would require thinking, so I guess spoon-feeding is in order.

Posted by: Scott Rowles at January 18, 2005 02:09 PM

Your hypocrisy is astounding. It's OK for the alphabet networks to present opinions and biased information as news, but Fox is fascist for presenting an opposing view. The heart of the matter is that democrats (used loosely) are a spoiled group of voters that are unwilling to accept opposing points of view. So much for tolerance and unity. I did not vote for Clinton, but he was my commander-in-chief for 8 years and I supported him. I did not spend that time bad mounthing the democrats and whinning. I am tired of being insulted and derided because my views are opposite to yours.

Posted by: Gil at January 25, 2005 04:26 PM

hey. i just watched outfoxed and i think what you're doing is great! the fear of critical thinking in this country amazes me and i'm thrilled to see intelligent folks getting out there and calling major corporations on their lies and manipulations! go you!! it's an inspiration to the rest of us to rise to action!

Posted by: liz at January 25, 2005 11:22 PM

The idea that CNN is liberal is a joke. I'm thinking about starting my own blog about all the pro-adminstration bias on CNN.

Posted by: Jen at January 28, 2005 01:01 AM

This has got to be the most ignorant web i have seen. How left wing can you get? CNN is not liberal?
Come on
It is not as liberal as ABC or CBS and is about the same as NBC. I also seee that you got some help from Moveon.org Now that is exremely left very wealthy people. I assume you don't like our President. Please give him the respect The office deserves. I didnt like Predident clinton. but i did respect the office.

Posted by: Hugh at January 31, 2005 02:05 AM

Respecting the President does not mean you cannot disagree with his policies. He is an elected representative of the United States of America. He is NOT the supreme dictator of the United States of America.

This site is a criticism of Fox News for their biased reporting. I don't believe this site is saying the other media outlets are not "biased" as well, but the fact of the matter is that Fox News is equivalent to the yellow journalism of the Spanish-American War.

Many of the arguments the defenders of Fox and the President make is that the "liberals", "democrats", and "left" are criticizing and insulting their prestige because of their views. Ask yourself, what are you doing? You are aghast that the views these people make are against yours.

I think the Newshounds are doing an admirable job and I think (sometimes) the conservative bloggers who criticize the "MSM" are doing an admirable job. "Truth is determined in the marketplace of ideas."

Posted by: duh at February 1, 2005 12:33 AM

"Appalled by our results, we, who would not meet in person until months later, banded together in cyberspace in concern and outrage over the failure of American media, and Fox News in particular, to relate the news properly."

Thanks Newshounds for your efforts! However, I personally would like to see more 'moderating' regarding 'off topic' posts on the threads! I watch as good reporting on the Newshounds part goe's for naught as indivduals 'hijack' threads to espouse a particular philosophy or moral viewpoint, instead of 'staying the course' and posting about Fox News and other media outlets!

Posted by: Sandra Michelle at February 2, 2005 02:50 PM

What can I say but, Alright! Execellent! Right On!

Posted by: ben at February 5, 2005 03:55 AM

My word, I would subject my self to FOX, I have listen to Hannity's folderol during lunch EVERY DAY thanks to the AFN monopoly. I hate fox.

Posted by: Forward Deployed Sailor at February 7, 2005 01:48 AM

To OutFoxed. If you would move to the center of America you would find out that Fox News is center-right, while all the other alphabets are center-left or left. If we get rid of Fox News we get rid of balance. However if we get rid of CBS News we actually move a little closer to the center.

Your propoganda reminds me of one your national socialist hero's Geobels. Yes he was a left wing socialist of the nationlistic kind, unlike Castro and Stalin who are/were international socilists. So please don't try to stop the truth, but it would serve you well to look at other so called news agencies and actually discover their bias, because it exists in reality, not in someones imagination.

Posted by: Karl Machschefes at February 7, 2005 02:52 AM

It's nice to see you working so hard to stay off the unemployment rolls because that's where you would be if you could not try to surpress free speech.

Posted by: Edward Baergen at February 9, 2005 12:00 PM

Dear Mr. Baergen: We are not now, nor have we ever been, paid one penny for any of the work we've done, either on Outfoxed or on this blog. Believe me, if anything we lose money - we pay for our own tapes, paper, upgrades to computers, Internet connection, etc. Everything, EVERYTHING we do is on a volunteer basis.

Posted by: Melanie at February 9, 2005 12:32 PM

Don't take those idiotic commnets by "3 dimensional persona" (and those of his ilk) too seriously. I doubt he could find his own butt in the dark with a flashlight.

In any case, I cannot stand the fact that neo-cunt Ann Coulter has so much media access. Of course the only ones who can stand having her on electronic media these days are the O'Reillys et al... Although she is so obviously demented and misguided, she does provide for some occasional comic relief for those of us who can actually think for themselves. There is nothing that she has ever said that is remotely founded in fact
(or in reality for that matter).

However, I am so ripping that a book of hers has made the times best seller list. Sad commentary on the literary tastes of so many americans.

In any case keep up the good work. I cannot stand to watch fox, but I am glad someone does so we at least we know what bullshit is coming our way.

Posted by: Guy at February 9, 2005 11:15 PM

Well, we can comment all we want on how terrible fox news is but lets look at the numbers. How many Americans were watching fox news the nights of the Presidential Debates? What is America watching? Many of you here at News Hounds hate fox news but obviously millions of Americans don't. I will admit that Fox News is more Republican based than Democratic, but who was re-elected? Who made the difference, was is just good ole George Bush, or was it Hannity, O'Reily, Smith, ect. Don't you think that millions of Americans watching Fox News in Ohio had an effect on the way they voted? Be honest with yourselves!!

Posted by: USU STUDENT at February 10, 2005 01:27 PM

Is this really fair on your part? The creators of this sight are eight members of moveon.org or whatever... All of you are either democrats or "independent" Which also means liberal...

What happened with this country? sounds like extreme BIAS on Both sides. This website may say it's trying to report the truth, but its regurgitating what fox news Reports then Writes in their opinion on it. Fox isnt a Bush propogandist, but you are a Liberal propogandist. If you can't admit it, may prove you are too blinded by your bias. I voted for Gore and Kerry. I'm not a right wing freak, but this seems to go to far. From what used to be a casual joke about how dumb our president is, to trying to brainwash people with no factual basis. Get over it. I would like to see the webhost admit this is propoganda and he/she is bias, but that would just be the most ridiculous item of the day. because it would never happen.

Posted by: josh at February 10, 2005 10:02 PM

I feel as if I have to watch FOX News.
It's like the telescreen in 1984.

I am glad you guys are analyzing the media for what it is. Now I have a resource I can send to people when they tell me "I only watch FOX News because they are the only unbiased news".

Posted by: EnemyCombatant at February 16, 2005 04:28 PM

With folks like you keeping the electorate pissed off with your left wing negative, always pissing and moaning about something, can't say anything positive blather, it's going to be another great year in '08 for an increasingly RED country.

Posted by: jimmyindixie at February 18, 2005 10:32 AM

I love sites like this because it typifies the typical death throws that any monopoly or status quo goes through when it is in the process of change. It's clear that the old mainstream media is dying. It's had a 50 year stranglehold on the flow of information and ideas. Ask any American and they'll tell you that there's been a liberal bias in the old media for years; it can't be argued. Now there are some new players on the block, talk radio, web logs, and Fox News and it's driving people like you on the left insane. And I love it! Face it, Dan Rather, et al are the 21st century buggy whip makers! People aren't sitting around the dinner table any more watching guys who make 9 million a year tell us what they think, trashing any innovative ideas such as school choice, soc security reform, etc. They also believe that alternative news outlets are not "real" journalism. Face it, these guys get paid way too much money to read a teleprompter and tell us what they think. Say what you want about Fox but I always see an opposite side and plenty of liberal guests, you can't honestly say that for any other network. In the end your entire site is representative of where the left will take us and that is to the gulags. It was the National SOCIALISM party that despised alternative ideas. Your party is no different because it all ends up at the point of a gun. The left are the true fascists, ask any conservative who tries to speak at most big colleges these days. You are free to speak as long as it fits the lefts agenda agenda. Your reign is over and I for one am glad.

Posted by: Gavin Jones at February 19, 2005 11:06 AM

I have just found this site and I want to thank you for putting it on.
I hope to add to it--there's many issues that need to be discussed.
P de la Toque

Posted by: P. De La Toque at February 21, 2005 08:11 AM

Yes, it is fascinating and these left wingers just can't seem to grasp that they're really on their way out after 30 years.

The simple truth about guys like Kennedy, Kerry and their kind is that they're elitists and compare themselves to the royal families of Europe. They feel the little people are too stupid to look out for themselves and although a few folks are bound to get whacked along the way, guys like Saddam are a far better choice (for the little people) than democracy.

Besides, they're more like them and probably speak French.

Posted by: jimmyindixie at February 22, 2005 10:32 AM

Thank for your analytical and synthetical approach to media, it's a really good start one can only find on internet.

Which begs the question, how do we reach the fox audience ?

Posted by: elpa at March 4, 2005 02:14 PM

Great work, I watch Fox myself very regularly. Of course I don't appreciate their "journalism", but it gets me fired up a plenty. It's also good to know your enemy. You should start an open message board so others can share their comments about Fox's propaganda.


I would like to see a satirical movie about Fox to expose their blatant political motivations. How can this be the most watched news channel?!?!

Posted by: Jeff Friedlander at March 4, 2005 06:55 PM

We have an open topic thread posted every Monday. It gets a little buried by Friday but if you scroll down a little from our main page, you'll find it.


Posted by: Ellen at March 4, 2005 10:09 PM

Your reign is over and I for one am glad.

Posted by: Gavin Jones at February 19, 2005 11:06 AM
Is that the reign of truth? It does seem that truth is over. At least on TV anyway if it ever was true to begin with.

Thanks for keeping tabs on these propagandists. Some day, maybe, our society will wake up and see the truth that the wars are lies, and that the politicians and corporations just want our money.

Posted by: Jeff at March 9, 2005 05:22 PM

Great work, I watch Fox myself very regularly. Of course I don't appreciate their "journalism", but it gets me fired up a plenty. It's also good to know your enemy. You should start an open message board so others can share their comments about Fox's propaganda.


I would like to see a satirical movie about Fox to expose their blatant political motivations. How can this be the most watched news channel?!?!

Posted by: Jeff Friedlander at March 4, 2005 06:55 PM

Have you not seen Outfoxed -- it is a documentary regarding the ways Fox is biased and the ploys they use to convey this. It's available at some movie stores and you can order it online.

Please join us in the threads - we have so much fun with like and un-like minded people regarding Fox.

