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Is global warming really a threat? Yes, respond most scientists, but only recently have they been able to approach a basic agreement about changing climate. FULL STORY

Explainer: The global warming process
Timeline: Climate change milestones
Watch: Report: Earth's ecosystem at risk
Seeking solutions to a cooler planet
Some plants and animals have reacted to developments in the environment over time, but what consequences does climate change hold for the future? FULL STORY

Flash: Hot spots around the globe
Global warming sizzles in popular culture
The environmental debate involves many nations with different ideas, with doomsday scientific forecasts clashing with thorny political realities. FULL STORY

Interactive: Policies on some key issues
CNN/Money: Businesses warm up to climate change
Greenhouse gas market aims to slow global warming
Scientists may argue over climate change, but for some, global warming is already changing their lives.

Gallery: Climate change
Audio Slide Show: Kivalina, Alaska | Tuvalu
CNN Presents: Melting Point

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