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Natural Pantheism:cover2140.jpg (7510 bytes)
a spiritual approach to nature
and the cosmos.

by Paul Harrison.

Revering the Universe, caring for Nature, celebrating life

A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge.
Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot (1994)

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Are You a Pantheist?

When you look at the night sky or at the images of the Hubble Space Telescope, are you filled with feelings of awe and wonder at the overwhelming beauty and power of the universe?
 When you are in the midst of nature, in a forest, by the sea, on a mountain peak - do you ever feel a sense of the sacred, like the feeling of being in a vast cathedral?
Do you believe that humans should be a part of Nature, rather than set above it?

 If you can answer yes to all of these questions, then you have pantheistic leanings.

 Are you sceptical about a God other than Nature and   the Universe?
 Yet do you feel an emotional need for a recognition of something greater than your own self or than the human race?

 If you answer yes to these additional questions then pantheism is very probably your natural religious home. If you want to see why others chose it, then check Why I am a pantheist .

Modern pantheism is often misunderstood. It has nothing to do with "pantheon" or "polytheism"- belief in many Gods. It is neither theism nor atheism, but transcends both. Its central tenet is that the universe is the ultimate reality, the ultimate object of reverence, while nature is a sacred part of the totality of which every one of us, in life or in death, is an inseparable part.

Pantheism is an ancient religion - older than Buddhism or Christianity - and may already count hundreds of millions among its members. Most Taoists are pantheists, along with many Chinese, Japanese and Western Buddhists, deep ecologists, pagans, animists, followers of many native religions, and many Unitarian Universalists. The central philosophical scriptures of Hinduism are pantheistic. Many atheists and humanists may be pantheists without realizing it.

Scientific or natural pantheism is a modern form of pantheism that deeply reveres the universe and nature and joyfully accepts and embraces life, the body and earth, but does not believe in any supernatural deities, entities or powers.


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[Famous thinkers and pantheist readings from Lao Tzu to Einstein]
Elements of Pantheism Elements of Pantheism by Paul Harrison
The only survey of pantheist history,      theory and practice in print.
Includes solar/lunar almanac 1999-2005
$9.95 - £5.99
<---- Cover
Get your discount copy from Amazon Books.

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What Pantheism believes

At the heart of pantheism is reverence of the universe as the ultimate focus of reverence.
and for the natural earth as sacred.

Natural pantheism -  Pan for short - has a naturalistic approach which simply accepts and reveres the universe and nature just as they are, and promotes an ethic of respect for human and animal rights and for lifestyles that sustain rather than destroy the environment.

 When scientific pantheists say WE REVERE THE UNIVERSE we are not talking about a supernatural being. We are talking about the way our senses and our emotions force us to respond to the overwhelming mystery and power that surrounds us.
We are part of the universe. Our earth was created from the universe and will one day be reabsorbed into the universe.
We are made of the same matter and energy as the universe. We are not in exile here: we are at home. It is only here that we will ever get the chance to see paradise face to face. If we believe our real home is not here but in a land that lies beyond death - if we believe that the numinous is found only in old books, or old buildings, or inside our head, or outside this reality - then we will see this real, vibrant, luminous world as if through a glass darkly.
The universe creates us, preserves us, destroys us. It is deep and old beyond our ability to reach with our senses. It is beautiful beyond our ability to describe in words. It is complex beyond our ability to fully grasp in science. We must relate to the universe with humility, awe, reverence, celebration and the search for deeper understanding - in many of the ways that believers relate to their God, minus the grovelling worship or the expectation that there is some being out there who can answer our prayers.

This overwhelming presence is everywhere inside you and outside you and you can never be separated from it.

Whatever else is taken from you, this can never be taken from you.
Wherever you are, it's there with you.
Wherever you go, it goes with you.
Whatever happens to you, it remains with you.

When pantheists say WE REVERE AND CARE FOR NATURE, we mean it with just as much commitment and reverence as believers speaking about their church or mosque, or the relics of their saints. But again we are not talking about supernatural beings. We are saying this:

We are part of nature. Nature made us and at our death we will be reabsorbed into nature. We are at home in nature and in our bodies. This is where we belong. This is the only place where we can find and make our paradise, not in some imaginary world on the other side of the grave. If nature is the only paradise, then separation from nature is the only hell. When we destroy nature, we create hell on earth for other species and for ourselves.

 Nature is our mother, our home, our security, our peace, our past and our future. We should treat natural things and habitats as believers treat their temples and shrines, as sacred - to be revered and preserved in all their intricate and fragile beauty.

 See The World Pantheist Movement belief statement.


Naturalistic reverence for the universe and nature goes under several names
What name do you like best?

If you think the name Pan would work as an umbrella for all of these, check Pan [Pan means "All" in Greek]

Scientific pantheism
Natural pantheism
Pan - the spirituality of nature
Religious humanism
Religious atheism
Religious naturalism
Rational paganism

Current Results

A positive approach to life on earth.

   Natural Pantheism offers the most positive and embracing approach to life, the body and nature of any philosophy or religion. Our bodies are not base and evil: they are good. Nature is not a reflection of something higher: it is the highest. Life is not a path to somewhere else: it is the destination. We must make the best of while we have it.

    Natural Pantheism is rooted in the present world. It reconciles concern for humans, and concern for the planet. It places life, not death, in the focus of our concern.

 Natural Pantheism has as its central motto:

Healthy mind - healthy body - healthy earth.

A spiritual approach in keeping with the age of science and environment.

On the eve of the Third Millennium we have become citizens of the cosmos. Through the eyes of the Hubble telescope we have seen the universe as never before. We have seen the emptiness of space strewn with galaxies as thick as snow. We have seen the birth of stars. We have found planetary discs around many stars. We have found amino acids in space.

