The Judge Lives
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God. (Romans 12:19 RSV)       Read Daily Devotion
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Synod welcomes 94 new congregations
The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod welcomed 94 new congregations in 2003 -- 10 more than the previous year and the most in at least 15 years. Read more...
Gathering tagged nation's largest single church-youth event
With 35,000 participants from more than 20 countries, the National LCMS Youth Gathering will be "the largest single denominational youth event in the United States," says a spokesman. Read more...
The 62nd Regular Convention
The 62nd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod will take place July 10 - 15, 2004 in St. Louis. This is the principal legislative assembly of the church body that meets once every three years. Read more...