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Title/Description Author Updated Score

DevStudio Add-ins
Undocumented Visual C++
Spelunking in the Badlands of MSDEV
Nick Hodapp 18 Sep 2000 4.95
WWhizInterface: Enhancements to the Visual C++ Automation Interface
A C++ interface with a number of Visual C++ automation enhancements, allowing for more robust add-in programming.
Joshua Jensen 29 Jul 2001
Project Line Counter Add-In
Get statistics about your source code with a click of a button
Oz Solomonovich 3 Nov 2000
Visual Studio Bookmark Saver Add-In
Visual Studio add-in which saves and restores bookmarks after closing and re-opening a file.
Jignesh Patel 7 Feb 2000 4.79
Enhanced Windows List Developer Studio Addin
A smart replacement for standard Developer Studio' "Windows" dialog.
Yuri Tkachov 14 Feb 2001 4.75
True Colour Developer Studio Addin
Use any colour in the Developer Studio IDE
Simon Capewell 27 Jan 2000 4.73
Restore Class View Add-In
An add-in to restore class view information for a workspace.
Jignesh Patel 22 Jun 2001 4.67
Resource ID Organiser Add-In for Visual C++ 5.0/6.0
An application/add-in to organise and renumber resource symbol IDs
Andy Metcalfe 25 Jul 2001
Window Tabs Add-In For DevStudio
Window and File Management For Visual C++
Oz Solomonovich 5 Apr 2001
Strip'em Add-in for Visual Studio 6.0
This Add-in converts the text format (DOS or UNIX) of a file when it is saved in Visual Studio.
Itay Szekely 8 Mar 2001 4.56
AutoText Add-in for Visual Studio 6.0
Adds the auto text feature from MS Word (tm) to the Developer Studio (tm)
Christoph Weber 4 Mar 2001 4.55
WizGen Add-in for Visual Studio 6.0
This Add-in is similar to class wizard but can be used for MFC extension libraries
Philip Oldaker 5 Oct 2000 4.55
GUIDGen Developer Studio AddIn (update)
An Add-In that replaces and extends the GUID Generator component included with Developer Studio
Eddie Velasquez 8 May 2001 4.5
Project Explorer
A DevStudio Add-in that adds the ability to launch windows explorer in the directory of the currently active project
Mark Wickman 30 Apr 2000 4.47
Auto File Save Add-in for Visual Studio 6.0
Add auto-save feature to Visual Studio 6.0.
Itay Szekely 10 Mar 2000 4.4
A code Rescue Add-in for Visual C++ Developers.
Michael Pelts 28 Dec 2000 4.4
Replace in Files AddIn
Search and Replace in multiple files Add-in for Visual C++ 6.0
Daniel Zilcsak 25 Aug 2000 4.38
Workspace Utilities v1.75
A Visual Studio add-in provides a number of useful workspace-related functions
Joshua Jensen 3 Dec 1999 4.33
Active Comments 1.2
This addin allows your source code to have references to external files, MSDN articles, voice comments etc.
Andrei Levin 23 Nov 2000 4.17
Increment Private Build Number
An add-in to automatically increment the PrivateBuild field in your applications resource file.
Mihai Filimon 9 Feb 2000 4.15
ToDoList Add-on
This is add-on for Visual C++ that lists comments in source files such as TODO:, TASK:, NOTE: etc and makes it easy to navigate to them.
Alex Kucherenko 12 Jun 2001 4.08
Auto-Incrementing Build Numbers
Describes a way to automatically generate an application build number.
Navi Singh 9 Mar 2000
VS Service Pack
Visual Studio Add-In that displays the latest service pack installed
Sardaukar 1 Apr 2001 3.62
Useful Managers
An add-in for Devstudio that provides tag indexing and search, window, bookmarks, session and other managers
Mike Melnikov 19 May 2000 3.58
exxZERO Time Stamp Add-In for Visual C++
This Add-In automatically adds the last modified date and time to a file
Paul Falcon 22 Jun 2001 3.25
Extending WndTabs - The WndTabs SDK
Make the WndTabs tabs work for you - with this powerful API.
Oz Solomonovich 5 Apr 2001 2.88
DebugHelp Devstudio Add In
Debug Help is a Visual C++ 6.0 AddIn that helps developers insert debug statements in their program code.
Amit Dey 1 Feb 2001 2.13
Level Add-in
An add-in that helps you hide 'inactive' pieces of your code in include files
Red Pilgrim 30 Jan 2001 1.93

Comment/Uncomment Macro and more
Some useful macros for MS Visual Studio.
Adam Solesby 13 Mar 2001 4.68
Reformat source code
A great macro for reformatting C++ source code
Alvaro Mendez 26 Apr 2001 4.62
Cool Techniques - Metamacros
A technique to allow macros to call other macros
Thales P. Carvalho 2 Dec 1999 4.45
An Automatic Build Incrementer for VC6
An article on how to add an automatic build incrementer to VC6
Curt Blackmon 12 Jul 2000 4.39
Reformatting XML
A Developer Studio macro to reformat XML
Mark M. Baker 10 Apr 2001 4.38
A handy keyobard shortcut for "Double Click" on VC6 IDE
Mark a word in VC6 without leaving the keyboard to double click with the mouse.
Alberto Gattegno 4 Jun 2000 4
Multiple Clipboard Macros
Three simple macros that work together to add multiple clipboard functionality to Microsoft Visual C++.
Michael Pelts 25 Jan 2001 4
Source Navigation Macros
Three simple macros that aid in navigating in and between your source code files.
Michael Pelts 28 Dec 2000 4
Devstudio Copyright Macro
A simple macro for adding a copyright notice to the start of your files.
Amit Dey 1 Feb 2001 2.6
Write a C++ class
A Macro which writes an empty C++ class.
Dhananjay Gune 12 Apr 2000 2.41
Align your code
Align multiple lines of assignments after the equal sign, for example
Scott Kirkwood 30 Jul 2000 2.06

Unedited Reader Contributions
FreeVCS++ - FreeVCS Visual C++ add-in
The add-in enables you to use FreeVCS, the free Version Source Control, in Visual C++
Vitaly Belman 10 Jul 2001 4.11
Emacs-style Clipboard Ring
Enhanced multi-clipboard similar to the Emacs kill/yank ring
Damon Otoshi 27 Mar 2001
Adding tags support to Visual Studio
Visual Studio Macro to provide tags support
Paul S. Vickery 6 Mar 2001
Add-in to create a class derived from CObject
Visual studio add-in to generate classes dervived from CObject or subclasses. Includes serialization, Dump, AssertValid etc.
Rudolf Jan Heijink 8 Jul 2001

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last updated 3 Aug 2001
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