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"It's not just a "better" design, it could be a giant step for FedEx and the FedEx-site users."

Uwe from Germany

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After: 37BetterFedEx


How we made it better

  • We more clearly delineated required fields and section groupings
  • We reduced the prominence of features that don't directly relate to shipping your package
  • The Address Book now populates the address fields without a reload
  • A "Shipping Shortcuts" feature saves frequent shipping presets, filling out the entire form based on past orders of your choice
  • We added package tracking to the sidebar and reduced the link options to keep the options simple
  • We also added a shipment history section of the sidebar to provide an overview of your recent shipments

Visit 37BetterFedEx

Before: FedEx "Ship Manager"


What's wrong with this screen?

  • It's unclear which sections you must fill in before submitting the form
  • Features indirectly related to the shipment process (i.e. adding to address book, sorting address book) are shown in-line with form elements, adding confusion
  • Address book pull-down automatically refreshes the page regardless of whether you click the "Apply" button
  • There is no Address Book feature for senders
  • To ship even 2 packages, you have to refresh the page
  • Linked form labels jump you out of the process, inviting you away from the task of shipping
  • A "Cancel Shipment" button at the bottom of the page could spell disaster if accidentally clicked

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