Scarlet, PbD

Posted by: Scarlet, PbD at March 9, 2005 08:12 PM

What is the difference between your perspectives and viewpoints and those of FOX NEWS? You can tell me that you were able to set aside any preconceived ideas and personal idealogies and look, as objectively as possible, at the program content of FOX??? If you were truly able to do that (and I would need to see proof that you had) I would indeed applaud your efforts at attempting to "expose" FOX and its biases. Otherwise, you would obviously be engaging in the exact same rhetoric that you are attemtping to expose in FOX. I believe the correct expression for this scenario and for your manifesto is..."Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Posted by: Bill Ireland at March 11, 2005 11:19 AM

You're on your own. The popular usage of the word 'nihilism' today conveys 'a belief in nothing'. The word is used to imply a kind of ultra-pessimist, one who has ceased to care that only bad things will happen. In modern times, a nihilist could be described as one who does not abide by or believe in the dominant creed of the world. One who regards the 'rat race' of constant work to achieve material wealth as pointless could well be considered a nihilist. Non-belief in any religious doctrine is merely atheism, literally 'absence of theological belief'. Humanism is the belief in the need to place humanity above all false constructs of 'good living' and is thus itself a form of doctrine. True nihilism not only disregards theology or religion but also the tenets of society as a whole. Surprisingly, nihilism can sometimes be funny. By drawing attention to the seeming absurdity of what humankind holds dear, this negativity can be used to positive effect by making people laugh. Absurdism is the light-hearted form of comic nihilism - it will draw attention to the comic and foolish aspects of a belief, doctrine or phenomenon without harping on about how pointless it all is.
You Newshounds are going to review CNN in 2006, right?

Posted by: Ford Prefect at March 12, 2005 01:32 AM

I just finished watching "Outfoxed". It was recommended to me by my buddy at work. I'd seen the DVD every time I went to go rent movies and found the cover to be interesting and attracting. I was always curious and finally got around to renting it.

I CAN NOT believe what I saw. Frankly, it's amazing that what is going on over at Satan's Lair (a.k.a. Fox) isn't illegal.

As far as I'm concerned Rupert Murdoch is no different than Charles Manson. Except instead of influencing people to murder other people, he's murdering democracy, murdering freedom of speech and journalism.

I've emailed a few of my friends about "Outfoxed". This has to be passed on!

I live in Orlando, which happens pretty much to be owned by two corporations. Disney and Clear Channel. I've been listening to talk radio stations for a little while now. Ever since I turned 30 I had the urge to listen to talk radio. Weird. At least to me. I guess I finally felt the need to be in-tuned with what's going on in this country and the rest of the world (which is about time, right?!).

Anyway, I was so focused on my career and trying to get ahead that I never paid attention to what I was listening to or never got involved in anything. I was shocked to find out how news stations, be it tv or radio, have a political agenda. Like so many blind Americans I was under the impression that all these people reporting the "news" were actual journalists and that they cared about what truly happens. How wrong was I.

Clear Channel owns every major radio station in Orlando. Whether it's soft rock, talk, urban, mainstream or alternative. I was again shocked when I found that out. So basically I don't get the story from the other side. It's all one sided down here. In fact, on my morning and afternoon commute to and from work, Clear Channel has billboards with pictures of Bush and also Mel Martinez with the words "Our Leaders" on them. So they're just POUNDING this into us even if you're not listening to a radio station. I've given up on local morning shows, since there isn't anything good in Orlando. I listen to my CDs mostly and if I feel like a talk show I turn to Howard Stern.

So I've talked to others that like me want to see and hear the facts. It's taken me a while but I finally found out about MoveOn.org and FactCheck.org just to name a couple. Slowly but surely I'm finally getting the info I need to make intelligent decisions. Now I'm trying to figure out ways I can get involved.

I almost voted for Bush. I didn't want to vote for him but Fox had me believing that Kerry was a "flip-floper", "liar" and so on and so forth. After checking the facts, watching "Fahrenheit 9/11" and talking with some friends, I made my decision based on real information and voted for Kerry.

What happened at the election of 2000 sickens me.

Ok. I've ranted enough.

Again, Thank you Robert Greenwald and the "Outfoxed" crew and supporters for again opening my eyes even more to see what is really going on. I applaud your bravery and appreciate the time you all have put into this. Keep up the great work. You've gained another supporter.


Frank Juval

Posted by: Frank Juval at March 12, 2005 12:09 PM

Thank you so much. You could not have paid us any higher compliment and it means everything to us.

Posted by: Ellen at March 12, 2005 03:35 PM

Frank Juval at March 12, 2005 12:09 PM wrote:

I almost voted for Bush. I didn't want to vote for him but Fox had me believing that Kerry was a "flip-floper", "liar" and so on and so forth. After checking the facts, watching "Fahrenheit 9/11" and talking with some friends, I made my decision based on real information and voted for Kerry.

Would you do us all a great favor by revealing in detail the REAL INFORMATION and your sources which made you decide to vote for Kerry?

In what ways can we all be more informed about the real information regarding candidates?

Posted by: RCS at March 15, 2005 02:22 AM

I clicked on your website while searching for another topic. The only good thing I see about your Mission is that you are at least exposed to lots of Fox News.

Posted by: Brenda at March 16, 2005 07:19 PM

this site is great! I watched Bill O'Reilly a month or so ago for some specific reason and am still not over it!

Posted by: Margie at March 17, 2005 01:26 PM

So, since "Outfoxed" has come out have you noticed anything different about Fox News? For example, have they changed their ways and/or attacks in any way shape or form? Have they become even more sophisticated in their right wing brow beating? Just curious.

Posted by: Frank Juval at March 23, 2005 04:34 PM

It's an excellent question but it's one I don't have a quick answer for. I'd say we have had some effect in that we raised the public's awareness of how bad FNC really is and I think they are somewhat sensitive to that. On the other hand, they have gotten worse in some ways and stayed the same in others. I think some of the Democrats have become much more effective - Alan Colmes and new Fox contributor Martin Frost come to mind immediately.

You'll just have to stick around and read the blog regularly to get the full answer:}

Posted by: Ellen at March 23, 2005 11:10 PM

ugh! it's not worth it. i was deployed to a little fire base in afghanistan and all we had to watch was "fox and friends". i'd rather dodge rpg's than have to try and eat and watch fox at the same time again.

Posted by: matt at March 24, 2005 06:06 AM

While I offer kudos for this site, I can't say I envy you. If I had to watch "Faux News" for more than a few minutes, I'd shoot myself. :0)

I stopped watching Fox shortly after the 9/11 tragedy simply because I couldn't take their tabloid-style reporting anymore. And now, of course, I can't take the one-sided "news". Keep up the good work!

Posted by: Sandi at March 25, 2005 07:08 PM

I Just located your site on the internet, And I believe we both share the same interest that Journalsts of 2005 need to be taken out to the woodshed and be given a good course on truth and ethics. I was born in Atlanta 58 years ago, and lived in the Atlanta area my entire life.After graduating from Georgia State University in 1970,I worked as a Photojournalist covering a wide range of events over the next 25 years.By a stroke of luck, the college I attended was a small downtown school that was had a large auditorium that was used by the City as a site where National business,Federal elected Officials and Civil Rights Leaders could deliver speeches and also be interviewed by local and National news media. in 1964, I was a young intern at the school newspaper, and was pushed out of the office to interview Barry Goldwater on his campaign for president.I was directed to a media room where Mr.Goldwater was seated with a few staff members. Mr. Goldwater seemed pleased that a young person was interested, due to a "Youth for Goldwater" group that was very active in the South- He wanted to know how i felt about his views, and I told him that respected his publice service and military service and I shared the similar values had- I also told him that this was the first interview I had done in my short career, and he roared out laughing, and said : just report the truth, and you will be a great success. And that single event propelled me into a career that was quite rewarding.

My Purpose of this comment is the recent event in Atlanta where a judge in his own courtroom was assinated in cold blood, and three other members of our law enforcement were killed by a man being held at the Fulton County Jail. Before the bodies of these fine citizens of Atlanta grew cold, the local and national media had run articles and features that this was just another example of racist Southern Justice abusing a intelligent Black Business to where was driven insane, and forced to kill to survive.Within 24 hours,a group of Attorneys arrived in Atlanta claiming to represent Nichols, Despite the fact that Mr.Nichols Had no idea whose these people were,and they freely admitted they had never or talked with Nichols.People magazine pulled their planned new issue cover, and inserted a story which Portrayed Nichols as a kind and gentle man.
In conclusion, I am retired and have heart and blood pressure problems- I have made these comments in hope someone will report the truth- over the period of my career,I found that some of my work exposed some sacred cows and corruption and I becamre a target for verbal abuse by splinter groups that published both black and white hate propoganda. Also, Judge Barnes and I grew up in the same city- I knew him as a young attorney, local court Judge, and superior court judge in Fulton Co. Mr. Nichols is Mentally ill-please lookup maligant or Psychotic disorder on the internet- it will explain quite a lot- also, to see the disgusting articles in the national black press , access www.amsterdamnews.com/article-WHAT PUSHED BRIAN NICHOLS OVER THE EDGE? Mr.Nichols has a criminal record dating back from college, and the time he lived in citrus county Florida around 1997, the Florida State Public records website list Mr. Nichols in a number of documents for non payment of child support and a wide range of other items. I will be glad to supply other details to any journalist or writer who will expose him for the vicious psychopath he is. Call or write- Al Mullins, 256 hwy 279, Fayetteville, Ga. 30214 Phone 770 461-6024 thanks- keep the truth alive

Posted by: Al Mullins at March 26, 2005 11:40 PM

I read your manifesto. How are you different than other Bush bashers and Fox News haters? Anyone who gives credit to Al Gore for the internet or moveon.org as a great meeting place is as unbiased as you say Fox News is. moveon.org needs to follow it's own advice and move on. Bush won, twice, so get over it. Also, how does a group call itself credible when they don't question Dan Rather and his handling of the Bush guard story. Rather was wrong and over zealous.
Is the right sometimes over zealous? Sure, as is the left. The U.S. is moving to the red and not the blue. Those of you on the far left, the extreme left, need to wake up.
See you in '06 & '08.

Posted by: phil at March 28, 2005 10:34 AM

I thought outfoxed was a great film which showed those arseholes for what they really are,I watch fox now and again here in Wales just to see what bullshit they are spouting,I dont know how anyone could take this channel seriously,but there you are there are many different types of people in this world which is a good thing most of the time.
Anyway i think this is an excellent website run by very articulate and caring individuals and i hope you all the best in educating a lot of people against these FRAUDSTERS keep up the good work.

Posted by: darren at March 28, 2005 02:21 PM

If I may, I would like to respond to the poster who wrote, "Anyone who gives credit to Al Gore for the internet...".

Here is what people who are truly knowledgeable about the creation of the internet have to say:

According to Vincent Cerf, a senior vice president with MCI Worldcom who's been called the Father of the Internet, "The Internet would not be where it is in the United States without the strong support given to it and related research areas by the Vice President in his current role and in his earlier role as Senator."

The inventor of the Mosaic Browser, Marc Andreesen, credits Gore with making his work possible. He received a federal grant through Gore's High Performance Computing Act. The University of Pennsylvania's Dave Ferber says that without Gore the Internet "would not be where it is today."

Joseph E. Traub, a computer science professor at Columbia University, claims that Gore "was perhaps the first political leader to grasp the importance of networking the country. Could we perhaps see an end to cheap shots from politicians and pundits about inventing the Internet?"

