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Title/Description Author Updated Score

Design and Strategy
Observing the world - how to build a reuseable implementation of a design pattern
An article about techniques to pour reusable design (a design pattern) into reusable code at the example of the observer pattern
Daniel Lohmann 12 Jun 2001 4.71
Creating Singleton Objects using Visual C++
This article discusses a Creational Pattern called Singleton and explains different approaches for implementing Singleton pattern using a Visual C++ example.
T. Kulathu Sarma 9 Jan 2001 4.7
Applying Observer Pattern in C++ Applications
This article explains how to avoid object dependencies using the Observer Pattern with a simple example.
T. Kulathu Sarma 9 Jan 2001 4.61
Applying Strategy Pattern in C++ Applications
When it is possible to have several different algorithms for performing a processa Strategy Pattern can be used to determine the best solution.
T. Kulathu Sarma 9 Jan 2001 4.47
Bridge Pattern - Bridging the gap between Interface and Implementation
This article discusses the Bridge Pattern, what it is, why and when it is needed.
T. Kulathu Sarma 9 Jan 2001 4.44
MFC and Design Patterns
This article discusses what a Design Pattern is, GoF's classification of Patterns, and MFC and Design Patterns.
T. Kulathu Sarma 9 Jan 2001 4.32
Chain of Responsibility
An article showing the application of Chain of Responsibility in real world and software world.
T. Kulathu Sarma 11 Jul 2001 3.31

A Utility to Clean Up Compiler Temp Files
A shell extension that deletes compiler temp and intermediate files.
Michael Dunn 9 Jun 2000 4.97
A Hex Viewer Shell Extension.
Shanker Chandrabose 10 Mar 2000 4.91
frhed - free hex editor
A free hex editor with C++ source
Raihan Kibria 6 Apr 2000 4.88
Using templates for initialization
Use templates to initialize structures or simple member variables
Paul Westcott 14 Feb 2001 4.8
VSS: protocol handler for Visual SourceSafe
This article describes how to hook up a protocol, in the example "vss:", to a custom handler to open a document from a Visual SourceSafe repository using automation.
Victor Vogelpoel 28 Jun 2001 4.8
ResSwitch & ResList v1.2 - Easily change screen resolution
2 freeware utilities to quickly change Screen Depth and Resolution.
PJ Naughter 4 Mar 2000 4.77
Some Time-Saving Commands and Key Remappings for the VC IDE
Save time and impress co-workers with these great keyboard shortcuts
Michael Dunn 18 Mar 1999
Aggressive Optimizations for Visual C++
Save time and space in your release builds - fight bloatware!
Todd C. Wilson 28 Jan 2000
Programming the MS Agent Control
Programming an animated agent similar to the office assistant.
Santosh Rao 4 Mar 2000 4.67
Reduce the Size of Your Final EXE File
This article describes ways to reduce the final size of your applucation's EXE file.
Rehan Nadeem 8 Jun 2000 4.59
A Utility for Browsing Directly to a Microsoft Knowledge Base Article
A utility that lets you browse to a MS Knowledge Base article right from the Run dialog
Michael Dunn 4 Apr 2001 4.54
Syntax coloring for user-defined keywords in Visual Studio
A UserType.dat file that provides syntax coloring for user-defined keywords in Visual Studio
Keith Kudlac 21 Mar 2000
Automated Source Safe Backups
A scripted approach to automating Visual Source Safe backups
Conor Hunt 21 Feb 2001 4.45
Optimization: Your Worst Enemy
Learn about the potential pitfalls of code optimization.
Joseph M. Newcomer 13 Aug 2000
Fixing the GPF in Devshl.dll when starting VC++ 5 or 6
Having problems with Devshl.dll? Don't reinstall Visual Studio until you've read this!
Sean Echevarria 18 Jan 2000
Removing debug information from .obj files
A small program for removing debug information from object files that aids incrementally linking extremely large projects.
Tibor Blazko 4 May 2000 4.25
The Graphical Developer Interface
Learn effective methods for logging and debugging your Windows apps.
Joseph M. Newcomer 17 May 2000 4.21
How to use the res: protocol in Developer Studio
A simple MFC demo application that demonstrates using the res: protocol to use resources in your applications
Santosh Rao 26 Mar 2000 3.64
KeyCHW: A Compression Utility for MSDN (and other large help systems)
A DOS utility for compressing CHW files.
Ralph Walden 2 Feb 2000 3.5
Grouping project files into folders
A tip on organising your project files in the DevStudio Workspace window
Jeremiah Talkar 20 Jan 2000
C++ coding styles, ways to create solid code
Samples of C++ coding styles that will help you to create solid code
Ivan Martynov 14 Feb 2001 2.42
Creating your own GUIDs
A simple method of creating a unique name or identifier
Joseph M. Newcomer 18 Jul 2001 2.2

Unedited Reader Contributions
Win32 vs. MFC - Part I
Discusses MFC architecture
Mehdi Mousavi 3 Aug 2001
The Right Way To Do Object Serialization
A tip for using object serialization
Leo Moll 16 May 2001 4.33

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last updated 3 Aug 2001
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