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A pinch of spice a day keeps the doctor away
A good dose of hot curry can do wonders for your health, says internationally acclaimed researcher Professor Bharat Aggarwal. Full Story...
Launch sites fingered in health study
Toxic chemicals spewed from Russian rocket launches in Kazakhstan are responsible for higher illness levels among children living in villages nearby, according to a report published in a British science journal. Full Story...
Reconstructive surgery gives man a new penis
A Xhosa man's dream of fatherhood was almost shattered when more than half of his penis had to be removed after a traditional circumcision went horribly wrong. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel... Full Story...
Maggots are the stars in new ulcer treatment
British researchers will use maggots to treat people suffering from leg ulcers in a new clinical trial in York. Full Story...
Depression is leading cause of disability
Mental health disorders are thought to cause 15 percent of annual global deaths and the World Health Organisation predicts that depression is fast becoming the largest cause of disability. Full Story...
Don't give cellphones to children - experts
Parents who give their younger children cellphones to use may inadvertently be damaging their health, according to researchers in London. Full Story...
US issues guidelines on asthma and pregnancy  2005-01-11 10:51:08
Pregnant women need to keep their asthma under control, because if they cannot breathe properly, neither can the unborn baby, according to new American guidelines.Full Story...
Can you stay thin by sleeping more?  2005-01-11 20:17:58
A study conducted in the United States has found that people who sleep less tend to be fatter than their pillow-loving counterparts.Full Story...
Aids-blocking gene discovered in monkeys  2005-01-11 08:30:32
A single change in a human gene may hold the key to preventing people living with HIV from progressing to full-blown Aids, researchers say.Full Story...
Plastic instruments give doctors a clear view  2005-01-10 18:01:52
German doctors are moving away from metal instruments in favour of plastic ones for keyhole surgery - but the reason is not to save money...Full Story...
Olive oil can help in the breast cancer fight  2005-01-10 20:09:10
The oleic acid that is found in olive oil could help fight breast cancer, heart disease and ageing, according to researchers in the United States.Full Story...
Mutant gene crucial to arthritis treatment  2005-01-10 11:47:30
A mutated gene that affects cartilage may be the key to finding new treatments to deal with arthritis, according to Japanese researchers.Full Story...
Spain breaks record for organ donors  2005-01-08 16:38:42
Spain has the highest number of donors of organs for transplant per head of population in the world.Full Story...
Stress in the city  2005-01-08 17:39:15
Now that the holidays are over, you are probably finding it hard to adjust to the fast pace of city life with its traffic, queues and frustrations.Full Story...
Expensive food not always healthy alternative  2005-01-07 16:28:25
Chinese children brought up in wealthy families are more likely to suffer bad nutrition than those from poorer homes, according to a new study.Full Story...
Reduce your blood sugar with a quick hike  2005-01-07 10:46:40
Researchers have discovered that hiking can be a particularly good form of exercise - and it doesn't have to be an uphill battle either.Full Story...
Scientists unravel genetic Aids puzzle  2005-01-06 21:02:08
Having extra copies of a gene that produces a blocking protein helps protect people from Aids, a finding that may explain why some people are more susceptible to the disease than others, a new study reports.Full Story...
Doctors aim to take needle out of injection  2005-01-06 20:50:56
Those who dread hypodermic needles may someday be able to apply their medicine on their skin instead, a couple of researchers believe.Full Story...
Insurer to subsidise healthy foods  2005-01-06 19:30:16
A Dutch health insurer will reimburse policy-holders who consume certain cholesterol-reducing milk products in a bid to fight heart disease.Full Story...
Drug industry pledges openness to allay fears  2005-01-06 19:16:00
The global pharmaceutical industry has unveiled plans to publish more data about trials of medicines in an attempt to reassure patients after recent alarms over drug safety.Full Story...
Veggie-eating kids make healthier teenagers  2005-01-06 16:48:09
Young children who eat more fruits, vegetables and dairy products may have lower blood pressures in early adolescence, according to a new study.Full Story...
How to flush those festive season toxins  2005-01-06 14:10:56
Nutritionist Dr Gillian McKeith has some suggestions that you can incorporate into your daily life to help you detox, Lindsay Ord reports...Full Story...
China heralds population milestone  2005-01-06 12:15:35
Lan Hui and Zhang Tong have become the proud parents of China's 1,3-billionth citizen.Full Story...
New machine makes sperm count  2005-01-06 06:59:05
Scientists in Australia have developed a sperm-sorting machine that may help infertile men to become fathers.Full Story...
Many British girls have low self-images  2005-01-05 19:18:27
Nearly half of Britain's teenagers quizzed in magazine survey have considered the prospect of plastic surgery, while fewer than a tenth say they are happy with their bodies.Full Story...
