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Authorization Functions

This section contains topics for the following groups of functions.

Basic Access Control Functions

The following functions are used with access tokens.
Function Description
AdjustTokenGroups Changes the group information in an access token.
AdjustTokenPrivileges Enables or disables the privileges in an access token. It does not grant new privileges or revoke existing ones.
AuthzAccessCheck Determines which access bits can be granted to a client for a given set of security descriptors.
AuthzAccessCheckCallback An application-defined function that handles callback ACEs during an access check. AuthzAccessCheckCallback is a placeholder for the application-defined function name.
AuthzAddSidsToContext Creates a copy of an existing context and appends a given set of SIDs and restricted SIDs.
AuthzCachedAccessCheck Performs a fast access check based on a cached handle containing the static granted bits from a previous AuthzAccessCheck call.
AuthzComputeGroupsCallback An application-defined function that creates a list of SIDs that apply to a client.
AuthzFreeAuditEvent Frees the AUDIT_EVENT_INFO structure allocated in the AuthzInitializeObjectAccessAuditEvent function.
AuthzFreeContext Frees all structures and memory associated with the client context.
AuthzFreeGroupsCallback An application-defined function that frees memory allocated by AuthzComputeGroupsCallback.
AuthzFreeHandle Finds and deletes a handle from the handle list.
AuthzFreeResourceManager Frees a resource manager object.
AuthzGetInformationFromAuditInfo Queries information in an AUTHZ_AUDIT_INFO_HANDLE structure.
AuthzGetInformationFromContext Returns information about an Authz context.
AuthzInitializeContextFromAuthzContext Creates a new client context based on an existing client context.
AuthzInitializeContextFromSid Creates a user-mode client context from a user SID.
AuthzInitializeContextFromToken Initializes a client authorization context from a kernel token.
AuthzInitialzeObjectAccessAuditEvent Initializes auditing for an object.
AuthzInitializeResourceManager Uses Authz to verify that clients have access to various resources.
AuthzOpenObjectAudit Opens an object for auditing.
BuildImpersonateExplicitAccessWithName Obsolete; do not use.
BuildImpersonateTrustee Obsolete; do not use.
BuildTrusteeWithName Sets other members of the structure to default values.
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndName Initializes a TRUSTEE structure with the object-specific ACE information, initializing the remaining members of the structure to default values. The caller also specifies the name of the trustee.
BuildTrusteeWithObjectsAndSid Initializes a TRUSTEE structure with the object-specific ACE information, initializing the remaining members of the structure to default values.
BuildTrusteeWithSid Initializes a TRUSTEE structure. The caller specifies the security identifier (SID) of the trustee.
CheckTokenMembership Determines whether a specified SID is enabled in a specified access token.
ConvertSecurityDescriptorToStringSecurityDescriptor Converts a security descriptor to a string format.
ConvertSidToStringSid Converts a SID to a string format suitable for display, storage, or transmission.
ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor Converts a string-format security descriptor into a valid, functional security descriptor.
ConvertStringSidToSid Converts a string-format SID into a valid, functional SID.
CopySid Copies a security identifier (SID) to a buffer.
CreateRestrictedToken Creates a new token that is a restricted version of an existing token. The restricted token can have disabled SIDs, deleted privileges, and a list of restricting SIDs.
DuplicateToken Creates a new impersonation token that duplicates an existing token.
DuplicateTokenEx Creates a new primary token or impersonation token that duplicates an existing token.
EqualPrefixSid Tests two security-identifier (SID) prefix values for equality.
EqualSid Tests two security identifier (SID) values for equality.
FreeSid Frees a security identifier (SID) previously allocated by using the AllocateAndInitializeSid function.
GetAuditedPermissionsFromAcl Retrieves the audited access rights for a specified trustee.
GetEffectiveRightsFromAcl Retrieves the effective access rights that an ACL grants to a specified trustee.
GetExplicitEntriesFromAcl Retrieves an array of structures that describe the access control entries (ACEs) in an access control list (ACL).
GetLengthSid Returns the length, in bytes, of a valid security identifier (SID).
GetMultipleTrustee Obsolete; do not use.
GetMultipleTrusteeOperation Obsolete; do not use.
GetNamedSecurityInfo Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor for an object specified by name.
GetSecurityDescriptorControl Retrieves a security descriptor control and revision information.
GetTokenInformation Retrieves information about a token.
GetTrusteeForm Retrieves the trustee name from the specified TRUSTEE structure.
GetTrusteeName Retrieves the trustee name from the specified TRUSTEE structure.
GetTrusteeType Retrieves the trustee type from the specified TRUSTEE structure.
InitializeSid Initializes a security identifier (SID).
IsTokenRestricted Determines whether a token has a list of restricting SIDs.
IsValidSid Validates a security identifier (SID) by verifying that the revision number is within a known range, and that the number of subauthorities is less than the maximum.
LookupAccountName Accepts the name of a system and an account as input.
LookupAccountSid Accepts a security identifier (SID) as input.
LookupPrivilegeDisplayName Retrieves a display name representing a specified privilege.
LookupPrivilegeName Retrieves the name corresponding to the privilege represented on a specific system by a specified locally unique identifier (LUID).
LookupPrivilegeValue Retrieves the locally unique identifier (LUID) used on a specified system to locally represent the specified privilege name.
OpenProcessToken Retrieves a handle to the primary access token for a process.
OpenThreadToken Retrieves a handle to the impersonation access token for a thread.
RtlConvertSidToUnicodeString Converts a SID to its Unicode character representation.
SetEntriesInAcl Creates a new access control list (ACL) by merging new access control or audit-control information into an existing ACL.
SetNamedSecurityInfo Sets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified object.
SetThreadToken Assigns or removes an impersonation token for a thread.
SetTokenInformation Changes a token's owner, primary group, or default DACL.
SetSecurityDescriptorControl Sets the control bits of a security descriptor.
SetSecurityInfo Sets specified security information in the security descriptor of a specified object.
SetThreadToken Assigns an impersonation token to a thread.
SetTokenInformation Sets various types of information for a specified access token.

