redsquare.gif (817 bytes)  Remo Chiti

Remo Chiti was born in 1891 in Staggia Sinese. He was a writer and member of the Florentine Futurist group centred around L'Italia Futurista

An active supporter of synthetic theatre, his only publication was I creatori del teatro futurista (The Creators of Futurist Synthetic Theatre) of 1915, although he made many contributions to a wide range of publications.

In 1916 he was a member of the editorial board of L'Italia Futurista and this same year he co-signed, with  Arnaldo Ginna, Mario Carli, Emilio Settimelli, Oscar Mara and Neri Nannetti, the Manifesto of Futurist Science published in L'Italia Futurista, Florence, on 15 June.


Remo Chiti, 1916

In 1918, he headed a local fascio of the Futurist Political Party in Rome, with Carli, Alberto Bucinelli and Piccardo Calcaprini.


Something of a moderate, during the hot debate over the future of the Futurist-Fascist relationship during 1933, Chiti attempted to mediate between the Right and Left-wing factions by suggesting a "Futurism of Substance" that allowed every shade of doctrine between anarcho-revolutionary and conservative-conventional.

Chiti died in Rome in 1971.



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