Opera's Command Line Options

This document lists the available command line switches for the UNIX and Windows platforms.

This document was last updated for Opera 8.01.


UNIX Command Line Options

Note: UNIX command line switches are case sensitive. They use the prefix '-'. Example: to launch Opera without home page or saved sessions, enter opera -nosession on the command line.

newwindowOpen url in new window
newpageOpen url in new page (tab)
backgroundpageOpen url in background page (tab)
fullscreenStart in full screen mode. Works only if no Opera instances are already running
iconicStart in iconic mode
geometry <geometry>Set geometry of toplevel window. Format: WIDTHxHEIGHT+XOFF+YOFF
remote "<command>"Send command to another Opera window
noraiseNo window raise when receiving remote commands. Only works for remote commands that do not open a dialog box
window <window id>Launch remote opera window. Works for 'remote' and 'newwindow' commands
windowname <window name>Launch remote opera window with a symbolic name. Works for 'remote' and 'newwindow' commands, will override 'newwindow' if a named window is located
restoreRestore default interface
nosessionLaunch without saved sessions or home page
nowinLaunch without any open pages. Will disable any URL argument
nomailLaunch Opera without internal e-mail client
language <file>Use translation from specified file
binarydir <path>Location of version specific binaries
personaldir <path>Location of alternative '.opera' directory
display <displayname>Set the X display
fn <font>Set the normal text font
bg <color>Set the background color
fg <color>Set the foreground color
visual TrueColorUse TrueColor visual on an 8-bit display
cmapUse private color map on an 8-bit display
smalliconUse a smaller icon image
debugdnsSimple debugging of asynchronous dns lookup
debugfontSimple debugging of font handling
debugjavaSimple debugging of Java
debugkeyboardSimple debugging of keyboard events
debugmouseSimple debugging of mouse presses
debugpluginSimple debugging of plug-in handling
disableinputmethodsDisable input methods
restoreextensionsRestore default file type extensions
versionDisplay version number
kioskhelpDisplay extra settings for kiosk mode operation
help or hDisplay list of command line options

Note: A standalone URL argument or any of the switches 'newwindow', 'newpage', 'backgroundpage' or 'nowin' will disable 'remote' commands.

Windows Command Line Options

Note: Windows command line switches must be preceded by '/' (a forward slash) only. They are case insensitive.

Settings <full path>Launch with specified settings (opera6.ini) file
DebugVoice debug mode

Kiosk Mode Switches

Kiosk mode switches are only available for registered versions of Opera and are identical for the Windows, Mac OS X (starting with Opera Beta), and UNIX platforms.

kioskmode or kStart Opera in kiosk mode. Automatically enables nochangefullscreen and nochangebuttons.
kioskbuttonsDisplay a limited set of buttons for kiosk mode (default kiosk mode setting is no buttons)
kioskresetstationReset the kiosk after a certain period of inactivity (in seconds. The timer is set in the file opera6.ini (Opera Preferences on Macintosh)
kioskwindowsAllow for Multiple Document Interface and use of the page bar in kiosk mode.
nochangefullscreenLocks user to full-screen mode.
kiosknormalscreenOverrides the /nochangefullscreen switch to allow for normal screen mode.
nochangebuttonsDisables customization of the user interface.
nocontextmenuDisable all context (right-click) menus.
nodownloadDo not allow user to download files.
noexitDo not allow user to quit application. Use with caution.
nopanelDisable all panels.
nokeysDisable all keyboard shortcuts.
nomaillinksDisable mailto-links.
nomenuDisable main menu.
noprintDisable printing.
nosaveDisable "Save" dialog for any file type.
nosplashDisable startup dialog.
resetonexitWill clear private data (history, cache, and cookies) and files that store JavaScript and URL password warnings on exit.

Remote Opera Commands for UNIX

All remote commands must be enclosed in quotation marks.

openURL()Open "Go to" dialog box prompting for input
openURL(url)Open url in active window
openURL(url,new-window)Open url in new window
openURL(url,new-page)Open url in new page (tab)
openURL(url,background-page)Open url in background page (tab)
openFile()Open file selector dialog box
openM2()Open M2 list view
openComposer()Open M2 composer window
addBookmark(url)Add url to bookmark list
raise()Raises the opera window
lower()Lowers the opera window


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