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C++ / MFC / STL

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Title/Description Author Updated Score

Zip and Unzip in the MFC way
The library to create, modify and extract zip archives
Tadeusz Dracz 5 Apr 2001 4.68
Using PPMD for compression
This article presents a class for using PPM to compress a file.
Andreas Muegge 12 Jun 2001 4.6
CFraction - a double / fraction / string conversion class
A class that converts between doubles, strings and fractional representations
Dean Wyant 18 Apr 2000 4.56
Generic Serializer - serializing arbitrary data structures
Template functions for serializing arbitrary linked nodes.
Martin Holzherr 12 Aug 2000 4.45
A Checksum Algorithm
A checksum is a value which is computed which allows you to check the validity of something. Typically, checksums are used in data transmission contexts to detect if the data has been transmitted successfully.
Joseph M. Newcomer 28 Mar 2001 4.24
Keep sensitive data safe via encryption
Daniel Madden 8 May 2000 2.76

A Beginner's Guide to Pointers
An article showing the use of pointers in C and C++
Andrew Peace 29 Jun 2000
Using namespaces properly
This article does not teach you the syntax of namespaces. Rather, it shows you how to use them properly.
Dejan Jelović 31 Jan 2001
Different Styles of Programming
A basic introduction to some different styles of programming
Alex Marbus 25 May 2000
Why I Chose C++
An introduction to C++ from a personal perspective
William T. Block 21 Mar 2000

Extend collections
Extended Collection classes to provide copy, compare and find operations with 2 dimensional arrays and maps
Audrius Vasiliauskas 12 Dec 1999 4.8
Smart List classes
Wrapper classes for MFC list classes the extend their functionality
Simon Hughes 6 Apr 2000 4.8
General Purpose Collection Sorter
An article showing a method to sort any kind of collection (e.g. a CList, a CArray, an standard C array) into a given order.
Andrew Peace 5 Aug 2001
CArray: A simple but highly efficient improvement
A simple derived template class that can boost the efficiency of your programs.
Russell Robinson 25 Jan 2000 4.63
CArray pitfall
This article describes how the CArray class can access deleted memory in certain situations
Warren Stevens 28 Sep 2000 4.43
Dynamic Open Hash Table (DOHT) using CPtrList class
Making assorted hash table of strings and/or other data types.
Arash Afifi Sabet 3 Jun 2000 4.42
A Beginner's Guide to the Linked List
An article showing the basics of the linked list, and how the CList class operates
Andrew Peace 1 Aug 2000 4.1
Ultimate FastMaps!
A fully featured map class that uses balanced trees to store and retrieve data quickly by key
Dundas Software 20 Jan 2000 4.08
Implementing Linked Lists with Double Pointers
Describes a linked list implementation that uses double pointers.
Chris Becke 4 Mar 2000 3.84
A simple templated array class.
Smaller Animals Software Inc. 10 May 2000 3.83
Generic Lookaside List Class
A simple way to keep items such as COM instances 'warm' and available for reuse
Jim Johnson 13 Oct 2000 3.75
CList Iterator
A simple iteration class for MFC's CList linked list
Craig Henderson 13 Oct 2000 3.38
QuickSort enabled CArray template class
A CArray derived class that provides quick and convenient sorting
Martin Ziacek 17 Mar 2000 3.38
Using qsort on arrays of sequential data
An introduction to a useful function
Phil McGahan and Chris Maunder 27 Jan 2000
Quick and Dirty Collection Class Notes
An article describing MFC Collection Classes
Joe Harleman 29 Nov 2000

Getting started with Borland C++ 5.5
In mid-February 2000 the people responsible for Borland's C++ products made the core of their product line available as a free download.
Leon Matthews 5 Aug 2001

Exception Handling
SEH and C++ Exceptions - catch all in one
This article describes how to handle SE and C++ exception together.
Martin Ziacek 17 Mar 2000 4.18

