Really BM, ain't it ? Eh eh
1) At first, I thought that u would release your cd through CACOPHONOUS REC,since Nihil seemed rather interested in yer band, but this never happened, could you tell us why??? is that due to the departure of your fellow former member to Norge??(to join ANCIENT...Ahah, Ed)?
I believe that Cacophonous wasn't willing to release the LP on vinyl (which is a medium that we were truly sure of using, regardless of all things.) We do not believe that the format of vinyl, especially for our debut effort, could be sacrificed; it is quite essential for our well-beings that we have our material on vinyl. There were no confrontations or bad words between Nihil and Grand. We were and are certain that we made the correct choices, when concerning the important issues. Although, Cacophonous would have been a great marketing strategy for Grand's resurgence into the Underground, we went with the heart and not the wallet ! (Which is the only attitude that sits well with us!) I was also frightened by the stories of Cacophonous' alleged mistreatment of certain bands and didn't want to expose our fragile status to a possible disappointment.

2) About the departure of Lord Vlad Luciferian, have you keep good relations with him ??
Gelal is quite upset with Vlad, certain aspects of unprofessionalism come into play with that scenario, as well as many personal conflicts. Those things are better left to the heart of the warriors. I haven't talked with Vlad in years either way. Our relationship was at an acquaintance status, regardless of the conflicts of the present. Vlad was mistreating funds and showing an unprofessional nature when dealing with mail and mail-order under his care. And that alone is a sad affair, and unnecessary in this age of child's play in the scene! I do not want to be associated with pitiful criminal behaviour, I tend to leave the crime to the savages of this world!

3) WOODNYMPH is a rather new label to the scene, what kind of relation do you have with Bart (bike and tatoos freak)??? what are your views on your label mates (AVATAR , UNGOD...) and are u satisfied with the result of the 7"???
My relationship with Filip is just now flourishing, I am truly into his emotions about the music and his views on the scene are on the level.  I hope to learn more about him in the upcoming years and see what kind of future we both hold in the Underground. Gelal is very pleased with the progress that Wood-Nymph has made with Grand. I am a fan of the Ungod music, they are a true band with dark messages that hold a home in my heart. The Avatar is more unfamiliar to me as of present, but I wish to learn more about them, especially being label mates. I am very satisfied with the 7". We released a good piece of work with a small budget and the rawness proves the soul of our music! The aspect of evilness isn't at all supressed with the lavish. The EP, "A Witness to the Regicide," is a demo-sounding wicked display of Truth through the devilish. I have no regrets about the sound or appearance of the EP.

4) I might be wrong but the tape version of your forthcomin release will be out through the polish DEAD CHRIST COMMUNE, then I shall ask you if you consider your band as a politic influenced one? What kind of relation do you have with satanic circle? Order of Fenrir?? HSB?? Baelder?? or maybe some NS link?
I believe, if things haven't changed, the LP will be released through Hammerheart Records. Grand Belial's Key is not a politically charged band. We all have our politics, within the band, similar also, but we do not use politics to express any ideology! We do have our other musical outlets for some of our political thoughts. I am a member of the Church of Satan and have small ties with other leagues but none of the ones mentioned. I also run a small outfit called The Crucifier Brotherhood (still in the initial stages of creation) which has ties to many humans and bands Internationally.

5) Your first demo made a stunning impact in the scene, especially due to its diabolical feeling, do you feel that you still have this crude and evil touch on nowadays GBK music??
Biased, I feel that the sound and evil touch is still there. Of course, it has grown in different ways and has a sense of that paradoxical aura of "Goat..." but is an evolved monster! Music of Grand comes from the heart and soul, nowhere else! We do not trend ourselves for anyone.  The sound is a direct result of our emotions for the love of individuality and the love of brotherhood through the Satanic and Magickal! I feel that our strength lies in the wicked riffing and superb writing style of Gelal! I am a big fan of all of his endeavors!!! I think that the LP "Mocking the Philanthropist" (due for release October 1997c.e.) will also be a stunning accomplishment!

6) Cazz Grant is now fully part of GBK, has he changed the band since his arrival?? Or is he just following GBK's evolution??
Gelal's thoughts reflected: my joining Grand has in some ways given the band a new feeling. Although, my drumming and vocal style are different to that of Vlad's (of which I enjoy regardless of personal feelings.) My arrival is just a step in that process of evolution for the band. I give my own styles, keeping the GBK emotion, to form a great work of Underground my opinion. I have strong ties with GBK, always have, and feel myself a part of the history as well as a part of the current. And my drumming and singing will reflect old sounds and newer power.