Thank you.

Posted by: Sandi at March 28, 2005 04:21 PM

The News Hounds Manifesto seems to have formed a little late; like 40 years to late. Distortions in the main stream media has been going on for most of my life. It appears to have so biased your understanding of truth than once you see it you are confused. Nonetheless I welcome your point of view. After all, the more voices the better.

Posted by: claw at March 29, 2005 07:15 AM

There is probably nothing more hilarious than a group - any group - claiming media bias on one side or the other. FOX is biased? There's a bulletin. CBS, ABC and NBC aren't? If that turns out to be true, someone has a heck of a scoop!

Something tells me that the News Hounds are probably a little less interested in the "news'' than their name and cute beagle logo suggest.

Peace. Sort of.

Posted by: Rod at March 30, 2005 10:11 PM

After reading your thankfullness and feeling so privalaged for you association with moveon.org and center for american progrees. It appears to me that your just another pawn for the liberal democratic machine. Who by the way if you havent noticed is losing elections with great regularity anymore. Maybe the people of this country are smarter then you and moveon.org and AlGore and John Kerry combined. Maybe the people of America see the real frauds that you all are. You can say what you please but lets face it the American people are not electing liberal politicians and they don't appear to be listening to your non sense. You can take all the polls that you want but America is leaning more to the conservative side.
You guys are on the political equivalent of the Titantic. Difference is real people got off the boat, but the rats have stayed continuing to tell one another that everything is ok. It appears the you are going under and you dont even know it.

Posted by: Rich at April 3, 2005 11:59 PM

I have, fortunately or unfortunately, read a journalism textbook and been witness to a lot of discussions of journalistic ethics over many years. What a lot of the posters to this discussion don't seem to realize is that no, newspapers and radio and television stations in this country have not gone to the extremes of bias that we now see, precisely because there was a system of ethical and "balance" constraints that kept them from tilting too far to the right or left. FOX's pretense of balance is a joke; noone that is fair or balanced would feel the need to say Shut Up! as much as this network does.

Posted by: Brian Meyers at April 4, 2005 12:43 AM

How sad things have become lately. I don't like this THEM A'GIN US mentality. I might not like what someone says, but in the America I love, I get to decide.

Do I like Fox? No. But I think that it is important for people to listen to what is said and make uptheir own minds.

Posted by: Kitten at April 8, 2005 03:50 AM

Just seeing whom you identify with tells much about your ultra-liberal bias. You are not trying to be "fair and balanced" because you only talk about Fox News, not the other news agencies that only talk about what is "bad" in Iraq. You don't mention that the terrorist cut off innocent civilian workers heads, you don't talk about the fact that ABC, CBS, or NBC won't show aor inform their viewers the good things going on in iraq. You don't mention the Times group not talking about the Iraqi's who are genuinely happy to have our troops their so they could hold their first free elections in more than 35 years. Where is your balance?

Posted by: Jim Thompson at April 15, 2005 10:27 PM

Thanks for relieving us of the burden of watching various news broadcasts and making up our own minds about their veracity and accuracy. We unwashed masses are far too stupid to see things for ourselves and need it filtered through somebody else's point of view, biases and life experiences.

Posted by: Beth at April 19, 2005 06:17 PM

Hey Jim Thompson, those workers were sent to Iraq by our govt. Why exactly did we go over there?
Saddam violating weapons sanctions?
Yellow cake uranium?
Democratic elections? haha

Come on man, we have no evidence of any of those things. As for democratic elections, I can see of a few better ways to spend $300 billion, can't you?

Posted by: carl at April 24, 2005 02:18 AM

Its very simple actually, the right wingers believe in this vast conspiracy in the media, because it doesn't goosestep with Bush Administration policies. If its not "their" way, well you know the rest. Tunnel vision - a right wing virtue and invention. I find it hysterical that they believe that ABC (20/20 has gone downhill, no real criticism of the Bush Oil Reich other than Koppel's occasional showing), NBC (Brian "right wing" Williams replaced repub apologist Brokaw), MSNBC (Scarborough, enough said), CNN (they actually employed Tucker Carlson & Novak - whatever, yeah they're real "leftist" especially with their new bosses), CBS (Schieffer good Rove buddy, 60 minutes occasionally does their job), and most newspapers are headed by editors that are registered republicans. Yeah, that media bias is so apparent. I guess that's why we are bombarded with great distractions like Schiavo, Michael Jackson, Bush's Social Security Crusade - instead of the reality of the Iraq War, the real reasons for Oil price increases, and the state of our economy (including our dollar's devaluation). There's actually many more problems facing this country, but good ol' Fox News only paints the shiny pictures & leaves the bad news off the table (basically like a Bush Administration cabinet meeting). Hey if they like to get their "values" from Limbaugh (Drug Addict, sorry "former" & Serial Adulterer), O'Reilly (lied about his upbringing - then what won't he lie about, also a sexual harasser), Hannity (Gannon/Guckert Pimp & very probable "secret" lover of "Kill all non-christians" Ann "almost-pied" Coulter who has slept with half of Washington) than there is no help for them. Hopefully they'll all eventually forget to switch it to safety when they clean their "2nd amendment" toys.

Oh....almost forgot, newshounds keep up the good work, because FoxNews will keep shoveling.

Posted by: I know what is wrong with right wingers... at April 25, 2005 09:15 AM

Whoo Hoo It is 2005 and We the Red States are still in power! Isn't that enough to churn Mr. "I know what is wrong with right wingers" blah blah blah. can you belive his erudite, stream of subconciuosness babble? Read on of enlightened ones and serach for SANDI who will explain it all about how ALGORE DID invent the internet...WOW. But seriously I am pleased to read that News Hound Eleanor has left the fold. God works in mysterious ways! Hallelujah (even U2 loving liberals gotta like that song..she move in mysterious ways...) Keep on bloggin' hounds - I believe in the wisdom of fellow bloggers like "Kitten at April 8, 2005 03:50 AM" and "claw at March 29, 2005 07:15 AM" ~~~~Cogito Ergo Blog~~~~

Posted by: Darwins Monkey at April 26, 2005 03:49 AM

Boy...back to your cage. How long did it take you to look up and use "erudite"...that's a gold star for you! I don't blame you for being upset at the fact that your talking points & marching orders come from such excellent ambassadors of "moral values" and true hypocrisy, I would be upset too. Now, like the good wind up toy you are...repeat after me - liberals = bad, conservatives = good. You might however want to look up how to spell subconscious (psst - the o comes before the u). That's ok, its better to learn the great theory of creation than how to spell... Don't worry, enough people smell the Repub corruption and will remember that in 06 & 08, and even if the media refuses to do its job, they'll still be able to look at their wallet/savings/retirement and realize what the right wing is cooking (the books).

Newshounds - keep up the good work, if you need reassurance, just look to the brilliant message above from the omnipotent one...err...impotent one.

Posted by: Darwins Monkey Trainer at April 26, 2005 07:43 PM

I happened on your website doing a Google search for “Eric Idle”. He was interviewed by Lisa Bernhard of FOX News, ergo the referral to your site. What a riot! Apparently you guys are still lamenting what began as the Gingrich Revolution, then culminated in two consecutive wins for George W. Bush and the Republicans, as they attained, then increased their majorities in both houses of Congress. It was during that same period that I left the party of the Democrats. They no longer speak for me, share my values or represent what is good and great about America. While I don’t agree with all Republican policies, I see in them an integrity that arises out of their love of country, not love of their party. The obstructionism and vitriolic rhetoric that spews forth from the mouths of those who now lead my former party, has at its root the deep hatred of one man, our President. I can only wonder what kind of heart allows a collective group of people (Democrats) to hate so vehemently! Nothing on earth could make me, or apparently millions of others, continue supporting an agenda that has as its prime motivation, hatred of their opposition.

As I perused your website and read your manifesto, which was little more than a childish rant against a news organization with whose “conservative” worldview you disagree, I was struck by your blatant hypocrisy! You rail against Fox because of your “concern and outrage over the failure of American media, and Fox News in particular, to relate the news properly”. (Translation - “concern and outrage over the failure of American media, and Fox News in particular, to relate the news the way we want it related.”) Yet the objectivity that you lament is missing from Fox’s newscasts, is so much more absent from your own website.

Oh! I forgot. Rules are for everyone else!

Posted by: WESLEY J. SMITH at May 1, 2005 08:44 PM

We are British and thank God every day for the BBC world news.

Holly and Shirley

Posted by: Holly and Shirley Yanez at May 3, 2005 04:59 PM

"Fox" "News"? You mean Fox is supposed to be a news station? What "news" is there to analyze? All I've seen is rants and disconnected series of pictures.

Posted by: Karlo at May 5, 2005 05:20 PM

Interesting... I cannot see the logic in taking so much time to present your analysis of the content of FOX News. Your point of view is solidly planted in the extreme Left, which is verifiably anti - First and Second Amendment, and supports and promotes homosexual marriage, late - term partial - birth abortion, early release for convicted pedophiles, removal of all historical references to the Christian roots of The USA... All of these things, John F. Kennedy would not support if he had survived.

Your analysis, exemplified by the rant of Marie Therese, where she vilifies the US Marines, and an individual Marine who did his job in combat, is shamefully anti - American.

You claim to be volunteers, but really, how much trickles down from Mr. Soros?

Posted by: Bob at May 6, 2005 09:53 AM

Bob wrote:
You claim to be volunteers, but really, how much trickles down from Mr. Soros?
In a word, none. The rest of your assumptions about us are ridiculous and un-founded, too.

Posted by: Ellen at May 7, 2005 01:41 AM

Sounds like "Bob" is firmly planted in the in the ultra-extreme-right which is virulently anti- first amendment. The only free speech he supports is anything which panders to his anti-liberal attitudes.

Thank you News Hounds for providing balance to the mendacity and pernicious distortions perpetrated by Fox (Faux) News! You embody the spirit as well as the wording of the first amendment!

Posted by: W. Tarry at May 10, 2005 02:48 PM

I've been here about 1 month. Since then, you could say I've become 'enlightened'. Newshounds has become a daily site visit for me because I find the discourse in modern American politics and society intriguing. I don't really care too much about Fox, or any other media channel for that matter. I know that because I rarely watch television news, I spend most of my time listening to NPR or reading newspapers; FT, WSJ, etc,. But I do find Fox very very interesting.

See, I was born in Germany, spent my youth in Italy & Spain, and was engaged to marry/live in Chile. All not so perfect countries in terms of their human rights history for people. One thing we Europeans have is a long memory. We know Fascism, Right Wing Xenophobia, Bolshevism, Nazis, Dictators, Nationalism, & let us not forget War.

To illustrate, there was a relatively interesting experiment:
"They say that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will leap out right away to escape the danger.

But, if you put a frog in a kettle that is filled with water that is cool and pleasant, and then you gradually heat the kettle until it starts boiling, the frog will not become aware of the threat until it is too late. The frog's survival instincts are geared towards detecting sudden changes.

This is a story that is used to illustrate how people might get themselves into terrible trouble.

