"What is Wrong Today ?"



Our nation is under siege and we are not sure just who the enemy is even though we are told. Our closest ally - Israel - has been caught spying on American citizens. Congress is passing new laws without reading or considering the impact of such laws. Five of our top Bio-Warfare scientists have been murdered around the world in the past 3 months and there is no mention of this alarming fact in the news that comes into our homes each night. We are in another war where it seems "The Bad Guys" will escape to fight another day. American jobs and wealth are flooding out of the country at an alarming rate. Our economy offers odds less that a roulette wheel in Vegas. How could these things come upon us so quickly without warning?

We have had many wakeup calls in this country. Look at the political scandals in the past 20 years. The message should be "Do not rely on Government for the solution to our problems!" yet we consistently (as a nation) stick our heads in the sand and "Hope" our leaders can straighten out the mess. We are conditioned to turn to the very source of many of our problems for an expected resolution. We fail to realize that "freedom without responsibility" is NOT FREEDOM.

This is how Satan works. He creates a problem for which he has a ready solution: a solution which naturally leads to another set of problems in a downward spiral of "problem-solution". The goal in this process is the destruction of all things and if left to its own means, the downward spiral is quite successful.

With reference to Israel, the modern day Israel is not the promised Israel from the Bible. Israel refuted the New Covenant and has remained so to this time. It is estimated that only approximately 250,000 Jews worldwide are Messianic (Christian). The blessed Israel in Isaiah and Revelation is an Israel that has turned to Christ!

When God chose Israel, He chose the most unlikely people on Earth to convey His message of deliverance: not just to Israel but to all nations! His wisdom, power, and love are expressed in the way He has preserved His chosen people. While the systems and nations of men have ebbed and flowed with consistently disastrous results (only short respites betwixt), the chosen people have endured it all in the most impossible circumstances. By His Word God has preserved His people. What a contrast to the brilliant devices and leadership of mere mortals!

The message we should be receiving is "Man cannot...God Can!". Many of our churches have gone the way of corporate America (Christianity, Inc.) with boards, investments, profit and loss margins and the like. The lure of "Tax Credits" have become the treasured goblet. Many otherwise solid churches have been diluted in their teachings to satisfy the "New Law Requirements" else they must "Go out of Business". We are not a nation of the Christian Faith. We are a nation of the Christian Religion! (Subject to authoritative interpretation).

The recent surge in Islam is threatening to overrun Christianity for a very "Worldly" reason; Islam is "Humanistic" in its views - salvation is EARNED. This concept of earning is in keeping with the fast-paced "Modus-Operandi" of the so-called New World Order. They strive for "survival of the fittest" with a parsing out of the "less enlightened".

A day is approaching when the marriage of the Islamic masses with the Christianity, Inc. masses and the New Agers will constitute the "Politically Correct" one-world church! After all, in the quest for world freedom, we are told "anything goes" as long as it is approved: rights without responsibility are the norm! God is legislated into non-existence!!

I could go on with this but the list is endless. The one thing that keeps popping out of my Bible as I try to search for a sane answer as to what we "The Faithful" should do is something you may not want to hear: "We are right where God intended us to be at just the right time for the perfect reason". We have the perfect time and place to "exercise our Faith". We have the perfect time and place to "bring in the Harvest" from the confused and shaken masses. We have the perfect time and place to "Resist him - that he might flee from us" in the sight of others that will be moved spiritually! We are the hands, eyes, ears, and mouths of Jesus!

As the minds of men break, the mind of Christ is solid. As problems become insurmountable, God's solution set is unchanging, unshakeable and flawless. We are the living proof of this for the times. This is why we are still here! This is why Satan is setting his world systems against us!

As we are empowered by the sanctification of the Son of God, we can call on God in prayer to return our nation unto His approval and care... and He will. We can pray that our leaders be spiritually moved to resist darkness and seek the light of Christ...and they shall. We can don the spiritual armor of Ephesians and march against the principalities of darkness...and they will flee!

We cannot do these things as a nation in the Religion of Christianity, we must do these things in the "Faith of Christianity". Faith always sets God beyond legislation, law, personal desire, and pride! We learn this Faith as we seek Him through His Word. We grow in this Faith as we practice what we learn and walk as we believe!

In faithful prayer, we are formidable for the times!!




(Copyright 2001 Word-On-Word Ministry)


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