Fad diets have limited success, study finds  2005-01-05 19:14:51
American researchers have found that four fashionable diets - including the Atkins low carb eating regime and the Ornish vegetarian diet - have only limited success in reducing weight.Full Story...
This American is no longer a half-ton man...  2005-01-05 17:32:00
A man who once weighed more than 450kg is nearly half his size after seven months in hospital.Full Story...
Machine sorts good sperm into special chamber  2005-01-05 21:09:11
Scientists in Australia have developed a sperm-sorting machine which may help infertile men to become fathers.Full Story...
100 ways to feel better in 2005  2005-01-05 14:19:18
Feeling stressed out about what the new year has in store for you? Here are guidelines to improve your physical and mental in 2005...Full Story...
Concerns raised about Aids drug study  2005-01-05 15:29:40
A health expert claims "African life is not valued as highly as American life" after he found that a United States-funded study on the Aids drug nevirapine was so flawed that it put the lives of mothers and babies in Uganda at risk.Full Story...
Grumpy men may just be low on testosterone  2005-01-05 10:11:15
Thousands of middle-aged men often find themselves losing their libido and suffering from mood swings. Now experts say men with these symptoms often suffer from irritable male syndrome, which is damaging as any of the hormonal fluctuations that affect women.Full Story...
No need to fear Bluetooth technology - expert  2005-01-05 14:19:36
Question: I am using a Bluetooth earpiece with my cellphone. I have heard the earpiece is similar to a tiny microwave oven. Will it cook my brain? Answer: Not likely.Full Story...
Give up smoking - it's the right thing to do  2005-01-05 11:37:03
Deborah Orr describes the fear she felt when giving up smoking as her New Year's resolution.Full Story...
Pick a diet, any diet  2005-01-05 07:15:44
If the bathroom scales reproach you with evidence of Christmas excess, here's a piece of advice: do not waste time trying to decide which diet to follow.Full Story...
45 ways to a healthier 2005  2005-01-05 09:17:13
It's time to make healthy resolutions for the new year. Thea Jourdan asks a group of doctors, nutritionists, writers, therapists and celebrities, about the one change that may make a difference.Full Story...
Twin to be born six weeks after sibling  2005-01-05 09:19:09
The miracle of birth has been extended by almost two months for a Romanian woman, who has given birth to only one of her twins.Full Story...
Urine tests could detect high blood pressure  2005-01-05 09:55:32
US researchers have found that a simple urine test during pregnancy could predict if expectant mothers are at risk of developing dangerously high blood pressure called pre-eclampsia.Full Story...
Study eases concerns about diuretics  2005-01-04 11:46:23
The first long-term study to examine whether diuretics raise the risk of developing diabetes, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes, has eased fears that the medication's risks outweigh its benefits.Full Story...
Haemorrhoids sparked search for perfect paper  2005-01-04 07:32:28
Britain's civil service embarked on an 18-year quest for the perfect toilet paper after a doctor voiced concern about a diplomat's haemorrhoids.Full Story...
Nicotine-hungry Austrians declare war on laws  2005-01-04 09:46:02
While the rest of Europe tightens their anti-tobacco laws in the new year, Austrians are not taking the new measures lying down.Full Story...
Doctors try to separate twins joined at spine  2005-01-03 19:18:44
A medical team of 50 in Saudi Arabia have started a complex surgery early to separate Polish conjoined infant girls who share a lower spine and intestines.Full Story...
Brainy men want old-fashioned wives - study  2005-01-03 17:30:56
A high IQ is a hindrance for women wanting to get married while it is an asset for men, according to a study by four British universities published in The Sunday Times newspaper.Full Story...
German scientists announce new HIV treatment  2005-01-03 17:39:07
German scientists say they have developed a new treatment for HIV that has been useful in targeting mutated strains of the Aids virus that have become impervious to drugs.Full Story...
Forensic DNA: how it works  2005-01-03 16:58:10
Hundreds of forensic experts have been sent to Asia to compile DNA material that will help identify tsunami victims. But exactly how does DNA testing work?Full Story...
Old remedy revived in war on 'silent killer'  2005-01-02 10:17:48
Artemisia is an ancient cure for malaria. The Masai in Kenya still use a variation of the plant and the Chinese have long known about its medicinal properties - now farmers in Ethiopia are discovering its virtues...Full Story...
How to survive those hangover blues...  2005-01-01 11:34:09
The new year has arrived and you feel like you've been hit by a bus. One too many shots of tequila? Melanie Peters offers hints and tips on the best hangover cures...Full Story...

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