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Detroit Police Chief Found In Contempt Of Court

Bully-Cummings Ordered To Place Officers Back On Payroll

POSTED: 3:48 pm EST November 1, 2005

A judge on Tuesday found Police Chief Ella Bully-Cummings in contempt of court for failing to reinstate seven command officers who were demoted as part of a cost-cutting plan, a union lawyer said.

Wayne County Circuit Court Judge Isidore Torres issued the ruling after a 90-minute hearing, said Mary Ellen Gurewitz, who represents the Detroit Police Command Officers Association.

He ordered the chief to reinstate the officers by Friday and to return to court on that day to show that she has complied, Gurewitz said.

Police spokesman James Tate would not say whether the chief plans to comply. "The chief has until Friday," he said.

Gurewitz said the judge could fine Bully-Cummings up to $250 or jail her if she does not comply.

Torres ruled on Sept. 8 that the city violated an order he issued last year that kept it from unilaterally reducing the pay or rank of police commanders.

The demotions covered 17 of the 50 members of the Detroit Police Command Officers Association. Ten were reinstated, but seven remain in limbo and are not working or being paid, Gurewitz said.

Colbert-Osamuede has said that the judge's order could derail a restructuring plan, which cut $54 million and included 150 police officer layoffs and other changes.

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