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Alaska Ways and Means Opinion
Principles of a fiscal plan

Seven keys to progress First in a series Alaska's $1 billion fiscal gap threatens to swamp our current prosperity in red ink and economic disarray. Nothing the Alaska Legislature could do -- or not do -- matters more than building sound fiscal foundations. As legislators struggle to craft a workable plan to put state finances onto a sustainable basis, seven key ideas should guide their work: 1. START NOW The first principle (More...)


Fiscal sense Here's how Alaska can win (Second in a series) Alaska's $1 billion-a-year fiscal gap is a serious problem, but it is manageable if we keep our heads and act decisively. The best way is to keep our balance, to take something from each of several sources while ratcheting up changes gradually. Here is a proposal for how: REFORM BUT DON'T ROLL BACK SPENDING Alaska's economy is built largely around public (More...)


Spending We all benefit, no matter which sector we work in Third in a series Alaskans waste far too much time and antagonism on the question of whether we, as a state, spend too much or too little. In the debate over closing Alaska's $1 billion fiscal gap, we'd do well to lay off the ideology, think hard about what we need and go with what works. We are privileged with (More...)


Income tax comes first It's fair, so let's phase it in Progressivity is at the nub of the argument over what taxes will best help cure Alaska's $1 billion-a-year fiscal gap. There's no way to craft a lasting solution without including a broad-based tax, because without one there's no way to close the "Alaska Disconnect" that makes new growth a liability to everyone. And with Alaska's budget sinking into red (More...)


Breaking the spell Time to use Permanent Fund It's time to see the Alaska Permanent Fund for what it is: A blessing of riches to use, not worship, for the public good of Alaskans today and generations to come. It's time to use some of its earnings to pay for public services and make the principle as permanent as we can. Alaska voters created the Permanent Fund in 1976; beginning (More...)

Phase back the dividend

But there's no need to kill it Alaska draws about $1 billion a year from savings to support state services at current levels. At the same time, we spend about $1 billion a year for a program not found in any other state -- cash payments to every resident, regardless of need, made through the Permanent Fund dividend program. Couldn't we fill the $1 billion spending gap by dropping the dividend and (More...)

Targeted taxes

Alcohol, gasoline, cruise levies are part of solution Seventh in a series The state's financial situation is so serious that the repair job requires many different tools. Unless an income tax is pushed to onerous rates, it will fill only about 30 to 40 percent of the state's $1 billion-a-year hole. An important contribution -- roughly $100 million -- can come from three targeted tax measures: increasing the alcohol tax, increasing (More...)


A better future Fixing the fiscal gap is key Last in a series Alaska's journey into the 21st century has begun on shaky legs. Though the economy is generally strong, major industries -- fisheries, tourism, even oil -- are struggling. Our politics are wracked by bitter partisanship and drift. State government is a mainstay of our future, yet financially unsound. Only federal spending and the long-run growth of the Alaska Permanent (More...)

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