An introduction to modelling OOP design concepts with UML
Alex Marbus 21 Jun 2000
Avoiding Multiple Instances of an Application
Learn the right way to limit your application to run only one instance.
Joseph M. Newcomer 17 May 2000 4.84
TCX Unit Conversion Library Thales P. Carvalho 2 Dec 1999 4.8
CHookWnd v1.02
A freeware MFC class to support MFC subclassing
PJ Naughter 4 Mar 2000 4.6
Unicode, MBCS and Generic text mappings
A guide to using generic text functions to make the transition between character sets simple and painless
Chris Maunder 29 Mar 2000
Attaching and Detaching Objects
Attaching and detaching MFC objects to and from Windows objects.
Joseph M. Newcomer 17 May 2000 4.53
Templates and MFC
Templates are a great way of reusing code, unfortunately MFC
makes it hard to write MFC friendly template classes...
Len Holgate 28 Feb 2000 4.5
The Microsoft VC++ Virtual Property feature
Using the __declspec(property) method to enhance legacy code
Jeremiah Talkar 7 Jan 2000
Callbacks, Threads, and MFC
Learn how to use callbacks and threads with MFC.
Joseph M. Newcomer 17 May 2000 4.48
CInt96 v1.04 - 96 Bit Integers
A Freeware MFC class which provides 96 bit integers.
PJ Naughter 4 Mar 2000 4.43
Two Simple Lines for Self-Repairing Apps
Creating Self-Repairing Applications using Windows Installer
Jesse Ezell 17 Feb 2000
A class that makes it easy to implement an INI settings file in your applications.
Adam Clauss 5 May 2000 4.39
BUG in Visual C++ access for destructors with virtual base classes
When inheriting from a virtual base class the access specifier for the destructor is ignored
Roger Onslow 6 Apr 2000 4.31
CMD5: A C++ Message Digest 5 Class
This C++ class servers as a wrapper for the Message Digest 5 code described in internet RFC 1321.
Jim Howard 10 Jan 2001 4.28
CIniEx - Class with Extended INI file support
Class CIniEx carries out an extended set of INI file functions in memory
Oscar Kogosov 17 Apr 2001 4.25
A class that will split a complete path into its components.
Kevin Lussier 17 Feb 2000 4.23
Floating point utilites
A set of floating point utilities
Simon Hughes 20 Sep 2000 4.12
CSingleInstance - Single Instance Apps
An MFC class to implement single instance apps.
PJ Naughter 4 Mar 2000 4.07
eNITL - The Network Improv Template Language
A cross platform scripting engine for server applications providing HTML, XML, SGML or other text based formats
Liam Breck 12 Jan 2000
Saving a variable temporarily
A safe, and convenient way to store variables temporarily
Alvaro Mendez 17 Nov 1999
Precise duration measurement
A simple class that provides high precision timing.
Laurent Guinnard 28 Dec 1999 3.88
Addison-Velski and Landis (AVL) Binary Trees
Describes an implementation of AVL Trees.
Andreas Jäger 23 Feb 2000 3.82
A circular character buffer
A circular, thread-safe read/write character buffer
David Hubbard 10 Dec 1999 3.8
Compression and decompression using the Crypto++ library
Using the Crypto++ library to compress and decompress data
Shaun Wilde 17 Apr 2001 3.75
Creating a process, and then killing it ljp 23 Nov 1999
Multilingual Application - Change Application Language Daniel Zuppinger 18 Nov 1999 3.25
Callback based, Quicksort enabled CArray template class
This article presents a callback based, QuickSort enabled CArray template class
Attila Hajdrik 19 Oct 2000 3.2
C++ MetaClass
A class that can be modified at run-time
Niraj Kedar 1 Dec 1999 3.18
C & C++ Language Tricks
More tricks of use to a programmer who shuns run-time libraries.
Chris Becke 4 Mar 2000 2.84
ANSI/ISO C++ Draft Standard Working Papers
The December 1996 draft of the C++ standard
ANSI/ISO 29 Feb 2000 2.5
Avoiding GetDlgItem
Learn how to refrain from using GetDlgItem.
Joseph M. Newcomer 17 May 2000 2.06
Avoiding UpdateData
Learn how to avoid using UpdateData in your modal dialogs.
Joseph M. Newcomer 28 Mar 2001 1.77

