The Science of Religious Experience?

by Bernt Rostrom, © August 30, 2001  Sweden.

"God is supernatural" the believer tells us.
I see God as an emergent presence within our body.

I want you to consider a deeper religious view.
If you look into why we are religious then it is
obvious that it has its origin in our material body.

Now to be spiritual or religious, what is it anyway?

How do we feel God's presence at all.
We do it through our body! The only way to feel God
are through your body. Everyone of us has his or her
own interpretation of what it is that we experience.

Now science begin to look deeper at why we have religious
experiences. This means conflict with the traditional
interpretation. Science reduce our living experience
of standing in a fruitful relation to God to mere
materialism, the traditional believer tells us.

They see scientific theories as an enemy to their relation
with God. I see scientific methods as a deeper way to God.
A truer way to the actual source of the religious experience.

We need to revalue our body's knowledge of what it is like
to be joyfully alive. To celebrite Life itself! A deeper
relation to God beyond our traditional interpretation of
this existential experience.

I recommend a book by Antonio Damasio " The Feeling of What Happens "
in it he try to explain consciousness by starting from our body's point of view.
"Body and Emotion in the Making of Consciousness "

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