14 January 2006

God goes to court in all but name

  • 31 October 2005
  • Celeste Biever
  • Magazine issue 2523
The insider's guide to the court battle over Intelligent Design, and what US schoolchildren should be taught about the origin of life

"I CAME from a single-celled organism," declares Bill Marshall, proudly raising his beer glass. It is not the sort of statement I expected to hear in the heart of what locals call "Penntucky", a stretch of rural Pennsylvania between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, nicknamed for what many see as its similarity to the Deep South.

I am in the Racehorse Tavern, the closest bar to the "dry" town of Dover, which nestles among the corn, soy and tobacco fields, and Amish settlements. With its 1900 inhabitants, Dover does not normally attract many visitors. But last month it was catapulted to global attention when 11 parents sued their school board for introducing a religion-friendly alternative to Darwinian evolution into biology classes.

As New Scientist went to press, the defence case was drawing to an end. This is the first time that intelligent design (ID), the idea that life was created by an ...

The complete article is 2600 words long.
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