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IOL's photo gallery contains thousands of pictures, going back as far as July 31, 1999.
All pictures taken by the Independent Group's photographers that have featured on the site are saved in this searchable archive. Unfortunately we are only able to store pictures supplied by photo agencies for two weeks.

How to search: First use the drop-down menu to select a section. Put in a date to get all the pictures used on IOL in the week in which that day falls. Or you can type in a keyword to get pictures relating to your requested topic. NOTE that the two searches operate independently: the keyword search can't be refined by using the date.
Want more info about a particular image? Click on that photo to see an enlarged version along with a caption and links to related articles.
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IOL's photo gallery contains thousands of pictures, going back as far as July 31, 1999.
All pictures taken by the Independent Group's photographers that have featured on the site are saved in this searchable archive. Unfortunately we are only able to store pictures supplied by photo agencies for two weeks.

How to search: First use the drop-down menu to select a section. Put in a date to get all the pictures used on IOL in the week in which that day falls. Or you can type in a keyword to get pictures relating to your requested topic. NOTE that the two searches operate independently: the keyword search can't be refined by using the date.
Want more info about a particular image? Click on that photo to see an enlarged version along with a caption and links to related articles.
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