Introduction to Software Translation for MFC
An introduction to software localization and translation with issues specific to MFC development.
Robert Pittenger 12 May 2000

Mouse Topics
Getting messages from the IntelliMouse
How to set up message handlers for a wheel mouse
Randy More 16 Dec 1999 4.09
A 'mouse repeat' function
A function that simulates the keyboard repeat behavior for mouse clicks
Pete Sackett 9 Apr 2000 3.2

Fast regular expressions
Compiles a regular expression into a fast automaton
Martin Holzherr 30 Oct 2000 4.75
A simple stack-based language that you can easily add to your projects
Smaller Animals Software Inc. 28 Jun 2000 4.6
A scanner and scanner generator
Supports both common approaches to scanners in one object.
Martin Holzherr 10 Apr 2001 4.5
A powerful function parser
A simple yet powerful function parser that parses and evaluates standard mathematical functions
Andreas Jäger 23 Feb 2000 4.24
A simple STL based XML parser
This is a small non-validating XML parser based purely on STL
David Hubbard 17 May 2000 3.83
String Tokenizer class
A customizable string tokenizer
Zoly Farkas 9 Apr 2000 3.3

Smart Pointers
A Smart Pointer Capable of Object Level Thread Synchronization and Reference Counting Garbage Collection
A smart pointer wrapper class
Stefan Chekanov 13 Jan 2000 4.77
A garbage collection framework for C++
An article on using garbage collection in C++ through the use of smart pointers.
William E. Kempf 18 Jan 2001
A garbage collection framework for C++ - Part II
Revisiting gc_ptr<> in order to add support for polymorphic types.
William E. Kempf 29 Jan 2001 4
A Simple Smart Pointer
A template-based smart pointer implementation
Sandu Turcan 12 Jan 2000 3.83

Spell Checkers
A Spell Checking Engine
A free spell checking engine for use in your C++ applications. Includes the current US English dictionary
Matt Gullett 6 Feb 2001 4.65
A free Spell Checker with a dictionary editor program
An article on adding a spell checker to your application
Peter Pearson 7 Jan 2001 4.64
Using the Microsoft Common Spell API
An introduction to using the Microsoft CSAPI.
Tibor Blazko 15 Jun 2001 4.56

Some useful additions for the C++ standard library
Defines some TCHAR compatible STL elements and gives you an std::ostream to send output to the debugger windows.
Daniel Lohmann 12 Apr 2000 4.83
A Custom Block Allocator for Speeding Up VC++ STL
A block allocator for use with STL containers that greatly improves speed in programs doing massive data insertions and extractions.
Joaquín M López Muñoz 11 May 2000 4.54
The Token Iterator
Token Iterator provides an easy to use, familiar, and customizable way in which to go through the tokens contained in a string
John R. Bandela 4 May 2000 4.5
An Introductory STL tutorial
An STL starter that introduces the various collection types, strings, streams, iterators and methods of STL
David Hubbard 24 May 2000
Using the std::sort() Method
An introduction to sorting using STL
Paul Wolfensberger 28 Apr 2000
Using STL
A brief introduction on using the Standard Template Library
Zoran M. Todorovic 30 Dec 1999

