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Welcome to IOL, the biggest news, classifieds and info site on the Web in South Africa. With hundreds of local news items and 20 000 classified ads every day, IOL is your first stop on the Internet - whether you're hungry for the latest on a fast-breaking story or you're looking for a house, a job or a car.

IOL is owned by Independent News & Media along with 14 national and regional newspapers, including most of the country's best-known titles.

IOL brings you the pick of everything that's published in those papers, including their entire classified advertising databases conveniently rolled into one searchable online pool.

You can even place Classified ads in Independent's print publications right here. Explore IOL News and you'll find the most comprehensive coverage ever seen in any medium in South Africa. Our editorial team works day and night to update our news, reviews and entertainment listings as copy flashes in from the Independent newsrooms and the world's top wire services. And it's all archived and searchable.

Don't miss our special focuses on Property, Motoring and Careers, where you'll find everything from advice on writing a CV to road tests of hundreds of cars. Plus, of course, South Africa's biggest selection of advertising in each of those categories. Find your dream house or land that plum job now!

Howard Plaatjes
Managing Director

Howard Plaatjes ticked and bashed his way out of auditing articles to 14 years of intensive financial and general management work in the listed newspaper and retail financial services sectors. He embraces the IOL challenge as the convergence of his knowledge.
Mahomed Saleh Abba Omar
Content Manager

Mahomed Saleh Abba Omar, also known as Babs, comes to IOL with 20 years of experience in newspapers and magazines. "I've got ink in my blood, as many print journalists would say," Babs says. "But I had to have a byte of the IT world. I guess it's a kind of natural progression from print to IT."
Leon Lategan
Sales and Marketing Director

Leon's 12 years of general and sales management experience stand him in good stead to manage the IOL sales and marketing portfolio which encompasses strategic advertising opportunities for clients. Determined and aggressive, Leon relishes the challenges of this new medium and his objectives are to maintain IOL as South Africa's leading news portal, build its other traditional channels - Motoring, Property, Careers and Travel - and to maximise return on investment for IOL's affiliates and clients.
Karen van Eck
Management Accountant

It figures why Karen occupies the money management position. Karen brings to IOL a wealth of experience from the wide-ranging field of financial management in areas such as media, publishing, leisure and travel. "Striving for excellence" is the hallmark of this workaholic. Karen's quiet demeanour belies her tenacity and forthright attitude the job demands of her.

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PO Box 4116, Cape Town, 8001
Tel: +27 21 481 6200, Fax: +27 21 424 1088

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