This parable is often used to illustrate how humans have to be careful to watch slowly changing trends in the environment, not just the sudden changes. Its a warning to keep us paying attention not just to obvious threats but to more slowly developing ones."

And this friends is why I find not necessarily Fox interesting, but more so the blog, because see... some frogs never notice the lid being put on the pot.

Posted by: Kid Hobo at May 10, 2005 04:53 PM

Just came upon your site and made the connection to OutFoxed - which I purchased and shared with my friends last fall. You people are Saints ! I thought I had an unbearable 5 minutes when I was FORCED to watch Fox News while pumping my gas in Reno last summer. It was 3 feet away and I could not escape until my tank was full. Never again will I stop at THAT Chevron gas station.

You people must feel so dirty after a Fox watching shift. I am sure a place is reserved for you all in heaven.

Posted by: mike leeds at May 10, 2005 06:35 PM

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was beginning to feel that my support of the Republican Party was misplaced until I read some of your comments. It never ceases to amaze me that liberals seem to feel that they have the corner on truth and honesty, especially in the media. And your fairness in treating anyone that disagrees with your point of view is beyond reproach! Y'all give new meaning to the words bombast and hyperbole. Keep up the good work--I always get a kick out of reading blogs from those who are always trying to protect me from myself. Oh, which of you determines whether my comments are relevant?

Posted by: Tom McNamara at May 28, 2005 03:56 AM

Aghhhhhhhh. Now I know why you hate Foxnews. IT is becuasw you are in cohoots with Moveon.org. Hmmmm. So you are mad that the folks are not brainwashed by your liberal nonsense so you have to keep people from figuring it out for themselves. This prooves that you are nothing more than a gang of angry, bleedheart liberals who cannot stand competition.

Posted by: Charles Butler at May 28, 2005 03:54 PM

I was checking out how this all got started, and I saw the question from "Bob". To me, I don't care if you are being paid by Soros, and why should that matter. Soros is brought up as if he makes his living selling crack cocaine and anyone who works with him is an accessory to sodomizing baby seals or something.
You guys deserve pay for what you do. The truth is, what really matters is that you get it right, do your homework, and get to the heart of things. Whether you do it for free, or for six figures - that's what it's all about at the end of the day.

Posted by: Pastor Bill at May 28, 2005 11:06 PM

Pastor Bill,
Thanks so much for your kind comments. They mean the world to me ...and us.

Posted by: Ellen at May 29, 2005 04:58 PM

i can't thank you folx enough for doing the dirty work of watching fox news. i agonized watching it during the presidential election season, and only found out about newshounds long after november. i don't know how you people can stomach putting so much fox into your brains. it takes a lot of guts to sit throuugh hours and hours watching such repulsive behavior. God bless you, one and all, for keeping us informed on what the anti-American forces are up to. the Force is with you.

Posted by: leQ at May 30, 2005 01:50 PM

wow...from the bottom of my heart ,thankyou..thankgod websites like this exsist and bring hope to all those who dare to to say "HEY.this is not right!"
i am from australia..and we are becoming more right winged everyday,under our prime minister Mr John Howard...we have the majority of his party in the lower and upper houses and he is passing things thru in parliment that would of been stopped in the past...
It is so sad to see..Mr Howard is in full support for president bush and for a while and still every now and then we get hammered by images of Mr Howard "kissing" up to Mr Bush,along side bush propaganda..esp on channel nine..when Bush went into iraq ,you could get nothing else on t,v here but the coverage of the invasion...
I am an entertainer and meet alot of different types of people...not one person thought it fair ..Bush went in to Iraq...comments like "well ,its where all the oil is .isent it..."seemed a popular response..
what a crying shame that behind all these"great" wars ,seem a "great" deal of money and many innocent people on all sides die and suffer! i have seen "outfoxed"wow i couldnt sleep well for a week ...
However, i would rather know the truth !so thankyou .you wonderful crazy passionate AMERICAN people.you aint all mad bad and dangerous to know !! haha. love an australian girl who also cares!

Posted by: lemonade lamarr at June 6, 2005 02:11 PM

Glad to see "unbiased" individuals who met through an "unbiased" organization like MoveOn.Org can give such an "unbiased" portrayal of somebody else's bias. I suppose ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC are so unbiased they don't deserve your scrutiny, or can bias only go in one direction as far as your group is concerned. Every network has an agenda, face it, this is just the one our of five that doesn't agree with you. And MoveOn.Org talks about the appalling lack of a two party system.

Posted by: Brenda at June 14, 2005 02:49 PM

This site is truly ingenious and invaluable. Bravo to you all! I imagine you folks must have to take a lot of showers after spending so much time listening to the utter sewage that spews from Faux "News". You all get a free ride to Heaven for your diligence and hard work. As we use to say in the Navy, "A Job Well Done."

Dr. Matt

Posted by: Dr. Matt at June 15, 2005 03:16 PM

"organization like MoveOn.Org can give such an "unbiased" portrayal of somebody else's bias. I suppose ABC, CBS, NBC and MSNBC are so unbiased they don't deserve your scrutiny"


Comments like these pretty much corroborate the right-wing fundie agenda by Faux "News". i.e., Everyone else is "biased", while Faux is "completely centered". Ever notice that the only people that support and tirelessly defend Faux are bushbot cheerleaders, right-wingnuts, and neocon warmongers? It's obvious to everyone except the aforementioned 'lobotomites'.

Dr. Matt

Posted by: Dr. Matt at June 15, 2005 03:23 PM

I don’t believe it, I put up with your stupid DVD crying about Fox having a view and the fact Fox can see outside the left wing box. But I find you can’t stop watching fox news and have to continue giving us a run through on a website! Do you people not have lives of your own? Do you see Republicans making films about how left wing other networks are? No you don’t, get over this whole Al Gore / John Kerry nonsense. I think Fox is a brave network, yeah I like fox, but I am openly nit picking at anchors on a daily basis, why? Because I can see the big picture!

The film (Outfoxed) was just down right stupidity; you made a complete spectacle of yourselves so well done on that score, give yourselves a pat on the back.

There’s so much hate in the world its a shame to see a select few beating a dead horse here when they could be doing something constructive with there life’s which could help others.

Posted by: Nick Pledge at June 16, 2005 05:38 PM

This is the way I see it:

You got your left wing channels like ABC and CBS
You got your centrist channels like NBC and CNN
You got your right wing channels like Fox

Now if your a liberal then Fox looks really biased and ABC and CBS are fine.

If your a conservative then ABC and CBS look really biased and ABC and CBS and fine

I know this is a generalization but it fits the general scheme of the channel.

Finally everyone is biased...you put your own mental spin on a subject no matter what.

Posted by: Chester at June 17, 2005 12:15 AM

"...Fox is a brave..."

There's nothing "brave" about spewing a one-sided biased agenda-driven view. Actually, it's quite cowardly if anything.

Posted by: Dr. Matt at June 17, 2005 12:49 AM

Yeah ok whatever you say matt... huhhh

Posted by: Nick Pledge at June 17, 2005 05:57 PM

Typical retort of a bushbot nazicon. Thanks for being predictable. Perhaps you can copy and paste some diatribe for your next retort from Vannity, Dildo OReilly, Mann Coulter, et al.

Posted by: Dr. Matt at June 17, 2005 07:29 PM

From a conservative active duty military person:

Fox news must be doing something right to create such a vociferous clamor from such an "unbiased" group as yourselves. I suspect you are only concerned that another veiwpoint is finally getting airtime. I like the way liberals believe in freedom of speech only as long as it is a liberal viewpoint.

Posted by: Jim Singleton at June 24, 2005 07:58 PM

It's interesting that you say you care so much about the media and attack FNC for not being "fair and balanced." You guys ever investigate the NY Times - especially the NY Times or LA Times or Hollywood films or TV shows, or PBS or...well you get the point, right? I'm all about fair media, but if that's your crusade, attack all of it, not just the "republican" ones you hypocrites.

Posted by: Drewbacca at June 26, 2005 04:08 PM

Thank you all for a great site! Now my "Fox network viewing position" (sorry, Al Bundy) is reading and an occaisional contribution to this site instead of leaning over the old toilet bowl.

Posted by: ufoshadow at June 30, 2005 01:58 PM

Well, I think it is a good thing for people of similar bent to get together for a little "group therapy" on a regular basis.

They can out their demons, whether they be internal dragons or external Karl Roves and Fox news. Even the great Devil himself, George W Bush may be pilloried at will.

It makes for entertaining reading.

I would offer only one suggestion to aid those of us who are short of time, and that is to put the most recent comments at the top of the column rather than at the bottom.

Respectfully yours,

jodie, probably in real life one of your worse nightmares.


Posted by: jodie at July 8, 2005 04:39 AM


Posted by: Charles Butler at July 8, 2005 05:44 PM

I don't know if the "deleted" just below my comment concerned me, but if it did, I don't need protection from grossness.


Posted by: jodi (preferred spelling) at July 9, 2005 03:28 AM

For those of you who think that Fox News is fair, for those of who say that the people on this site aren't being fair, I would urge you to watch BBC or, better still, listen to BBC on the Internet. Well I would urge you if I didn't already think that your minds had been corrupted by Fox. The only reason why Fox hates the BBC is because Rupert Murdoch hates the BBC.
I am so glad I live in the UK because apart from the BBC we have CNN International which is vastly different from CNN USA. The other thing we have in this country is that news broadcasts are required by law to be impartial and there is a government body at www.ofcom.org.uk which regulates impartiality on news, among other things.
The fact that we have such news orgs here tells me that Europeans have a much wider viewpoint than those Americans who would watch Fox News for any other reason than to laugh at them.
Ay first I got so indignant at their bias and their hypocrisy but now I juts laugh at them
BTW, I've just complained to OfCom about the thing John Gibson about him wishing France winning the Olympics so a terrorist attack happens there.

Posted by: Mo Rizwan at July 9, 2005 07:31 AM

Will Outfoxed be shown on TV(LinkTV, Sundance Channel, etc.) sometime in the near future?(fingers crossed)...

Posted by: justmepatrick at July 13, 2005 09:51 AM

Are you "eight middle-aged citizens" claiming that Fox News is narrow minded? All the networks-not just Fox News-are businesses catering to certain segments of the economy. If they were not businesses they wouldn't have the resources to bring multiple, different points of view. Would you rather have a state owned news source run by President Bush? In other words, go find a better hobby, you narrow minded couch potatoes!If you will quit watching Fox News, people will quit marketing through them. Pretty simple huh.

Posted by: Peter Ure at July 15, 2005 05:17 PM

Thankyou for doing something nobel.People are just beginning to realize how toxic this drug but they are addicted to t.v.

Posted by: Smithline at July 15, 2005 11:41 PM

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. The people I know who take Fox News seriously are the angriest people I know. I mean they get mad if you have a different opinion than they do. No discussion. That station and others of its ilk have hurt this country beyond measure. Keep up the good work.

Posted by: think about that at July 17, 2005 01:07 AM

Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you. The people I know who take Fox News seriously are the angriest people I know. I mean they get mad if you have a different opinion than they do. No discussion. That station and others of its ilk have hurt this country beyond measure. Keep up the good work.

