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CNN Job Openings

As a proud member of the Time Warner family, CNN is not just searching for people with degrees in journalism or telecommunications. We want employees who -- above all -- have a passion for delivering news in fast, accurate and compelling ways to the global public. As the world's largest and most prestigious network, CNN is interested in creative and energetic people with diverse perspectives and talents to participate in the company's growth.

Entry-level news production opportunities within the CNN News Group:
We are looking for CNN’s future: people with fresh ideas, innovative viewpoints, a willingness to work hard, and a commitment to the highest standards of journalism. We challenge you to follow in the footsteps of many of CNN’s leaders by becoming a Video Journalist and tackling one of the most exciting and rewarding professional opportunities available to beginning journalists. Our VJs develop their own career tracks and, based on merit, can be promoted to a variety of positions throughout the News Group.

Take the first step towards working for CNN - search current openings and create a career profile at

CNN is an equal opportunity employer. In order to ensure equal employment opportunity for every applicant, all hiring decisions will be made without regard to race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, citizenship status, veteran status, or disability. The Company is firmly committed to a policy and practice of non-discrimination in all areas of employment, and the Company will fully comply with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes pertaining to employment.

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