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 Rick Rubin, the man who married rap and rock, sets his eyes on Rage and Chris Cornell ...

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 Audioslave quickly jell, write songs, land Ozzfest spot and then Cornell quits ...

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 Tom Morello creates 'electric termite' sounds, discusses Audioslave's future ...

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Cornell returned to the rehearsal space the next day and for 17 days after that. By then, they had written 21 epic rock tracks, 14 of which are featured on their recently released self-titled album. The songs, mostly aggressive screamers with a couple of ballads, sound like what you might think a blend of Soundgarden and Rage Against the Machine would sound like, without any awkward moments.

During the writing process, Cornell would listen while the band jammed, singing notes and writing lyrics on the spot.

  "I still listen occasionally to those first tapes that we had of Chris making noises." — Tim Commerford
"I still listen occasionally to those first tapes that we had of Chris making noises," said Commerford, his hair tied in a ponytail and his tattooed torso protruding from his tank top. "His voice is like a saxophone. From day one, we were in the studio with this incredible bluesman who can hit on the softest falsetto or scream like he's in AC/DC or sing really low like he's Elvis Presley or sing with his regular voice like he's the singer of Soundgarden."

After a few months together, Audioslave — a name that came to Cornell in a vision (after their first choice, Civilian, was taken, Commerford admitted) — declared themselves a band and signed up to headline Ozzfest. But it turned out they had come together too quickly.

  " got more and more difficult."
"We never paused for a moment to deal with the business side of it, which was incredibly complicated because of the fact that it is two separate entities that both come with record companies, that both come with law firms, that both come with accountants, that both come with managing companies," Cornell explained. "Trying to sort all of that stuff out [even] in the best possible world would have been difficult, but things go wrong and it got more and more difficult."

Four days after the Ozzfest announcement, Cornell quit Audioslave, only to rejoin six months later. The band won't go into detail about the split except to say it had nothing to do with each other and everything to do with their quarreling managers.

"As soon as we started talking to each other, person to person, it became very clear that this was a band that we were all proud to be in," Cornell said.

There's been speculation that Audioslave are still divided, but they look more like fraternity brothers than feuding bandmates, chatting about where Cornell bought his boots in between interviews and laughing frequently. Even their breakup has them joking around.

While discussing why the group hasn't yet performed live, Cornell said they didn't want to make commitments until they got their ducks in row. "We had duck lining-up problems for a minute there."

"We had a pond full," Morello added with a smile.

When Audioslave hired new management and mixed their album, their excitement returned to the level it was back in the rehearsal space. Morello becomes particularly enthusiastic when discussion turns to their songs.

NEXT: Tom Morello creates 'electric termite' sounds, discusses Audioslave's future ...
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Photo: Mercury and Epic



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