That must be the most stupidest comment I have ever seen in my life! Well done for that!!

Do you see right wing folks who watch Fox news make a website about the left wing liberal news reporting? Like moveon or this, newshound blog? ...no go on think about that for a sec.... Why don’t you see us making one?? Must be because we are open to YOU GUYS having an opinion! Do the same huh! Geez

Posted by: Nick Pledge at July 17, 2005 04:29 PM

Thank God/Allah/ and other cosmic dieties for you. How you can put up with a diet of Slanthead Hannity (as Ed Schultz calls him) and the other lie-purveyors on Fox "News" is beyond me....but i'm glad you're doing it. Groups like yours give me hope that we can turn things around in the 2006 elections. If not, the only solution will be for we "liberals" (damn I love that word) to take the country back by force. Where and how can I send you a donation?

Posted by: Craig at July 17, 2005 07:10 PM

There's a link near the top of the page for anyone who wants to make a donation. Just as importantly, we hope you'll remain a part of our community. I believe blogging can make a difference.

Thanks for your support!

Posted by: Ellen at July 17, 2005 07:32 PM

Nick Pledge, It's big of you to be so open as to allow Liberals a place to express an opinion. And frankly, we Liberals don't care if you have a blog to post your opinions. That's your right. Great job News Hounds!

Posted by: think about that at July 17, 2005 11:22 PM

Yeah but why must you bad mouth every single thing that comes from Fox? We don’t bash your left wing media punters do we? Are we up tight about there reporting? Yeah sure we are, we don’t go to this extreme of making a DVD and website just because we didn’t get our way! Still, if it gives you all something to moan about then I guess everything’s grand.

Posted by: Nick Pledge at July 18, 2005 01:44 PM

"We don’t bash your left wing media punters do we?"

Are you serious? What world are you living in? Listen to Hannity and Rush Rant about the so called Liberal media.

"we don’t go to this extreme of making a DVD and website just because we didn’t get our way!"

Believe it or not, it's not extreme to make a DVD. People do it all the time. You may not agree with the content and that's okay. And as far as making a website to discuss and point out what we believe is propaganda and distorted news; that is not extreme. Again, there is obviously a substantial interest on the topic of Fox News. I like hearing different points of view as well as expressing my views and rants. But no one here is saying that you can't start your own website to discuss your views. It's clear what we're discussing here; Fox News and our perception of their reporting and editorials. What's wrong with that? This is only one of many sites I like visiting.

"Still, if it gives you all something to moan about then I guess everything’s grand."

Isn't that what you're doing?

Posted by: think about that at July 19, 2005 01:52 AM

Thanks for the site and the effort. It provides me with a nice break every day to absorb some well needed humor.

I'm sure that in the eight million comments above mine this has been mentioned already, but I feel it is necessary to mention it again: Don't you all get it? It's not about the news. It's about the bottom line. Fox News is number one because it does the one thing that other networks refuse to do: report what people *want* to hear. I watch Fox News exclusively because they don't badmouth everybody on the right. And, based on the ratings, it seems that most cable news viewers agree with me and not with you, hence Fox proudly struts around wearing the number one label week after week, month after month, year after year.

Ratings equal dollars. If you are in it for the money (read as "capitalism"), and what good business is not, then would you change something that is bringing in the dough? No. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Report it so the people like what they hear. Propaganda? Maybe. Effective? Absolutly.

Is Newshounds a waste of time? I don't think so. It gives those that differ in the viewpoints of most Americans a forum to vent. First Ammendment at its best. I salute you for your site. I pity you for your views. But I will never argue the fact that you are entitled to them.

So return to CNN, a network that I could not watch for five minutes because it resembles its creator so much (to paraphrase Robin Williams: Jane Fonda left Ted Turner because she had found God and he found out it was not him...). CNN should make you feel good because it gives you the same thing that Fox News give us: something we want to hear! I think that we could all agree that someone should come up with a news outlet that reports the news objectively, without ANY editioral opinion, slant, bias, etc. Good idea? Nah, it'll never work!

Posted by: Aka DePlume at July 20, 2005 02:20 PM

Aka DePlume

I fail to understand something; You watch Fox because they report news you want to hear. Don't you think that gives you an incredibly narrow viewpoint from which to make your opinions?

Posted by: Mo Rizwan at July 22, 2005 10:04 AM

Bernard Goldberg just got "Deutsch marked", but I am having some trouble finding all the blogs on "What's the big idea"...ohhh. forgot. nobody really watches the show. Once again you have been "outfoxed" and continue your bumbling, idiotic rhetoric. Your whole concept is BS! Please continue to apply liberally!

Posted by: Stuart at July 23, 2005 12:53 AM

A sincere thank you to the creators and contributors to this site for providing a forum whereby independent thought can flourish in the face of growing fascism.

Posted by: Wasichu at July 23, 2005 01:58 PM

During the G8 Summit in Gleneagles John Gibson said that he didn't understand what the obseesion with Africa is. He also said that saying something like that is heresy.
I was glad that he said something like that because it confirmed something I knew all along: AMERICANS THINK THERE IS NO WORLD OUTSIDE THEIRS.
I find it unbelieveable that 9/11 had clouded their judgement to such an extent that they don't care what happens in the rest of the world.
Would John Gibson tell an 8 year old Rwandan girl that what America suffered was worse than being raped by 5 men who deliberately infected her with HIV and Aids? Is it worse than watching all the males, your father, your brothers, your uncles, your grandparents, being shot to death in front of you and your mother, and sisters, while you watch helpless? That is exactly what he would tell them.
Fox News panders to this viewpoint by not reporting non-American news. Did Fox News report on the rememberance of the worst genocide attack in Europe since World War 2: Srebrenica?
Non-American news doesn't matter to Fox and to all Americans. That is the main reason I watch the BBC and CNN International. They know the importance of local knowledge and news. CNN hosts an interview with the Nobel Peace Laureate every year. The BBC has had an Africa Lives season.
America's indifference and lack of empathy is astounding but not surprising fom a people who thingk they the world looks up to them because of their "democracy". When will America realise that the world is scared of America???

Posted by: Mo Rizwan at July 24, 2005 09:18 AM

Bill I also lost a son.If he would have died in Irak at least it would have been for a good cause.Instead he was killed on the streats and threw into Lake Erie for no reason.

Posted by: bea Calaway at August 13, 2005 07:50 AM

This site is a valuable asset in the war for truth. I will send a donation and would encourage others to do so too.

I have videotaped FOX NEWS programs in the past and then compared the tape with the redacted transcripts. It is my experience that embarrassing details and pesky facts are 'cleansed' with regularity.

This site has been a godsend. I get to avoid watching FOX as often as I used to and I am mentally healthier for it. I am able to follow the propaganda without going totally nuts. I don't know how you "guys" do it.

Take a mental health day every once in a while and Sanitize the vile attempts at Hannitization.


Posted by: dante22 at August 16, 2005 02:12 AM

Thanks so much for the nice comments. I'm going to make sure the other News Hounds see them.

Posted by: Ellen at August 16, 2005 03:58 AM

oh great, another democratic liberal site. just what the world needs.

Posted by: jim at August 18, 2005 11:21 AM

What I find strange is the fact that Republicans, especially, but also Democrats, despite living in a democracy (so-called), believe that there is only room for one set of beliefs in America. And Fox News is at the helm of this very dangerous ship. Why do you suppose that is?

Posted by: Mo Rizwan at August 19, 2005 10:50 AM

oh great, another democratic liberal site. just what the world needs.

Let MovOn waste money any way they wish. They are convincing the moderates that they are a bunch of kooks.

Posted by: Calvin at August 21, 2005 05:43 PM

For the millionth time,
We have never received any money from MoveOn nor George Soros.

Deal with it.

Posted by: Ellen at August 21, 2005 05:50 PM

so quick to knock fox news... and yet there are still flaws with MSNBC, NBC, and CNN ... pathetic

Posted by: BULL CRAP at August 21, 2005 08:29 PM


Posted by: CLINE at August 22, 2005 09:35 PM

What a great site this is. About time Americans got some reality added to their Fox (among many) Fastasy News Casters!!!!!! Oh, and about being Liberal, I Love It (I'm Canadian) so life is good!

Posted by: Viviana at August 25, 2005 12:39 AM

Oh and one more thing, can Ann Coulter get her facts straight, Canadians DID NOT PARTICPATE IN VIETNAM, where did she learn her history, from Fox news I bet! She's an ignorant Cow.

Posted by: Viviana at August 25, 2005 12:52 AM

>>For the millionth time,
We have never received any money from MoveOn nor George Soros.

Deal with it.

Posted by: Ellen at August 21, 2005 05:50 PM<<

Ouch! Sounds just a touch defensive Ellen. Consider the following conversation recently heard off air @ Air America:
"Yes Mr Al Frankin, we did take money from the Boys and Girls Club to pay for you salary....."

Deal with that!

In Response to: "Truth is determined in the marketplace of ideas." posted by "duh" above...

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts." even cute lil' news puppies gotta love that quote from ol' Lib Daniel Moynihan.

Posted by: Publius at August 26, 2005 03:16 AM

Posted by: Viviana recently:
What a great site this is. About time Americans got some reality added to their Fox (among many) Fastasy News Casters!!!!!! Oh, and about being Liberal, I Love It (I'm Canadian) so life is good!

NOW lets put that through Mr Peabodys Wayback machine ----->http://www.wavsource.com/snds_2005-08-25_132346078669064/tv/bullwinkle/peabody_here.wav


hmmm, sherman looks like War profiteering, diplomatic missions and post war business were a part of the canadian vietnam 'experience' too.
No wonder they call it the 51st state....

Posted by: Mr Peabody at August 26, 2005 03:34 AM


Posted by: MICHAEL at August 26, 2005 10:21 AM

Being a bit of a neophyte to the blogosphere, I must say it warms the cockles of my heart that sites such as yours flourish despite the ceaseless main-stream media drum-beat to the right. I too am a middle-aged, middle-American righteously appalled at what passes for reporting these days - and yes, Fox News is the most egregious.

I have come to the conclusion that a small plastic soap dish has an IQ is higher than that of any FOX News annalist. As for their anchors (HA!) - The currency of gossip laced with liberal helpings if innuendo seems to be their only constant. They rarely stop short of libel - and anyone trapped in the crosshairs of a Hannity or O'Reilly has about as much chance as some poor rabbit caught under the tires of their cars.

Should you need additional insights from another of your ilk - this one stranded out here in the confederacy - give me a holler! My pen (metaphorically speaking) is capable of countering vast seas of venom; and I have a skin thicker than rhinoceros hide - a must when encountering faux deus ex machina. That, and I have never been afraid of heavy lifting! Cyrano and I await your call!

