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Frequently Asked Questions about CNN TV

• Where can I view a schedule of CNN's programming?
• Can I send my feedback about CNN programming?
• How do I submit an idea for a show or story?
• How do I order a tape or transcript of something I saw on CNN?
• Do you provide transcripts of CNN programming on your Web site?
• If I see a story on a CNN network, will it be posted to the Web site?
• Where can I learn more about CNN's anchors and reporters?
• Can I take a tour of CNN?
• Where can I purchase CNN merchandise?

Other FAQs about CNN: | Video | Technical issues | CNN Member Services | Pop-up/Pop-under Advertising

Where can I view a schedule of CNN's programming?
• CNN International
• CNN en Espaņol
• CNN Airport Network
• CNN Radio
• CNN Radio Noticias

Can I send my feedback about CNN programming?
Yes, CNN appreciates viewers taking the time to contact us. While we can't respond to every e-mail personally, viewers' input is forwarded to the appropriate department for review.

Click here to send comments.

How do I submit an idea for a show or story?
Thank you for you interest in CNN. Click here to submit a story idea.

How do I order a tape or transcript of something I saw on CNN?
CNN has many options for ordering tapes and transcripts.

CNN TV (United States)
You can order programming aired on CNN by contacting the Federal Document Clearing House. It archives CNN footage from 1996 to the present. You can contact the vendor by calling 1-800-CNN-NEWS or by checking the FDCH Web site .

CNN International/CNN Headline News
Tapes and transcripts can be obtained by contacting Multivision at (800) 560-0111 or Video Monitoring Service at (212) 736-2010.

Other options for CNN viewers
Viewers can read transcripts from all our transcribed shows by visiting the transcripts page.

For businesses and nonprofit groups
CNN ViewerSource works with businesses and nonprofit organizations to grant program dissemination or public display rights and transcript reprint permission. Other requests for viewing copies and transcripts are handled by one of several broadcast monitoring services. The video availability, price, turnaround time and ease of ordering differ from service to service. If you have any questions, CNN ViewerSource can help and, if necessary, provide video directly.

Broadcast monitoring services
Multivision , (800) 560-0111
Videotapes: CNN TV (United States): One year. CNNfn, CNN Headline News, CNN International: Two months
Transcripts: CNN TV (United States): One year. CNNfn, CNN Headline News, CNN International: Two months

Federal Document Clearing House , (800) CNN-NEWS
Videotapes: CNN TV (United States): 1996-present. Some CNNfn: 1998-present
Transcripts: CNN TV (United States): 1996-present. Some CNNfn: 1998-present

Video Monitoring Service , (212) 736-2010,
CNN TV (United States), CNNfn, CNN Headline News, CNN International (European feed): Two months

Broadcast Monitors (London, England):
Tellex Monitors (London, England):
CNN International (European feed): Two months
Monitoring and Analysis (Mexico City, Mexico): 52.5.566.0454 (CNN en Espaņol: One month)

After contacting the broadcast monitoring services, if you are still unable to locate footage, or if you need CNN footage from 1980 to 1995, contact the CNN ViewerSource library at (404) 827-1335.

CNN ImageSource
CNN's extensive video collection of news, entertainment and lifestyle images is available for filmmakers, advertising agents, corporations, desktop publishers, charitable groups, educators and other news agencies and entertainment companies. CNN ImageSource features self-service online research and ordering as well as the assistance of researchers and licensing agents trained to address rights and clearances issues. Same-day turnaround is common because there's an option to skip the screening step. We'll send edit masters without an obligation for licensing fees if the images aren't used. More than 30,000 items are cataloged in the online database in categories such as the economy, geography and disasters. CNN ImageSource also represents the collection of more than 340 local news stations.

Do you provide transcripts of CNN programming on your Web site?
CNN does provide limited transcripts of programming, at transcripts page. You can access these transcripts for two weeks by clicking on the airdate. Older transcripts are archived by show. Not all of CNN's programming will be posted to the Web site, but most can be ordered in video format. Transcripts of CNN Headline News are not available on

If I see a story on a CNN network, will it be posted to the Web site? must limit publication of articles to those with the most national and international interest. Although many stories are original, due to the combined newsgathering aspects of CNN (The Associated Press , Reuters , more than 800 local affiliates and many others), we cannot post every story that we report.

Where can I learn more about CNN's anchors and reporters?
Click here for information about CNN anchors, correspondents and executives.

Can I take a tour of CNN?
Yes. A guided tour at CNN headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, offers a behind-the-scene look at the history of the CNN group networks, coverage of events that shape the world and state-of-the-art studios that reach more than 1 billion people. For information, call (404) 827-2300 or 877-4CNNTOUR, or e-mail at

Where can I purchase CNN merchandise?
The Turner Store Online

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