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Urban geology
Geomap Vancouver
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Beneath Vancouver
Earthquake ground motion
Earthquake liquefaction
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Geoscape Vancouver

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Strong and safe communities > Urban Geology
Geomap Vancouver

GeoMap Vancouver

Panorama looking southeast over the North Shore, Vancouver city, and the Lower Fraser Valley. The Cascades Mtns and Mt. Baker form the skyline and southern margin of the Fraser Valley. B.J. Groulx

Geo: Earth (from Greek geo - Earth); as in geology, the science of the solid Earth
Map: A visual display of spatial data

GeoMap Vancouver is a geological map of the Vancouver metropolitan area. This area is underlain by diverse geological materials with different physical properties. The purpose of GeoMap Vancouver is to show the surface distribution of these materials and to summarize material characteristics that are relevant to engineering, the environment, and land-use planning. Such characteristics include bearing capacity for structures, landslide potential, liquefaction susceptibility, drainage, flood hazard, and contained resources such as groundwater, aggregate, and building stone. The legend and central map show the nature and distribution of the different geological materials. The smaller thematic maps focus on particular attributes and hazards.


GeoMap Vancouver is available as a poster
from the Geological Survey of Canada
(see Additional Information).

Author: Bob Turner

2005-11-01Important notices