W3C Office W3C Offices

W3C is hosted by three organizations on three continents: the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, the French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control (INRIA) in France, and Keio University in Japan. You can find the contact persons at these hosts by consulting the general contact page. W3C has also developed a program to partner with regional organizations, referred to as W3C Offices, which act as local points of contact, and which make sure that W3C and its specifications are known in their country. The mission of an office can be summarized as follows:

To promote adoption of W3C recommendations among developers, application builders, and standards setters, and to encourage inclusion of stakeholder organizations in the creation of future recommendations by joining W3C.

A separate page gives more details on the role of W3C offices. If your institution is interested in hosting an office, you should also read the conditions for hosting an office.

Some news on the W3C Office activities

right arrow Call for Papers: EuroWeb 2002

11 July, 2002: Supported by the W3C UK and Ireland Office and IW3C2, the EuroWeb 2002 Conference will be held in Oxford, UK on 17-18 December 2002. The conference focus is "The Web and the GRID: from e-science to e-business." Research and position papers should be submitted by 27 September. For more information, please read the call for papers and consult the conference Web site.

right arrow W3C Office Staff and Team at the XML Days events throughout Europe

30 July, 2002: just as in earlier years, the W3C Offices in Europe participate at the XML Days series in Europe by providing speakers from either the local Office Staff or the W3C Team and by being present at some of the events with booths and information on W3C. This year's list of speakers and topics include:

  • Munich, September 18, 2002, Klaus Birkenbihl, W3C German-Austrian Office: "XML für Alles? Die Fakten"
  • Milano, September 20, 2002, Oreste Signore, W3C Italian Office: "Una panoramica delle tecnologie W3C"
  • Amsterdam, October 3, 2002, Steven Pemberton, W3C: "XML: What's in it for your website?"
  • Helsinki, October 7, 2002, Bert Bos, W3C: "W3C standards for print, phones, TVs and more"
  • Stockholm, October 8, 2002, Rigo Wenning, W3C: "P3P: Turning data protection into a competitive advantage"
  • Oslo, October 9, 2002, Max Froumentin, W3C: "XSLT and XML for Content Management"
  • Copenhagen, October 10, 2002, Steven Pemberton, W3C: "XML: What's in it for your website?"

right arrow Regionalization of offices

6 May, 2002: As W3C increases its presence worldwide through its Office program, some of the Offices have been transformed into regional Offices. This means that they are not bound to national borders any more and that they act as regional outreach centers for countries that share common culture, history, or language. As a first step, the former W3C German Office is now the W3C Office in Germany and Austria, the former W3C UK Office is now the W3C Office in the UK and Ireland, and the former W3C Dutch Office is now the W3C Office in the Benelux (i.e., Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg).

right arrow Offices' staff presentation in August

Kangchan Lee, Korean Office, makes a presentation on the Technical Trends and Perspective on XML on the 20th of August at the ICT Standardization Workshop.

See also the news archive for earlier news.

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Ivan Herman, Head of Offices (ivan@w3.org)
Last revised: $Date: 2002/07/31 16:13:18 $