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Front page / Russia / Economics / Production
Thousands of Russian employees suffer from industrial injuries - 11/16/2004 18:05
Saving money on personal protective equipment usually leads to higher expenditure connected with paying employees' sick-lists and allowances
According to statistics from the International Labor Organization, over two million people in the world die at work every year, 160 million develop professional diseases, and the number of industrial accidents reaches 270 million worldwide. Over 100 thousand chemical substances used in the home industry, as well as 200 biological and about 50 physical factors exert a very negative influence on employees' health
Gold and crude reserves to end in Russia in 15 years - 11/11/2004 16:51
The Russian government considers the long-term program on the domestic mineral wealth Russia's gold and oil economic efficiency will be exhausted in... More...
People Feel Well but Russia is Unwell - 10/08/2004 12:56
Russians admire their own ability to cope with problems Two thirds of Russians are satisfied with their today"s economic and social position, sociologists... More...
Terrorism and Politics - 10/04/2004 19:24
Many respectable economists have negatively evaluated the recent declarations of changes in policy of Russia made by the President Putin in... More...
Putin believes Russian agriculture progresses - 10/01/2004 13:36
During a tour of an agricultural company in Saratov, Putin was shown horses, pigs and camels Putin evinced great interest in horses during the tour of... More...
Russian scholar told West on the anatomy of Russian capitalism - 09/10/2004 21:23
12 years ago professor of Moscow State University Stanislav Menshikov came to the Netherlands to deliver lections on the economy of the post-Socialist... More...
Secret recipe for Russia - 09/08/2004 11:56
Almost 90% of Russians consider that quality of the imported goods goes down as the industry moves to Russia. Market analysts of major transnational... More...
Are we getting rich or dying out? - 09/07/2004 16:26
Russian government established the living wage for the first 6 months of 2004. For the second quarter of 2004, the government established the living wage:... More...
Russian food companies provide 70 percent of national needs - 09/06/2004 16:32
Russians eat less now in comparison with the eighties Russian food manufacturers have been providing only 70 percent of the national need in food stuffs... More...
Russia to resume serial production of its famous air-giant "Ruslan" - 09/03/2004 13:16
Federal production agency (FPA) of Russia adopted a resolution to resume serial production of the famous airplanes An-124 "Ruslan" "Aviastar-airplane... More...
Chinese forge Russian merchandise - 08/31/2004 12:36
Russian customs uncovered a new type of fraudulent activity - production of fake labels "Made in Russia". These exact labels were found on confiscated... More...
USA asks for more oil, and Russia says yes - 08/26/2004 19:12
The oil prices continue growing. International experts say that the oil price will continue growing after reaching the mark of $50 per barrel. More...
Oil issue is vital for USA - 08/26/2004 18:56
The winner of the US presidential race will have to suggest the best solution to extricate from the energetic crisis The prices on petrol are growing... More...
Russia to unveil the diamond and platinum statistics - 08/23/2004 15:05
The decision of the Kimberly Process may cause serious damage to Russia as a diamond exporter The so-called Kimberly Process is aimed at withdrawing... More...
Russian and US petrol equal in price - 08/20/2004 14:50
US prices on petrol have been decreasing for the latest two months, though The retail price on petrol in Russia has equalized with the one in the States... More...
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Front pagebriefly
Russia: News reports on terrorism to be censored in Russia
Science and Health: Dreams prophesize illnesses
World: Putin makes Ukrainian crisis Russia's internal matter
Hot spots and Incidents: Mi-8 helicopters crash most due to poor technical servicing
Opinion: Ukraine crisis: A Western circus with Yushchenko, the clown

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