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Frequently Asked Questions about Technical issues on

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Does provide technical support? does not provide personal technical support. If you are unable to find a solution to your problem in the links provided, you may want to check with your computer manufacturer or Internet service provider. Click here to send a comment or to report a problem.

How do I make my home page?
Click here to go to the CNN preferences page to learn how to do so.

How do I add to my list of favorites?

If you are using Internet Explorer:
• Open the CNN home page on Internet Explorer and click on Favorites.
• Click on Add to Favorites. A window will open confirming that Internet Explorer will add this page to your Favorites list and confirm the name of the page.
• Click OK to continue.
• You also may file CNN within a folder in your list of Favorites.
• Click Create In to file the page in an existing folder or click New Folder to add another folder to your list.

If you are using Netscape Navigator:
• Open the home page in Netscape.
• Click Bookmarks (on the upper left of the page, find Bookmarks next to the Location and URL).
• Choose Add Bookmark to add CNN automatically to your list of bookmarked Web sites.
• Choose File Bookmark to file your CNN bookmark in a separate folder.
• Bookmarks also can be found under the Window option on your menu bar.

What is a plug-in? uses several technologies that require special browser enhancements called plug-ins. Plug-ins are necessary to receive features such as streaming video, streaming audio and 360-degree pictures. Below is a list of the plug-ins used on the site and links to where you can download them:

• Macromedia Flash : Flash allows you to experience animation and entertainment on the Web in a bandwidth friendly manner.
• Macromedia Shockwave : Like Flash, Macromedia Shockwave gives you fully interactive multimedia, clickable and dynamic animations, graphics, text and audio from directly within your Web browser.
• QuickTime : QuickTime is the multiplatform, industry-standard multimedia architecture used by software tool vendors and content creators to make and deliver synchronized graphics, sound, video, text and music.
• Windows Media Player : Windows Media Player plays various media files. This plug-in allows you to access streaming audio and video clips of CNN programming without downloading files to your computer.
• RealPlayer : RealPlayer plays live and on-demand RealAudio and RealVideo. This plug-in will allow you to listen to or watch CNN programming as it streams to the player. You don't have to download the entire file to your desktop before using it.
• IPIX : IPIX is an interactive, spherical image, offering users a complete field of view, from earth to sky, floor to ceiling, horizon to horizon.
• The Cult3D Viewer : A plug-in that allows users to view Cult3D objects on the Web.
• Adobe Acrobat : This application/plug-in allows users to view PDF files, which is a common format for documents.

What video options are available on Video is a free to consumer service. Video clips are available for free for seven days from the day that they are published.

What if does not appear to be updating on my computer?

If you are using Internet Explorer:
Press the shift key and click the Refresh button at the same time to force the browser window to refresh.

To force your browser to refresh every time a page loads:
• In Microsoft Internet Explorer, click on Tools, then choose Internet Options.
• Click the General tab.
• Click on the Settings button. Under Check for New Versions of Stored Pages, click the option for Every Visit to the Page, then click OK twice.

If you are using Netscape Navigator:
Press the shift key and click the Reload button at the same time to force the browser window to refresh.

To force your browser to refresh every time a page loads:
• Choose Edit from the menu bar and then choose Preferences.
• On the left side of the window for Preferences, there are several categories from which to choose. Under the category Advanced, select the option Cache.
• Change the Disk cache amount to 0, click the option for Every Time and then click OK.

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