Unedited Reader Contributions
Tensor templates
A template class that enable you to make tensors with any dimensionality. Process convolution of any tensors and so on.
Mike Melnikov 27 Jun 2001
Store more than 32 1-bit-flags in a single "scalar"
A small class to store more than 32 1-bit flags in a simple class instead of using a DWORD with maximum of 32 bits
Patrick Hoffmann 15 Jul 2001 4.82
The Code Project Visual C++ Forum FAQ
A list of frequently-asked questions taken from the C++ forum.
Michael Dunn 3 Aug 2001
Managing argc and argv[] with STL in a simple way!
This class makes it very easy and unified to process the argument list of your main(). It provides many features to support options with parameters, optional parameters and automatic output of error messages and a short manual. It uses STL and is uni
Patrick Hoffmann 15 Jul 2001 4.75
Easy to use data dispatcher
A easy to use classes to dispatch any kind of data
Matthias Mann 15 Jul 2001 4.57
A Template For General Data Arrays
A simple template to build data arrays and to sort data
Xiangyang Liu 6 Feb 2001 4.5
Presentation of the XOR256 Encryption/Decryption method for the block ciphering case
An article presenting a new block ciphering method called XOR256
George Anescu 9 Jun 2001 4.5
Tokenizer and analyzer package supporting precedence priorized rules
A library allowing to conveniently build a custom tokenizer and analyzer supporting precedence priority rules
Alexander Berthold 15 Jun 2001
Fast tokenizer
Fast tokenizer for C++ - like 'lexx'
Alexander Berthold 19 Apr 2001 4.44
Extended Tree List Control
A Tree List/Tool Tip control embedded within a CView
Gary Andrew Lewis 13 Jun 2001
STL containers map, set, and list with array access
Source code for STL compliant container classes that add indexing capability to existing container types
Ray Virzi 8 Mar 2001 4.25
XOR256 Stream Encryption with Arcfour PRNG
Presenting a variant of the XOR256 Stream Encryption/Decryption method using the Arcfour algorithm for Pseudo-Random Numbers Generation
George Anescu 19 Jul 2001 4.17
A Registry Class
A class that make easy to work with the registry
Carlos Antollini 7 Aug 2001
A class for operations with Large Integer Numbers
Presenting some algorithms for operations with large integer numbers in a C++ class using the STL vector container
George Anescu 16 Jun 2001 4
CCmdLine - command line parser
A simple command line parsing class.
Smaller Animals Software, Inc. 20 Jun 2001 4
Method for detecting and solving deadlocks in multithreading applications
Presenting a method for detecting and solving deadlocks in multithreading applications using critical sections as synchronization objects
George Anescu & Perry Rathore 27 May 2001
An unique_value template
Maintain unique ID for every object with no memory overhead.
LOXmith 6 Jun 2001 3.33
Saving a windows size position and state in MFC
Saving the size and positions of windows so that they can be restored next time the app loads up
James Pullicino 31 May 2001
Tutorial 1
This tutorial has been made to give an introduction to new c++ programmers. Unfortunately their are many great minds out there but they don't have access to free and quality c++ tutorials. So this is the first lesson.
Amin Patel 15 Nov 2000
XOR256 Block Encryption with Arcfour PRNG
Presenting a variant of the XOR256 Block Encryption/Decryption method using the Arcfour algorithm for Pseudo-Random Numbers Generation
George Anescu 30 Jul 2001 3
Circular Buffer
A multi-threaded circular buffer program
Jacques Cooper 16 Jun 2001 2.5
Outlook inbox checker
Sample code on how to use tray icons and check Exchange mailbox
Xavier Dusart 18 Apr 2001 2.45
Hex Encoder and Decoder using Crypto++
Encode binary data to and from hexadecimal format using the Crypto++ library
Shaun Wilde 21 Nov 2000
Some Stream Cipher Encryption/Decryption Algorithms
An article presenting a class of stream cipher Encryption/Decryption Algorithms
George Anescu 10 Jun 2001 2.33
Easy way to manipulate BSTR using CString class
This article is about safe and easy way to use BSTR using the CString class.
Rejeesh.T.S 3 Aug 2001
VC++ Quran
The Holy Quran Browser
Mohammad Abood Yahya 6 Aug 2001
Tutorial 2
This tutorial has been made to give an introduction to new c++ programmers. Unfortunately their are many great minds out there but they don't have access to free and quality c++ tutorials. So this is the second lesson
Amin Patel 15 Nov 2000

Handle Application Crashes Better
A method of getting more details about application crashes.
Shane Hyde 3 Jun 2000 4.76


Hungarian Notation Microsoft 28 Jan 2000
December 1996 draft C++ standard Accredited Standards Committee 28 Feb 2000

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last updated 13 Aug 2001
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