The Fat Lady Sings

Posted by: The Fat Lady Sings at August 26, 2005 12:59 PM

Hello: Recently, I joined the roundtable discussion on this site regarding the Iraqi sitution. I mentioned the military service of my four brothers in WWII, Korea and Vietnam and the current military service of my nephew who is on active duty in Iraq. Responses included four letter words, disregard and disdain for my brothers service, called "high and mighty" because I mentioned my nephew's service etc. Now that I have been hung, strung and quartered, here are a few observations.
1. So you think Fox News is one sided and pro-Bush and pro-war? You are the exact opposite on all counts.
2. So you think O'Reilly is rude, talks over his guests and insults those who disagree with him?
You treat participants on this site the same way.
3. So you think my mention of my brothers' and my nephew's military service is troubling. WELL, IF THEIR SERVICE IS TROUBLING TO YOU, HOW IN GOD'S NAME CAN I BELIEVE THAT YOU CARE ABOUT THE TROOPS CURRENTLY SERVING AROUND THE WORLD.
Oh, my goodness, I mentioned God, does that bother you too?
And no, I am not a Republican but a life long Harry Truman Democrat. There were anti-war demonstrations during that war too. If my brothers and others did not volunteer to serve, Europe would have been united......under Hitler!
There have anti war activists since the Revolutionary War. Remember how the loyalists were rewarded with land grants in Canada? What are you striving for....a land grant in Iraq or Iran? Just sign me Great Grandmother Marie from Boston.

Posted by: Marie from Boston at August 28, 2005 11:00 AM

>Oh, my goodness, I mentioned God, does that bother you too?

I can't speak for the hounds Marie but it doesn't bother me... In fact, I'll do it too:

Thank God the hounds watch Fox so I don't have to because - seriously - it makes me ill and I refuse to give the corporations that advertise there one second of my "eyeball time".

And Marie? It sounds like you're more of a "G. Gordon Lilly Democrat" to me. I've got news for you: Dubya is no Harry Truman.

I think I understand your consternation though. If something was to happen to your nephew (God forbid... hey, I did it again!) then the cognitive dissonance rattling around in your brain as to the reason he died would just be too much to bear. So you've hopped on the chest-beating, jingoistic, right-wing bandwagon so you don't feel quite so badly about all these American boys and girls meeting their untimely demise for Halliburton's profits and King George's ego. ("After all he (Saddam) tried to kill my daddy!")

Perhaps you should talk to your doctor - I hear Xanax helps. Best wishes to you.

Posted by: Beau at August 29, 2005 04:58 PM

What a load of liberal pap this is!

You're looking for a "viable media", and you think FOX News is the problem? What an absurd position!

Here's the truth: The Liberal Media as much as CREATED Fox News when it began trying to pass off editorializing as reporting.

I wasn't born watching FOX News...I was DRIVEN there by the Left's sorry attempts at passing off vicious, one-sided Bush-Bashing as Journalism.

You don't like FOX News? Then bring back responsible Journalism. Do that, and the Hannitys and Limbaughs will be gone within a year.

Or, don't! It's kinda fun watching the Democrats and Media Elite fly apart. Better yet, go ahead and crank up the rhetoric with your Cindy Sheehans and your Howard Deans. The more outrageous you get, the more rational FOX News sounds to moderates right AND left.

Posted by: Manders at August 30, 2005 05:13 AM

There is a very old - most likely Latin - proverb that says: "Tell me who is your friend, and I'll tell you who you are."
To my opinion, as a former citizen of a former - but still the same - Communist country, the USSR,
MoveOn.org would be one of the best friends of my former Communist Regime. The reason I am an American citizen, proud American citizen who willingly took the Oath of Allegiance, is that I cannot accept the mass-murderer Communist ideology faking peace-loving manners. And I deeply dislike that anti-human ideology. They also like(d) to cut heads off. Or shoot in the back of one's head. Just because somebody does not accept their ideology. The most sad thing is that no one of mentioned above said EVER a decent, honest and noble word. No positive ideas, only biological hatred - to own country, to own people (you already hate me, right?). Just like Lenin and alike. Comments? No comments. Let Ethel and Julius Rosenberg, Gus Hall, and Angela Davis be your friends. And "Hanoi Jane" with Ward Churchill - a good company. Individuals of this species didn't mind that Pol Pot killed 2 to 3 Millions of Cambodians only because these folks didn't give American a chance to win in the historical battle against Communists in both Korea and Vietnam. The same folks first did not want America to participate in the WWII against Hitler. The same folks have abandoned thousands of mass-murder victims in Rwanda. Etc, etc, etc. But always screech about terrorists "rights".
Oh, btw, all 4 killed Amercian Presidents were killed by Democrats. And anti-slavery movement led by A. Lincoln in the Civil War was NOT supported by Democrats (your predecessors). These are pure facts, no emotions.

I also watch Fox News, but my ears and eyes are always clean. You better keep reading NY Times. Nothing helps you anymore.
And one funny observation: I asked many times the people littering in the subway what Party they support. Guess what? Coincidence? I don't know.

Posted by: Constantine Ivanov at August 30, 2005 10:58 PM

Commrade Constantine,
Welcome to the Free World!
Here in the US we honor both (Groucho) Marx and (John) Lennon equally with Martin Luther King.
You are a singlualr voice of clarity on this web page of meandering babbles. How ironic that your words of encouragement should find a welcome visit on such a leftist progressivist website. Keep up the the fight, my friend.
Thank you NewsHounds for letting two conservative compatriots linger on your web.............Yes, Yes, I will move along now.

Posted by: Mr Peabody at August 31, 2005 02:42 AM

Beau: Your comments regarding my nephew's service and your interpretation of my feelings about his service is so off the wall, I find it difficult to believe anything you say. Is wanting to serve your country and my support of that service a transgression? Your meanspiritedness and sniping at my contribution to this forum tells me a lot about life under your credo. Loosen up. Other people have opinions. Like some one else said on this site, people like you force us to watch Fox News. I know you may not want to hear it but when my cousin Joe (retired air force colonel WWII) was a Japanese prisoner of war, public anti war comments were fed to them along with the watery rice. With today's instant technology your comments risk a starring role on Al Jazeera's evening news. Could you tone it down a bit? We are sharing the same planet? Honorable adversaries, can we be?

Posted by: Marie from the Bay State at August 31, 2005 05:18 PM

I disagree with you. We need Fox News as a viable choice. We already have the democrat channels of ABC, NBC, CBS & CNN who are anti-republican and anti-Christian so we need a channel that slants to the right. No news channel is objective so I want to watch one that filters the news through my world view. I am anti-abortion because God is. I am anti-homosexual because God is. I am a republican because it is the only party that adopts a view of morality that is based on the Holy Bible.

Posted by: Chris T at September 2, 2005 01:01 PM

Wow! Someone who knows for sure what God wants and thinks. Must be awesome. Or maybe you're Moses.

Posted by: Ellen at September 2, 2005 01:11 PM

You all are a bunch of right wing idiots! Give me a break!

Posted by: cindy at September 2, 2005 04:40 PM


yes, god does make it clear what he thinks.. that's why we have the bible.

Posted by: rick at September 2, 2005 04:42 PM

you're an a*shole

Posted by: alan at September 2, 2005 05:21 PM

We BOTH agree on the last one there. Thank you!

Posted by: Mary & Chad at September 2, 2005 05:22 PM

I have an idea: I think both sides of this debate are more or less irritated by the fact that our elected leaders are beholding to various special interest groups. We believe that our government should answer to the people. However, as our Congress is elected every two years (to make it more responsive to the people) we have created an unintended consequence: special interest groups fund our elections. Maybe a congressman should serve one term of six years and then quit. That way, there would not have to be continuous fund raising.

Fox news? Don't watch it if you do not like it. Watch it, if you do. We have some serious problems in this country; let's deal with them. As Pontius Pilate asked Jesus after Jesus said He was the Truth....."What is truth?" We have our own truth and we filter the world through that truth.

Posted by: Nelson at September 4, 2005 02:24 AM

has anyone figured out a way to block your ip address so you can post to freerepublic?
better yet, anyone know how to hack in and shut them down?

Posted by: susan at September 4, 2005 07:25 PM

Hello again: How about telling one positive story about Katrina. e.g. A couple from a neighboring town did not advertise their vacant apartment but offered it to a couple from New Orleans. The New Orleans couple arrived in Massachusetts this morning. An apartment, fully furnished, furniture, food and good wishes awaited them. And yesterday, as I left Stop and Shop, there was a young Mom and her Son collecting donations for the Red Cross. And Home Goods asked each shopper if they would like to donate to the LA tragedy. What about your stories?

Posted by: Marie from the Bay State at September 6, 2005 05:05 PM

Hello again:This may come as a surprise but I have been surfing the net to get a good handle on the Katrina tragedy. Mississippi seems to be doing better, but reports state that Mississippi was ravaged by an ocean surge that "came in and left" whereas Louisiana sits in a bowl and once the levy broke, the water did not recede. Now, that is not a "revelation" the powers that be have known that and yes, there should have been a quicker response to the problem. I would clean house from the top down. And the public disagreement of LA governor and the mayor is part of the problem. The mayor knows "his area" and should be in control. What do you think?

Posted by: Marie from the Bay State at September 8, 2005 08:26 AM

You might want to consider posting on one of the threads that pertain to this or any other topic you wish to weigh in about.

This post is really about the News Hounds - who we are, how we got started and what our guiding principles are.

Posted by: Ellen at September 9, 2005 02:05 PM

Why don't you use your last names? Judy and Deborah--Tom, Dick and Harry.

Posted by: K. M. Johnson at September 10, 2005 06:50 PM

Another web site written by "know it all" Liberal elite. Give it up - most Americans are sick of your garbage. Should be "News Hacks"

Posted by: Jeff at September 13, 2005 09:09 PM

Why is Fox News killing the other Cable News channels, and the old media stations?
Is it perhaps that people are smarter than Newshounds and other tired left wingers think?

The tired spin out of the New York Times doesn't work any more. Trying to keep up the fantasy is really sad.

Posted by: S Marcus at September 14, 2005 10:38 PM

You people obviously have too much time on your hands, maybe you should consider outside volunteer work.

Posted by: Ron Mitchell at September 19, 2005 04:17 PM

Manifesto? Hmmm. Seems to me I read about a "Manifesto" some years ago. I believe it failed!

Posted by: Ken Peek at September 22, 2005 05:30 PM

Good one Ken. Hurr-hur, they're commies because they're not right wing fanatics!

It's funny because it's actually how right wingers think.

Posted by: Dan D at September 23, 2005 10:33 AM

I don't know how you can stand to watch FAUX News every day. I'd lose my mind. Keep up the good work. I for one will appreciate your analysis. FAUX News, we destort so you don't have to!

Posted by: ecw at September 24, 2005 10:38 AM

I do it by trying to maintain a good sense of humor about it all.

Thank you for your kind words.

Posted by: Ellen at September 24, 2005 11:01 AM

You guys just can't stand FOX News because they are so ahead of you LIBERALS they are cooking and you are standing solid frozen can't beat them HA.
You all are bunch of hypocrites who tries to convince the public with your lies. Grow up you are bunch of losers you might as well face it.
like your web site's name MOVE ON YOU ID....