Access Control Editor Functions

The following functions are used with the access control editor.
Function Description
CreateSecurityPage Creates a basic security property page that enables the user to view and edit the access rights allowed or denied by the ACEs in an object's DACL.
EditSecurity Displays a property sheet that contains a basic security property page.

Client/Server Access Control Functions

The following functions are used by servers to impersonate clients.
Function Description
BuildSecurityDescriptor Allocates and initializes a new security descriptor.
ConvertToAutoInheritPrivateObjectSecurity Converts a security descriptor and its ACLs to a format that supports automatic propagation of inheritable ACEs.
CreatePrivateObjectSecurity Allocates and initializes a self-relative security descriptor for a new private object.
CreatePrivateObjectSecurityEx Allocates and initializes a self-relative security descriptor for a new private object created by the resource manager calling this function.
CreateProcessAsUser Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process then runs the specified executable file.
CreateProcessWithLogonW Creates a new process and its primary thread. The new process then runs the specified executable file in the security context of the specified credentials (user, domain, and password).
DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity Deletes a private object's security descriptor.
GetPrivateObjectSecurity Retrieves information from a private object's security descriptor.
ImpersonateAnonymousToken Enables the specified thread to impersonate the system's anonymous logon token.
ImpersonateLoggedOnUser Lets the calling thread impersonate the security context of a logged-on user.
ImpersonateNamedPipeClient Impersonates a named-pipe client application.
ImpersonateSelf Obtains an access token that impersonates the security context of the calling process.
LookupSecurityDescriptorParts Retrieves security information from a self-relative security descriptor.
MapGenericMask Maps the generic access rights in an access mask to specific and standard access rights.
ObjectCloseAuditAlarm Generates an audit message in the security event log when a handle to a private object is deleted.
ObjectDeleteAuditAlarm Generates audit messages when an object is deleted.
ObjectOpenAuditAlarm Generates audit messages when a client application attempts to gain access to an object or to create a new one.
ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm Generates an audit message in the security event log.
PrivilegeCheck Determines whether a specified set of privileges are enabled in an access token.
PrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm Generates an audit message in the security event log.
RevertToSelf Terminates the impersonation of a client application.
SetPrivateObjectSecurity Modifies a private object's security descriptor.
SetPrivateObjectSecurityEx Modifies the security descriptor of a private object maintained by the resource manager calling this function.
SetSecurityDescriptorRMControl Sets the resource manager control bits in the SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR structure.

Low-Level Access Control Functions

The following low-level functions are used to manipulate security descriptors.
Function Description
DeleteAce Deletes an ACE from an ACL.
FindFirstFreeAce Retrieves a pointer to the first free byte in an ACL.
GetAce Obtains a pointer to an ACE in an ACL.
GetAclInformation Retrieves information about an ACL.
GetFileSecurity Obtains specified information about the security of a file or directory.
GetKernelObjectSecurity Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor protecting a kernel object.
GetSecurityDescriptorDacl Retrieves a pointer to the DACL in a specified security descriptor.
GetSecurityDescriptorGroup Retrieves the primary group information from a security descriptor.
GetSecurityDescriptorLength Returns the length, in bytes, of a structurally valid security descriptor.
GetSecurityDescriptorOwner Retrieves the owner information from a security descriptor.
GetSecurityDescriptorSacl Retrieves a pointer to the SACL in a specified security descriptor.
GetUserObjectSecurity Retrieves security information for the specified user object.
InitializeAcl Creates a new ACL structure.
InitializeSecurityDescriptor Initializes a new security descriptor.
IsValidAcl Validates an ACL.
IsValidSecurityDescriptor Determines whether the components of a security descriptor are valid.
MakeAbsoluteSD Creates a security descriptor in absolute format by using a security descriptor in self-relative format as a template.
MakeSelfRelativeSD Creates a security descriptor in self-relative format by using a security descriptor in absolute format as a template.
NetShareGetInfo Retrieves information about a particular shared resource on a server.
NetShareSetInfo Sets the parameters of a shared resource.
QueryServiceObjectSecurity Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor associated with a service object.
RegGetKeySecurity Retrieves a copy of the security descriptor protecting the specified open registry key.
RegSetKeySecurity Sets the security of an open registry key.
SetAclInformation Sets information about an ACL.
SetFileSecurity Sets the security of a file or directory object.
SetKernelObjectSecurity Sets the security of a kernel object. For example, this can be a process, thread, or event.
SetSecurityDescriptorDacl Sets information in a DACL.
SetSecurityDescriptorGroup Sets the primary group information of an absolute-format security descriptor, replacing any primary group information already present in the security descriptor.
SetSecurityDescriptorOwner Sets the owner information of an absolute-format security descriptor.
SetSecurityDescriptorSacl Sets information in a system access control list (SACL).
SetServiceObjectSecurity Sets the security descriptor of a service object.
SetUserObjectSecurity Sets the security of a user object.

Platform SDK Release: October 2002
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