 In this situation it is becoming impossible to believe in gods other than the Universe itself, or gods who created this ungraspable immensity just as a frame for our tiny presence.

 During this same generation we have lost our citizenship of this earth, and risk losing our delicate foothold in the cosmos. We have acquired the power to modify life, to alter ecosystems, to change the planet itself and threaten the future of every species, including our own.

 Today we need a spiritual approach that provide powerful backing for environmental action. Yet the three largest Western religions provide only feeble support.

 In this generation spirituality must come of age and be reborn into the age of space, the age of science, the age of environment.

 As Carl Sagan wrote in Pale Blue Dot (1994):

A religion old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the universe as revealed by modern science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths. Sooner or later, such a religion will emerge.


Join the World Pantheist Movement

Introduction to this site.

These pages are intended as a guide to Pantheism:


Join our growing movement.

If you think you share these beliefs and would like to join with others in expressing them, living them and promoting them, then do consider joining the World Pantheist Movement. You can  JOIN HERE or Visit the WPM site here.

 If you would like to join one of our pantheism mailing lists, then check the Introduction to the mailing lists.

 The theory is summarized in Basic principles and Pantheism FAQS. You can also DOWNLOAD VIA FTP an ascii version of the Elements of Scientific Pantheism pages [142k] and one of the Practice of Pantheism pages [86k]. Or you can download a .ZIP archive of both these files [86k] [See note]

 If you would like to promote the ideas of scientific pantheism, you can  print out World Pantheist Movement Leaflets straight from your browser and give them out to friends or leave them in suitable places for people to find.

Use the words pantheism and pantheist wherever possible, make your own pantheist homepage, include a link to Natural Pantheism and to the World Pantheist Movement in your pages. For other ways of helping, see How you can help spread pantheism and Having fun with newsgroups and forums.

Join the WPM



The World Pantheist Movement belief statement: what scientific pantheists believe.
Why I am a pantheist: statement from WPM members.
Basic principles of Natural Pantheism.
Pantheist affirmation of life, body and universe.
Science and Natural Pantheism
Pantheism FAQs: panentheism, paganism, atheism, free will etc.
Debates: discussions from the mail group.
Why organize?
How you can help to spread Natural Pantheism.


Definitions of pantheism from leading dictionaries and encyclopedias.
God and cosmos:
the divine attributes - God's powers and transcendence.

God and human response: the Idea of the Holy.
God and society: the imaginary attributes - justice and love.
God and reality: the unrecognized attributes - flux and chaos.

The self-existent cosmos: cause and purpose.
The self-organizing cosmos: design and order.
Matter and Mystery: materialism versus idealism.
Unity and diversity: the Many and the One.
Gaia: Unity of life on Earth.


Union with Reality: pantheist meditation techniques.
Pantheist perception: regaining the child's vision.
Sacred time, sacred space: ceremony and celebration in pantheism.
    A pantheist almanac: equinoxes, solstices, full moons.
    A pantheist calendar: notable dates in the year.
Pantheist circles: Suggestions for weekly meetings.
Pantheist ethics: the rights of the sacred.
The pantheist way of death: natural death, realistic survival.
The divine cosmos: scriptural expression.


        World Pantheist Movement
        Email lists and communities


Atheism and pantheism: the religious atheists.
Pantheism and paganism: a symbiosis.


The Afterlife: promises and problems.
The perils of faith: abandoning reason.
Ethics and God: the shakiest foundation.
The Bible and the Environment: from dominion to destruction.


Pantheist thinkers, scripture and readings

History of Pantheism: introduction and index.
Varieties of pantheism: world-affirming and world-denying.
Sexual pantheisms.

Tribal religions

North American Indians: the spirituality of nature.

Classical Greece and Rome

Greek materialism: Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes.
Heraclitus - the priest of fire.
Zeno of Cittium - founding father of the Stoics.
Marcus Aurelius - the philosopher-emperor.
Plotinus - mystical union with the One.

Taoism and neo-Confucianism.

Lao Tzu - the Tao of Reality.
Chuang Tzu - the butterfly philosopher of Taoism.
Chang Tsai - son of Heaven and Earth.


Upanishads - the secret widwom of Hinduism
Bhagavad Gita - the song of God.


Tantric Buddhism - sexual pantheism.


Old Testament and Talmud - the omnipresence of God.
Kabbalah - the oneness of God and creation


Ibn al-Arabi - the Sufi mystic


The New Testament: the Holy Spirit and Paul's Christo-pantheism
The Gnostic orgiasts - releasing the light within
The Brethren of the Free Spirit - divine amorality.
Hildegard of Bingen - visions of divinity.
Meister Eckhart - passing beyond God.
Thomas Aquinas - the angelic doctor.


Giordano Bruno - pantheist cosmologist and martyr.
Spinoza - the geometric philosopher.
John Toland - inventor of the word pantheist.
Rousseau - the first romantic.
Pantheistic poets: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Goethe, Tennyson, Whitman etc.
Hegel: the theology of history.
Ralph Waldo Emerson - the transparent eyeball.
Friedrich Nietzsche - world and life-affirmer.
Ernst Haeckel's Monism.
Albert Einstein and the cosmic mystery.
Robinson Jeffers: Pantheist poet, by John Courtney
The real theology of Star Trek - Gene Roddenberry's pantheism


Hua Yen Buddhism - Zen Buddhism - Attar - Lucretius
Wordsworth - Shelley - Keats - Wordsworth - D. H. Lawrence - Teilhard de Chardin


Italian - Spanish - Portuguese - Swedish.

 Join the WPM

Book cover

Elements of Pantheism
The only overview of pantheist history, theory and practice in print. 
Includes almanac and calendar. 
$9.95 US - £5.99 UK
Order now from Amazon Books

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