Posted by: Anne Barsumian at September 25, 2005 07:22 PM

I stop watching FOX and TV in general two years ago. I now depend on the undigested info available on the net. I can read, analize and research opinions and topics. If people like you did not organize and work hard to create and maintain places like these, us the voters would be at the mercy of the system. Thanks for the works.

Posted by: jay at September 25, 2005 10:23 PM

FOX is the only news worth watching! All of the other networks are so biased to the Left.
If you can't see the truth in what the Left has done TO this country (nothing FOR) you are hopeless. Keep spinning lies about the Right and keep your blood pressure up, it makes me happy to see liberals so upset :-)

Posted by: Wally at September 29, 2005 05:06 PM

Democrats, are guilty of wanting tolerance for all but those they disagree with. They should add the word "Hypocrite" to the definition of liberal

Posted by: Mark at October 1, 2005 01:37 AM

The libs can't stand that Fox is so successful and that it regularly destroys CNN and MSNBC in the cable ratings.

For decades the left had the newsmedia all to themselves but with the advent of the Internet, Fox News and Talk Radio, those days are gone, and their bias has been exposed and challenged.

Think Dan Rather and Documentgate.

Posted by: Bob K at October 1, 2005 04:07 PM

GEE, all that media coverage, 24/7 on faux about the 'missing Natalee Halloway' and all that talk to her mother about NEVER abandoning her, from Greta, Sean and Falafel . . .

So much for 'loyalty' to Mrs. Halloway-Twitty. They dropped her like a hot potato . . the losers!

Posted by: Liz PbD at October 4, 2005 02:26 PM

We share your view that it is essential that Americans be fully and accurately informed. Like you, we decided to focus on the media: in this case on ABC, CBS, and NBC primetime news programs. Please take a look at our findings:

We also studied the New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, and a number of other news media:

We encourage you to look into what we discovered.

- Alison Weir

Posted by: Alison Weir at October 5, 2005 02:33 PM

Thank you for doing what I cannot, and that it to watch fox news for more than 30 seconds at a time. I find that when I do, I become alternately disgusted and thoroughly pissed off. I'm glad you're there to keep me up to date with O-reilly, Hannity, etc. Thanks to liberal/progressive sites like newshounds, we may yet save this country.

Best wishes to you all,

scott barrett
Pensacola, Florida

Posted by: scbarr at October 6, 2005 10:05 PM

NewHounds are doing one of the most important jobs in America today - protecting the truth. Thank heaven (and hell) that corporations do not control the internet the way they control the media. Long live free speech.

Posted by: Iris at October 8, 2005 02:44 AM

Off topic.

Posted by: Shades at October 18, 2005 04:35 PM

markiz cool! ;)

Posted by: markiz at October 26, 2005 08:24 AM

I wonder about the visitors to this site. Some must be looking for validation of what they already suspect/believe. Some must come to pick a fight, to argue against reasoning which they neither want nor choose to consider. How many are like myself? Young, bright, well-reasoned and energetic, but disillusioned by the countless ills and deceits of a world in which I'm still trying to get my bearings. When the spin, lies and ideological rhetoric start to saturate my senses, this is the place I come to be reassured that not everyone sees the world in black and white, even if our elected leaders seem to. Thank you, Newshounds, for outing the worst offenders and calling them on their lies. You are valued!!

Posted by: Shane at October 29, 2005 11:47 PM

I just watched OUTFOXED today, and it was excellent. I knew that Fox News was biased but to see those examples in rapid fire one after another blew me away. I especially enjoyed when loudmouth O'Reilly said he only used, "Shut-up" once, then there followed 20 or 30 clips of him telling various people to shut up. Hilarious! Anyways, I must buy this movie to properly educate my kids and remind myself to be on the lookout. How come they don't teach this kind of awareness in schools? Thanks for the extensive efforts!

Posted by: Gordon at October 31, 2005 04:08 AM

I like this site very much!

Posted by: martina at October 31, 2005 10:42 AM

I like this site very much!

Posted by: martina at November 2, 2005 03:21 PM

Anything to piss off FOX News is okay by me, but give credit where credit is due: fauxnews.com and fauxnewschannel.com was making fun of FNC when Jesus wore short pants.

Posted by: Philo at November 12, 2005 02:01 PM

Hello! Thaks from me to you job this is site! Sorry for my poor english:(

Posted by: Henriko at November 21, 2005 11:14 PM

Congrats Thanksgiving Day!

Posted by: ashley at November 25, 2005 12:40 AM

Thank you Newshounds for your great service: exposing the fraud Fox news is. You are all fine Americans.

Posted by: Eddie at December 8, 2005 11:53 PM

I am an American living in Ireland who is mortified by what the Bushies have done to our country and to our international standing. Unfortunately, Fox broadcasts here and only serves to reinforce the Irish perception that Americans in general are a few cans short of a sixpack. I am delighted to have access to your great service so I can counteract some of the nauseating spin spewed forth by Fox - and to have the facts with which to counter some of my conservative friends at home. What I can't uderstand is, why do even some otherwise very intelligent people buy into this vomit??? Anyway --- God bless you all - and oh yes - HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! ;-)

Posted by: Carol Carty at December 17, 2005 08:21 AM

Cool site of course people!

Posted by: deneglka at December 20, 2005 04:49 AM

Are you also outraged by th bias of other new organizations? or does it only bither you that ther might be a different viewpoint than your own? I guess when news organizations lie for the radical left it's ok.

Posted by: Jim at December 21, 2005 12:36 PM

Thanks, newshound. Look at Abramoff scandal & murdoch group. These guys divert & steal. Fox TV IS PROPAGANDA BS.

Posted by: Mike at January 17, 2006 10:30 PM

A question: In a perfect world and for the good of the nation, would you like to see Foxnews banned? That's the sense I get from Newshound's posts. Am I wrong?

Posted by: Alan R Renner at February 12, 2006 12:26 PM

Yes, you are wrong - completely wrong.

Posted by: Ellen at February 12, 2006 03:19 PM

Finally! ! ! A Blog and Website for People who ride the Short Bus!! YEAH! ! ! Would you all like some depends for all this verbal Diareah??? Instead of watching FOX all day and trying to figure out that they are in fact right wing while every other news media outlet is Left, I would be sitting back and figuring what Burka you will be hiding under when the Al Jazeera kitchen table gang is on your front lawn screaming ALLAH AKBAR with wires coming out of their shorts...

Posted by: Chase at March 7, 2006 07:51 PM

3/9/06 NSA et al, DHS server still down, Congress reviews unfavorably First Eunuch Chertoff on hotseat for being a Eunuch with reservations, but they don't say it so well, so suction is ongoing in media traffic:


Their weapons of mass destruction include battery chargers, Casio watches, and Peanut oil

Steve Watson | March 7 2006

The release of the names and backgrounds of the Guantanamo inmates has revealed what we knew all along, the world's "most dangerous terrorists" are nothing of the sort, they are poor farmers and the like who have simply been grabbed and stuck in cages and publicly tortured for the past four years.
A recent statistical report, based entirely on data supplied by the Defense Department, and intended to provide "a more detailed picture of who the Guantanamo detainees are, how they ended up there, and the purported bases for their enemy combatant designation has found that fewer than half of the 517 detainees whose histories were reviewed have been accused of any hostile acts.

The truth is there are no Taliban or Al Qaeda top brass at Guantanamo because they were all flown out on US planes in a deal done with Pakistan in late 2001as the invasion began.


Whilst the farmers and sack makers grabbed from the front lines rot away inside Camp Delta, there has been one detainee who has shed light on why it is that so many others were allowed to flee or were literally taken out to safety. The Western Intelligence agencies that funded and created the movement are routinely using Al Qaeda double agents.

Bisher al-Rawi claims he was in the employ of MI5. al-Rawi was arrested and moved to Gitmo in November 2002, with his brother, Wahab, while on a business trip to Gambia, in west Africa, to set up a peanut-oil processing plant.

Mr al-Rawi is accused of harbouring the Jordanian cleric Abu Qatada, described as Osama bin Laden's representative in Europe, in London, and also transporting the components of a "weapon of mass destruction". He says he was being used by MI5 to monitor extremists in Britain's Muslim community, including Abu Qatada. The "mass destruction" equipment, say his lawyers, was a battery charger. Al-Rawi has passed a polygraph test and the British Government will not comment on his claims.

This information is not new and has been known since at least 2005 when the British media reported on it. The London Independent reported on al-Rawi on July 5 2006, indicating that British intelligence have a history of using so called Al Qaeda operatives as informants, allowing them to be left alone as a trade off. It was MI5 who gave the CIA information on al-Rawi that led to his arrest. The Independent link has since been pulled.

Today, Thursday March 9, 2006, R. Lee Ermey's MAIL CALL ran on History Channel for a good couple hours, and I check the Semper hi-fi progression, since it is REAL good and all the military college I can pay for, right now.

The Pappy Boyington outcomes where first Pappy and his wingman got shot down, partner was dead, Pappy was captured, the Black Sheep then went out and lost Corsairs, then were reformed into other units before the end of the war and Boyington's return to the states, might be just the way the Bush-Cheney sky-high-airlines captains end up.

The episode we need to focus on NEXT is the one where Gunny Ermey (don't call him BOB, that's MY name) explains how the crescent moon on our MREs is a death-sentence, as the Bush administration gets REAL stupid, into the early years of the 21st Century. That concept originated AFTER the turnback of Turks. Don't get too overconfident about being a soft target for al Queda AND growing insurgencies, since the perennial-patsy French did PASTRY, called the CROISSANT, based on the same idea! LOOK, friends and TOADS, both! The Chinese are gonna EAT the USA like a big Cane Toad, gulp and swallow. Do we get to live through that, easily? Or do we get softened up, like Girls Behaving Badly, by a big load of whack to our soft, Catholic-undermined belly?

Catholic-spawned drunks in Catholic-tainted media replaced ethics and morality with invasive anti-morality, invaded at home and abroad, and now, abroad has some serious math lessons, our ladies from Spain are not studying. Spanish is now not very important, since the Catholic anti-culture and Abrogado excessives have taken assets, like whores cutting their tricks for salvage, then translate GIGO, like, I don't got to show you no stinkin' badges. Spanish has been made culturaly irrelevant for ME and for us. We cannot participate, in viable Hispanic media. It's on its way to being dead media, still alive in millions and millions of heads, but IRRELEVANT to media trends!

SpongeBob says the cartoon hides how the cut, dried, cleaned up on and ABANDONED sponge star has been held hostage, and the corporate cartoonists are punking around, not busting the electric eel gang (Gov. Gray Davis, Ken Lay, inflationary post-deregulaton deals, et al). But the cartoonists DO understand CIA profiling AND junky-colorists joneses.

That is what Catholic-tainted media offers our KIDS, while they hide the inflation from the Catholic-mafia-intensive power deals, 2000-1, like a bunch of drunk PIMPS who won't share print OR broadcast, with me.

Drunks flying around like Greg 'Pappy' Boyington, all overconfident and wrestling in newly-torn unis in bars, aren't going to go down to the wire, at war, WITH A BUNCH OF GUYS WHO SPEAK FIVE LANGUAGES, and YOU AMERICANS struggle at merely your own dialects, speaking AND spelling.

