Terrorists let a big part of hostages go
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Young girl wants to kill her lover, just to keep his BMW X5
OLDER people can help themselves with elementary exercises
The schoolgirls have driven in bits the teacher
Water Is First Key to Averting Epidemics Along Coasts
The initial of West Bank pullback is planed on 2005
Fun Story
Young girl wants to kill her lover, just to keep his BMW X5
Menstruating women possess the ultimate power
Anna Kournikova gets married, divorced and pregnant
Woman spends 45 years playing Santa Claus
Every type of woman is good in its own way
Orange Christmas trees grow in Ukraine
Chastity belts become more popular with modern men
Boris Yeltsin's wife Naina shares intimate secret with Hillary Clinton
Britney Spears' shoes stink
People drop sink down on car to shut the alarm up
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