7) You might have played live quite a few times, but I have heard nothin' about any of your shows, what is to expect from these performances??? Will you be touring Europe one day?
Performances from the past have been few but more or less localized. We have plans to reach far and wide with the release of the LP. Some of the live show theatrics that are with me in Crucifier will also surface with Grand Belial's Key's live outings! We will think of some great ideas, new and old, to use for the US and European shows. I know they will involve some morbid things as well as some creepier foggier stuff! Candles and pentagrams, and some of the more favorite things will again show their faces! I hope to get to Europe in 1998 c.e. We are unaware of specifics but we will be marketing and advertising those dates when they are known. We will be doing plenty of US shows, as they are available initially; with an emphasis on writing in the meantime!

8) Considering touring, what kinda public do you want (or prefer) to touch ??
We will tour someday in the future, but when the preparation and ideas are stable only. The public that I wish to touch is the True one! A public of old heads and Satanic open-minded 1980's c.e..warriors (they all know who they are!) If we can touch just one person, we will be pleased. We play for ourselves, I know you've heard this plenty of times but it needs expressing! We love this music and would do it if there was no one who liked it! (There may be, considering the newest trends hitting the Underground!)

9) How would you define what would terrorize you the most???
A life wallowing in the actual chains of freedomless society! An obvious Christian "shackled and bound" life of impoverished ritual and living. A present day Salem!

10) The metal scene change very quickly. What's your feeling about this ?
The Metal is indeed up for change, just as we grow so should it. We can revert to the days of the True with our music. I listen to King Diamond and Mercyful Fate, to regrasp my kinship with my roots and myself! It is a wish of mine to be forever in the Black Metal 1980's, but time will never cease for I write the music of my old days to keep myself pure! Change is good, if used in its natural state (keep the trend out of Black Metal!)

11) In consequence, how could you describe the future of Black Metal ??
Well, Black Metal will always be! Approximately twenty years is still as force to be reckoned with, heart and soul! I am very pleased to be a major contributor and sibling of the Black Arts (the modern day witchcraft of Black Metal!) The future will hold new brothers and sisters joining the cause with their modern mayhem, and hopefully when I leave this place, the music of my love will shine on and on! Black as can be until the God of Heaven gives up the Throne and calls it quits!

12) The BM movement uses since the beginning a special attitude and image. Are they important for you ?
As above, this music is very important to me! All of the imagery and evil and hatred for Jesu Christi, The Most Dispicable, is important to me and essential for my well being. It all keeps me from going insane. To escape the harshness of stupidity and silliness of present day stresses I listen to A Dangerous Meeting and all of the world is on pause! It is a battle of the senses, and I can not be denied my natural instincts!

13) The Internet grows more & more each day, and is a huge field of contacts all around the world. Could it become the best way of keeping the metal alive ?
I have been online now for about four months or so and in that time I have experienced a ton! And the Internet should grow and grow until we can upgrade no more! I think it is a great place to immediately get in touch with the brothers and sisters that spark our interest! I will always trust in it! Plus, on a personal note, the porn sites are GREAT!!!!!!

14) Give us your last words ... (For this interview, hope you answer us a next time ...)
I want to thank all involved with this interview! My blackest goes to you all. I hope we will be battlefield-mates until the victorious end ! Please keep in touch and remember to keep it Black and Impious!!!!! Please contact me and all of the productions that I am involved with at the following:
938 Galbreath Avenue
Marcus Hook, Pennsylvania 19061-3514
United States of America
Telephone 610 497 9616

The bands and other great things that I am associated with or proud of:
Crucifier (Historic Pennsylvanian Black Metal band)
The Crucifier Brotherhood (Satanic Order of Brotherhood and kinship amongst True friends)
Sinistrari Records, International (Record label and distributing company dedicated to the elite)
Grand Belial's Key (Historic Black Metal band)
Brethren (Acoustic Satanic operetta band)
amisegardauQ (Black Metal band with a devotion to the hatred of the Christian Rituals)
Bludgeon ("Old School" Metal with sounds like nothing after circa 1987 c.e.)
Hearse (Heavy Death Metal band akin to the sounds of the Grim Ride during a procession)
Infantry (Neo-fascist band with a dislike for all of the ingrates of this planet)
The Crucifier Alliance (The only Crucifier fan club headquarters in Italy)

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