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Duke University School of Law


Academic Programs at Duke Law

The educational approach at Duke Law encourages the development of new ideas and the exploration of differing points of view. Classroom instruction in the core subjects of our required first-year curriculum provide the foundation upon which an innovative and intellectually demanding upperclass curriculum is built.

Through wide-ranging international programs, including transnational summer institutes in Geneva and Asia, students have the opportunity to experience international perspectives as a dimension of virtually all fields of law. Our clinical course offerings have expanded exponentially this year, with three new clinics in business law, international law and children's education law, joining existing clinical programs in AIDS law and death penalty law.

Students enjoy additional opportunities for experiential learning through the Duke Law's public interest and pro bono programs. Also outside of the classroom, centers and programs such as the Global Capital Markets Center, the Duke Center on Law and National Security and the Duke Program in Public Law shape debate over critical and emerging legal issues.

Course Profiles

The Legal Profession in Historical Perspective

This is a course in American history as well as an introduction to the law governing lawyers. The aim of the instructor is to engage class members in a discussion of the public role and responsibility of the profession in the United States since 1776. There is the hope that some class members might be moved to play a larger role in the life of the Republic than they might otherwise.

The principal reading material has been written by the instructor. It is relatively light reading succinctly recording stories about noted American lawyers. For each meeting of the class, questions will be raised about the legality, the ethics, and the political wisdom of the conduct of the lawyers involved.


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