Americans with their 'Big 5' sports degrees are NOT enough for the likes of Islam and the current generation of Mujahadin. Semper Fi has become Semper FUBAR, so the Ermey episode where he takes of in B-52 and discusses the ejection procedure cogently is a real fit. Semper WHAT?!

We suffer domination by tyrants. We are F*cked Up, Beyond ALL RECOGNITION, like where Catholics (Scalia+) have controverted all US media and shove mafia interpretations of the Constitution at us, where we HAD founding father-conservators, before. The tax base will fail, and we will suffer such attacks as needed, to POISON OUR SOFT UNDERBELLY, such as by radiating our US farmland, roads, maybe the entire breadbasket, to SHOW YOU and the world, how the Sahara was made in a blink, by the constantly invading hordes from outside Islam, particularly by the ugly Romans, then by their uglier, Judeo-Christian, hustling western 'civilizations,' post-Crusades, now consolidated in the wake of the reactionary Ottoman Empire.

The 'Croissant' theme can be a rude awakening, at 8 AM on the right coast, 5 AM on the left coast, and damn the in-betweens! Why in the WORLD would anyone assert a FRAUD like Israel, as Judea in the West Bank area until 126 AD, then try to rekindle this with Euro-Zionist zealots, who are watered-down Semites, into conquest? These have been ethnicly cleansing while barking about 'anti-Semitism,' LOUDER AND LOUDER, since they invade Palestine in 1882 by posing as pilgrims with money, then they incited radical Islam by advocating the Orthodox Jewish religious state, now inciting nuclear war there AND in the USA.

That is RIGHT NOW, tequila-suckers! RIGHT NOW winds down to Jimmy Bond year 2007, then it ain't pretty when the pretty leaves you looking all like Las Vegas with NO WAGES! Your own power deals are sucking your funds dry, then there will be a SENTENCE, LEVIED BY MUJAHADIN.

Nobody knows right now what that sentence will be. As we can see by the Moussaoui progression, the verdict is ALREADY GUILTY, in the Mickey Mouse meets Barry Bonds and they both get spun out like OJ-type of trial, progressing. The US inflicts CIA and deadhead tri-lateral agendas on the WORLD, illegally, unfairly, and FOX coverage claims BOTH Fair and Balanced. In frustration, I found newshounds@googlegroups.com has a progression of distrust, like mine.

Barry looks like Moussaoui, MLB has an illegal CBA with the unnoticed, passed costs from the illegal inflation it it, so does NHL after a strike, and the NBA, and soon, the illegally configured UGLY NFL will have an illegal CBA, with illegal passed energy costs, JUST LIKE EVERY LABOR DEAL IN THE USA, since 2001!

Al Queda's 9/11/01 trend opposes all that is actually wrong with the US, which has yet to be a house properly divided. When what happens to divided houses actually happens, we will all know, but do consider that 2008 is 18x7=126 years after the Zionist invasion in 1882, and it ain't pretty after that boy James Bond leaves you, which will be in '008.

The US is a ridiculous girl, behaving badly, where Marines have been tested, and not enough is done, to anticipate the war, which WILL come, or the ordinance the US has delayed by oppressing its own citizens such as me, which though now emerging in US service illegaly, is ANTICIPATED.

When that ordinance becomes made better and faster in the East, and it WILL be made cheaper and better by dozens and dozens, the US is doomed, having started a bar-room brawl, with an educated looking group, which are now fed up with punky, US-sportsbar, Catholic-spawned, anti-intellectuals and their ugly American anti-media.

Beware your FOOD, your breadbasket, your fat, soft underbellies, your ignorance of how STUPID your reliegions are, how GREEDY your leaders are, how INTRANSIGENT your mobs are, and how DEAD you will get, from being DEADHEADS who cannot even play US Blues in a cover band, ONCE, let alone get with the fact that the Dead fenced that stolen riff, like most every other post-Hendrix corporate band did, with similar booty!

The progression of unlawful manipulations and review evasions makes the gathering of US media directed at Al Queda and the rest of the Middle East, INCLUDING AT ALLIES AND AT ISRAEL, very illegal and unwise.

So meanwhile, the schools in California have been HIDING how inflationary the power deals are and how much they illegally inflate student fees AND costs of living, yet the UC and CSUs assert proliferated, outdated, ivory-tower administrations, which have willingly absorbed the state's illegal power costs since 2000, jacking student fees every semester, yet continuing the despicable sabbatical ciruit, at CAL evident as the usual runaway-bride prof, with $300K+, suddenly running afoul or ugly somewhere, then JACKING the salary, while student services are regularly cut.

CAL has big, new football and basebal programs, but the AD's office has been suppressing my complaints of illegal costs, for a couple of years, WHEN THEY SHOULD HAVE JUST FILED SUIT, ON THEIR OWN. The UC Attorney in Berkeley has heard from me TWICE and ignored me both times, re illegal power deal costs. The walk-on scene at a major Crime Scene University, including at over-rated CAL, is TOO UGLY, now that Coach Tedford has willingly and knowingly eaten the state's cost worm, which resulted in the end of Caltrans control of the eastern span bridge, outside Coach Tedford's window, in 2001, before he was at CAL.

The delaying of honest announcement of the illegal prices AND costs impairing CAL funding and student services is unlikable. CAL has no heroes showing, worth the name. But the stadium project lives, like the new baseball training facilities, WITH THE COST WORM AND MENS REA CULPA, in the CAL administration's AND in the coaches guts.

Watcha gonna DO, when you should have put that #7 guy in there, at AD? CAL is working well into the anticipated funding collapse, never MIND what the Chinese who have to clean up their mess will have to do! Put in the Mex-drawers players at CAL, or your TV will STINK. Look at Birgeneau and Tedford looking pat, saying We're at Berkeley. So how's the WORM, in your bellies? When do you lose your tequilla AND your lunch, on the sidewalk? Cost poisoning is GONNA HAPPEN.

Wonder when the rubberheads will be smart enough to hear Vertigo and get the money over here?

Semper Fi is alive, but barely. Lee looks like he's been doing movies. But he hung his tags at Iwo's black sand, one episode. That means, you watch his TV on History, with the time you thugs and victims have left! The eb and flow of 'Seas' and 'Cs' over time includes CAL, Catholic, COPS, and CHINA. China is going to OWN STUFF. What do YOU think we are going to get to BORROW? A Joe Montana RZ, Asian-made?

Heck, might be lotsa stuff our I-House C-boys will come up with. Huh?

Posted by: Robert Gaebler at March 9, 2006 06:35 PM

FOX just put up Kimberly Guilfoyle, former SF Co. DA and former wife of Mayor Newsome.

She just did a BIG blurb, citing fair and balanced. Her cronies need to be challenged, including Daniel Horowitz, media trial gadfly and case churner, down with the DA-crooks.

Let's see if they reply, and address the issue that NO corporate media is fair, where they refuse to report inflation from the 2000-1 power deals, including the overtly illegal ones in California, inflated by all kinds of bad faith, like Gov. Davis ANNOUNCING to Enron, Reliant, and the rest, that negotiations for questionable, long-term power deals with the deregulated oligopolies at fraud, to prevent ALL biodiesel, including hemp alcohol, castor oil, AND genetically engineered plant-fuels.

NO network will report the simple facts of power deal inflation, including that in California inflated by Gov. Davis' and his power oligopoly's drive to negotiate through the May-June 2001 nuclear refurbishings in California, which dropped 15% of the grid, during the general grid witholding Davis let big power have.

When the deals were done, the state ignored the source of the illegal passed costs, charging Caltrans with mismanaging the eastern span project, thereby contaminating THE ENTIRE WORLD, with bogus California energy costs, crippling and dooming our funding infrastructure, in time.

Al Queda saw this and embarked on the 9/11 trend, since we do NOT get to have the inflationary power deals and STUFF, certainly not with military aid to Israel.

The 11/3/95 hit on Rabin and Oslo winds down to 9/11/2001 WTC, 7/7/2005 London, 5/8/2008 Yom HaAzmaut, Israel's 60th. Note the chill projected in the Bali bombing, 10/1/05, re Green Day's Wake Me Up When Sept. Ends, for Grammy, with HOLIDAY, et al. Bang, Bang, Bang and up went Aussies in Bali Hi, to the Berkeley High tunes made from riffs purloined during the 70s surveillance orgy at CAL.

The BIGGER BANG Tour similarly partied up the BOOOOM we are facing, sooner, with every passiing day, but none of these lousy rock ripoffs will do else but churn BAD NEWS.

The rock corporations are the same gang as the energy geeks, merely barking at their brothers in fraud, suppressing all material facts in the course of singing their hypocritical complaints, which, like FOX News, refuse to report BALANCE, while claiming to be both FAIR and BALANCED.

Meanwhile, YOU all go out, and wave around FOUR ENTIRE YEARS AFTER 9/11/2001, and you are not allowed to know that date adds linearly to '23,' as does 5/8/2008, ALSO on the same fortnight schedule, as 9/11/01, like the other major Al Queda attacks. At some point, FOX or the other media, including the US need to admit circumstances of FRAUD, where the illegal power deals are seditious AND FOX News and the DOGS like Ariana the FoHo are ALL HIDING THE SAME MATERIAL INFORMATION.

Ariana has for years put up her punk accent, and hid the eventual impact of the power deals, while the Al Queda thing ripened. Hey Ariana, foreign spin-doc-delusional cheerleader, you just pissed away FOUR YEARS of Al Queda's warnings, just like FOX, which has smarter, better looking newsies, even if they ARE former Donnas like Kim G from SF, who has the ability to GET A CLUE.

Arianna is just a foreign spin doctor, up here because too many Catholics are STUPID. FOX just tries to appeal to the lightly demented but ignorant shoves, who may be treatable with FACTS, but hey, what can you do with CHURNED idiocy? Maybe nothing, in the long run.

Posted by: Robert Gaebler at March 9, 2006 07:11 PM

nice page!! i willl bookmark it and i will show it to all my friends! so cool :D well done

Posted by: Sam at March 10, 2006 11:17 PM

Good design!

Posted by: Sam at March 17, 2006 04:44 AM

WOOOOOOW awesome web design!! coool i just wanted to tell u that but this page is so awesome i just cant believe!!! :D :D :D

Posted by: Salidat at March 17, 2006 09:29 AM

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep working. thnx.

Posted by: Galyja at March 17, 2006 11:58 PM

Very professionally done. Informative, entertaining, articulate. Perhaps you should start your own news network and call it Fock Snooze. Thank you for all your dilligent work. You have gained my loyalty.

Posted by: ingsoc_2112 at March 18, 2006 10:27 AM

Very good site! Thanks! :-)

Posted by: Kampon at March 21, 2006 02:41 PM

Thank you for the use of your site and all of its incredible information.

Posted by: Kate at March 25, 2006 03:16 PM

Thank you for having this web site: - Much appreciated in doing some research and knowing who to contact.

Posted by: Jery at March 25, 2006 05:03 PM

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