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    The corporate media may be giving Bush a pass, but we won't
  • To our European friends (if we have any left): America has suffered a coup

    By Eileen Smith


    June 16, 2001—So while Europeans were gathering by the thousands and chaining themselves together and mass mooning the Radisson Goteberg and throwing rocks and hollering at George W. Bush, what ran through their minds about an American electorate that is giving passive acceptance to the coup d'etat of 2000?

    They didn't see any members of Congress stand with the Black Caucus when the electoral votes were counted. They haven't seen Al Gore make a public statement speaking frankly about the theft of the election. They watched our elected Democrats place bonhomie over principle in the first days of the administration, and they hear a lot of talk about bipartisanship and a lot of nothing from the complacent American people.

    The danger here is that Europeans and the world will assume that our lack of disturbance means that we are mostly unified behind the far-right loony policies being implemented by the Bush administration. And that is what they're thinking and saying. George is not shy about encouraging that impression. He uses the royal "We Americans" when talking up his controversial policies.

    The world now thinks America has taken a right turn toward an isolationist and unilateralist stance that offers only the middle finger of ill will to its allies instead of cooperation and diplomacy on concerns affecting all people.

    That's why we—as Democrats, progressives, independents and others who oppose the coup of 2000—must be more verbal, more demanding, more visible, more unyielding, more unapologetic, more resistant in every lawful way to the squatter administration now in the White House.

    The people of Europe are carrying water for us, friends. How can we let them do this task on our behalf? How can we let them think we approve of Bush policies? How can we let them think he speaks for us? It's time to wail like banshees, work like hell, and recruit others. If you don't have a bumper sticker, get one or make one. Lawn signs. Handwritten letters on real paper. Street theater. Whatever it takes.

    A message written by Free Republic member East Bay Patriot informs us what we're up against:

    "F—Them. Leftist pigs.

    "The left are nothing more than rainbow-armband wearing, pink-swastika waving fascists. The Democratic party is, as Pat Caddell said so eloquently on PMSNBC 'A Confederation of Gangsters.' They are all tyrants hiding behind those fake, forced, condescending Paul Begala-smiles.

    "The liberal is a vicious, violent fascist. We all must remember this when they attack this site and when they attack conservatives in general. They are tyrants and fascists - every last rotten one of them - right down to the roots of their black hearts.

    "They have a smile on their face, compassion in their heart, and murder in their soul. The annointed [sic] hate any who disagree with them, and it isn't enough to defeat us, they would even kill us all if they thought they could get away with it. Make no mistake. Smiling tyrants. 'Damned smiling villains.'

    "Vicious, hate-filled, venemous [sic] little fascist pigs every single one of them. Never forget what this site represents to them - it represents organized, powerful, resistance to their annointed [sic] 'vision' (as Thomas Sowell has dubbed it) and the only remedy for those who disagree with their vision is to destroy the resistance. They do not tolerate disent [sic], argument, free expression, or debate. Their only goal is to silence the opposition through any means necessary.

    "This isn't just hyperbole and incendiary rhetoric. This site represents a real threat to them, as does the Internet, and none of us must ever forget, for a single minute, just how filled with hate these rabid, mad-dog, fascists are. I firmly believe that if they thought they had enough control and thought they had the power to get away with it, they would round up every conservative in this country, and open up death camps as a 'final solution.'

    "Don't be fooled by the rainbows - we are dealing with monsters. Too often conservatives (even on this site) treat with them as foes to be reasoned with - trying to accommodate [sic] and appease. The Republican Party is still making this mistake. You cannot appease or reason with a leftist or a liberal. You cannot make them 'like you.' You cannot make them 'see your side.' Like the Borg, 'resistance is futile' in their world - and like the Borg, the only way to deal with them is to fight them tooth and nail, every step of the way and make them suffer for every inch of ground they might gain. The only thing they understand is force - forceful resistance. They cannot be reasoned with. You don't try and reason with tyrants. You don't try to reason with those who spit on the Constitution and wipe their asses with it - who think the only amendments that apply are the ones they 'approve of.' Who think they have a right to steal the earnings of others and use it to fuel their socialist utopian fantasies. You don't try to reason with zealots like that and you don't practice a policy of 'appeasement,' either.

    "As a very smart man once said, 'Treating your enemy with respect is providing him an advantage to which he is not entitled.'

    "We're in a war for the soul of our country, and trust me, if you read their Marxist ravings out there on the Web, this web site of Jim's is ground zero for these pigs. They have their sites set on us now - this includes the print and television leftists. And I would venture to guess that we will face increasingly vicious and hostile assaults on this site, and its members, in the next few years by these vile, leftist, mouthbreathers [sic].

    "Me? I only have one thing to say to them - come on and get some, boys.

    "I'm tired of these spineless, gutless, weak-kneed, yellow bellies in our Senate, Congress, and Whitehouse[sic]. You don't play patty-cakes with vicious demagogues like Tom 'Puff' Daschle and old leather skinned, pickled, reptiles like Kennedy. You don't try to follow a policy of appeasement or accomodation [sic] - you don't try to compromise with them. They only understand force. You either fight to win, which means you use the bully pulpit of the Presidency [sic] to go out and hold press conferences (like 'Bubba' did) to excoriate and crucify your opposition, and you use incendiary rhetoric just like they do.

    "When's the last time you heard a Republican call a leftist a leftist? When's the last time on any news program you've heard them call the other side, 'radical, anti-American leftists,' or 'wacko, radical liberals,' or some such thing? When's the last time you've heard them call the other side 'communists' or 'socialists' or 'radical left-wing extremists.'

    "Karl Rove either needs a kick in the ass from Dubbya [sic], or he needs to be handed his walking papers. They had better drop the 'polling' strategy of 'Bubba' and had better send out their minions to every news program. They had better start attacking these radical, leftist tyrants who mask themselves under the guise of 'journalism' in interviews and press conferences. The press hates Bush anyway, they've been attacking him with a zeal, these last few days, that I don't remember since the Reagan era. They aren't your friends and they will never say anything good about you. So take the fight to them. Call them out for the scum they are. Get the sound bites about their radical left-wing agenda out onto the news (and even with their leftist control of the media, the sound-bites are still the sound-bites and they will get out).

    "These Republicans had better start using the vicious rhetoric that 'Dicky Gephardt' used yesterday against Bush. You don't play games with these fascists. They are bent on taking over our government, expanding government to control every aspect of our lives, disarming us and raping the 2nd Amendment, and putting in place Orwellian 'hate speech' laws that effectively silence any opposition and criminalizing [sic] any speech the annointed [sic] few find 'unacceptable.' They will create a nation in which every act is under government regulation or open to the trial lawyers for litigation. Our nation will become a prison of litigation and confiscation - land and property, firearms, corporations who make any product of any kind, it doesn't matter - pick a business, a product, an issue - it will either be regulated or subject to insane litigation as the ambulence [sic] chasing leftist pigs in the ACLU - the trial lawyers - run pell-mell over the rights of all of us. They are bent on creating a totalitarian hell of control, regulation, and litigation, people.

    "We had better all find the anger - the fire in the belly - folks, because it's all on the line here. We are on the precipice. We either crush them utterly, or we lose it all. FIND YOUR RAGE!!!"

    We'd better not turn away our European friends through our passivity, and we dare not let them believe we do not care about the coup. We may need them to supervise elections and send in peace keepers. Sooner rather than later.

    Two immediate tasks are before us: communicate our distress to the European press, and pump up the volume at home.

      The views expressed herein are the writers' own and do not necessarily reflect those of Online Journal.


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