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ULR 42

9 Mar 89

On "The Problem of Immortality"
(issue of 14 DEC 88 - same title)


Before a Player arrives at Source Levels (or during them) he may start running into a "fixed idea" solution to "the Problem of Immortality" that he is using. By using a NON-VIABLE solution (NO CREATE, COUNTER CREATE, NOT IS) he may slow or defeat any progress he is making on the Bridge.

(A more severe case of the is but going through the NON-VIABLE solutions of NOT-IS, NO CREATE, COUNTER CREATE over a period of time would indicate the Player is a "Failed Source" Case and should be handled by that issue of 9 Mar 89.)

So, A Review Process for these slow, problematic Players on above OT 16 levels can be made to "unfix" him from the unviable "solution".

But FIRST, any ULR phenomenon should be handled, and any Pre-Loop or Private and Personal Games the person is still stuck in. But if this action tends to also be slow and dragged out, especially after the ULR (other Big thetans affecting him) have been handled, one may check for and handle the possibility of "using a non-viable solution" in his game playing & auditing.

NOTE: This is a very powerful process and is the persons OWN solution, no matter how he arrived at it or decided or adopt it - so don't run this if he stil has any "others" affecting him (eg. Loop thetans, Postulate thetans, SIPs, etc).

NOTE: Do not confuse this with the "Source Mission - Opposition Handling" issue. That is where the person feels opposition on everything he is is trying to do, feels stopped, and blocked. This "unviable solution" handling is something he knows he is doing but its always slow, non-optimum, and dragged out - he is not feeling "stopped" but his actions don't seem to get him where he expects to be on his Dynamics or Auditing.



1) Study Admin Briefing #3 to get the concept of what Sources are doing with games.

2)       Assess:         "Solutions to Immortality"

                              NO CREATE
                              COUNTER CREATE

(These are from the LRH Axioms on Conditions of Existence and the tech on the Actual Cycle of Action)

3) The Big Read and Interest will be the one he is using compulsively. Make sure it is indicated to him and he is agreeing and willing to run it. (Most usually, it will be one of the last 3).

4) Run V/I on it as follows:

(1) "What is the value of using (ITEM ASSESSED) as a Solution to Immortality?"

(2) "What is the importance of using (ITEM ASSESSED) as a Solution to Immortality?"

This may go a long way to an FTA, VGIs, Cog EP - but when he gets there he will not be compulsively doing it anymore. NOTE: Only handle ONE item. He is only "stuck" in one solution. We wan't him to be able to choose freely his "solutions". We are not trying to run them "out". Ant game player should be able to choose and use any solution he needs for the particular application he evaluates it necessary for.

5) Do a Blow - Can't Blow. Use 4 Rights of a Thetan on "Blow C". Check for MOCOs dumped or forgotten about in "Can't Blow B" all the way back through the Loops and any Pre Loop he has run. This should result in another FTA and more viable attitude toward playing games and going up the Bridge.

6) Note his activity and "win" level in next few days. Is he having more fun? More wins? More acceptances? Does his interest and intelligence improve? Is he more involved in things he wants to do? If so good. Review is complete. Back to the Bridge where he left off.

7) If still not OK, or he says he is now doing another one (solution) but can't stop it, or seems again compulsive, see the "Failed Source Case" issue of same date.


Snr C/S RONs