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GreaseSpot Cafe > Chat Room

Enter the Chat Room
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We have developed three (3) separate Chat Room entrances to best suit your computer display resolution. Try them out and use the one that works best for you!

The chat room is a place for informal conversation and fun. Serious and meaningful connections often take place but a lighthearted approach is encouraged. Please be respectful and polite to everyone, regardless of their opinions.

The majority of chat room interactions are positive and entertaining for those involved. However, problems do arise from time to time. The guidelines below address those situations and have arisen from input by many who frequent the chat room regularly. Anyone who proves that they can't conduct themselves along these lines will be subject to being banned from chat.

Thank you for helping to make GreaseSpot Cafe a comfortable and inviting place to gather!

1. If you feel that a particular chatter is behaving inappropriately, tell them politely and then let it go. Continuing to prod someone about their behavior generally just aggravates the situation. If they persist in baiting you into an argument, back off and take a higher road... otherwise YOU become a part of the problem.

2. Use the Ignore feature to make people who are irritating you invisible. Type /i, then a space, then their handle (exactly as it appears on screen). This command will make it so that you no longer see their name or what they type into the chat room.

3. If you have a conflict with someone that you feel must be discussed further, handle it directly with the person involved, and handle it OUTSIDE of the chat room (perhaps through email or an instant messenger program). Personal battles should be kept private.

4. The Whisper feature can be useful for a quick and private message, but remember that too much whispering back and forth can be rude, making others feel left out. Please use it sparingly and with consideration for the people present in the room.

5. Be cautious about revealing any personal information in chat. Consider the fact that there may be a variety of "lurkers" present in the room (people who are reading the screen but not posting). Choosing to remain anonymous is reasonable and often recommended on the Internet. Maintaining that anonymity requires wisdom on your part. The chat room is very public, so think before you type.

6. Don't reveal any private information which you may have about other chatters. Period.

7. Have fun!

You can tip the help, but don't talk to them... they are busy.