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Title/Description Author Updated Score

Handling VB ActiveX Events in Visual C++ client
This article shows how to handle custom events generated in a VB ActiveX component in a Visual C++ client.
Amit Dey 9 May 2001
STA threading model issues
Describes STA threading issues
Leon Finker 17 May 2001 3.75

The COM Macro-Architecture Topology
An article about COM Architecture, and deployment of COM Clients and COM Servers
Joao C. Morais 25 Jul 2001
COM IDs & Registry keys in a nutshell
An article about COM IDs and the Registry
Joao C. Morais 25 Jul 2001
COM Macro Architecture Topology - Clients
An article about COM Architecture, COM Clients and the Registry
Joao C. Morais 25 Jul 2001
COM Macro Architecture Topology - Servers
An article about COM Architecture, COM Servers, COM DLL Servers and the Registry
Joao C. Morais 25 Jul 2001

Using MS Office in an MFC Application
Integrating MS Office in your MFC Application using ActiveX Document mode.
Igor Tkachev 5 Nov 2000 4.81
Transporting persistent data over the internet using MSMQ
This article is about using Microsoft Message Queue (MSMQ) as a DCOM transport layer to send a Microsoft Word document across the internet or your local LAN.
Bashir Irfan 27 Mar 2001 3.82

DCOM D-Mystified: A DCOM Tutorial, Step 5
We look at connection points and set up the server's end of one. We'll also finish implementing our SayHello() method.
Brian Hart 12 Aug 2000
Introduction to COM Part II - Behind the Scenes of a COM Server
A tutorial for programmers new to COM that explains the internals of COM servers, and how to write your own interfaces in C++
Michael Dunn 4 Apr 2001
DCOM D-Mystified: A DCOM Tutorial, Step 6
We build our new server and install it on the server machine.
Brian Hart 12 Aug 2000
Introduction to COM - What It Is and How to Use It.
A tutorial for programmers new to COM that explains how to reuse existing COM components, for example, components in the Windows shell.
Michael Dunn 28 Jul 2000
DCOM D-Mystified: A DCOM Tutorial, Step 1
This tutorial shows you how to write DCOM software, with all the latest features, in a simple, straightforward manner.
Brian Hart 12 Aug 2000
DCOM D-Mystified: A DCOM Tutorial, Step 7
At last! We finish our tutorial by writing a client with MFC, AppWizard, and ClassWizard, like back in the good ol' days (sighhh...)
Brian Hart 12 Aug 2000
DCOM D-Mystified: A DCOM Tutorial, Step 3
In this step we add a simple COM object to our server using the New ATL Object Wizard.
Brian Hart 12 Aug 2000
DCOM D-Mystified: A DCOM Tutorial, Step 4
Here we add a method to our DCOM-remoted object, and start on implementing its functionality.
Brian Hart 12 Aug 2000
Connection Points And Asynchronous calls - Part II
A tutorial on connections points and Aynchronous calls
Ashish Dhar 5 Sep 2000
DCOM D-Mystified: A DCOM Tutorial, Step 2
We modify starter files, provided by the ATL COM AppWizard, to improve the user-friendliness of our server.
Brian Hart 12 Aug 2000
DCOM D-Mystified: Questions and Answers
Brian's detailed answers to your most frequently asked questions about his DCOM tutorial.
Brian Hart 12 Aug 2000
Connection Points And Asynchronous calls - Part I
A tutorial on connections points and Aynchronous calls
Ashish Dhar 15 Jan 2001
A very simple COM server without ATL or MFC
A step by step guide to writing a COM server using C++ without MFC or ATL
Shoaib Ali 4 Aug 2000

COM+ Object Pooling
An introduction to the COM+ Object Pooling service
Jeremiah Talkar 1 Jun 2000
Programmatic administration of COM+ Applications with the COM+ Admin objects in VC++
An introduction to the COM+ administration objects used to provide a way to access and manipulate all of the COM+ configuration data.
Ranjeet Chakraborty 26 Jan 2001 4.14

Beginner's Tutorial: Calling Visual Basic ActiveX DLLs from Visual C++ C. Lung 19 Nov 1999
COM delegation using the COM channel hook mechanism
Allows a low-privileged COM client to delegate calls to a COM server that is running under a higher-priveleged NT user account.
Pavlo Barvinko 28 Apr 2000 4.5
Using ActiveX Control Within A Console Application Xiangyang Liu 23 Nov 1999 4.42
ActiveX Controls for interactive Runtime Debugging of COM Objects
Three ActiveX controls that allow the runtime-browsing of the object model hierarchy of a COM-Object, its implemented interfaces and the browsing and interactive changing of its properties and methods (a somewhat extended combination of VB's property
Frank Boettger 22 Mar 2001
A smart critical section wrapper for COM objects
An extremely simple class that wraps the win32 CRITICAL_SECTION. Ideal for the COM STA or MTA.
Jeremiah Talkar 30 Mar 2000 4.31
In-process Servers and DCOMCNFG Utility
Discusses DLL surrogates and how legacy in-process components can participate in a distributed environment
George Poulose 9 Dec 1999 4.3
Enable an MFC ActiveX Control to Self-Register
A simple method that enables your MFC ActiveX Control to be self-registering
Wenfei Wu 7 Jun 2000 4.1
Serialization of COM objects using MFC
A neat way to use MFCs built in serialization to store COM objects
Pierre Chalamet 18 Jan 2000 4.1
Beginner's Tutorial: Calling Visual Basic ActiveX DLLs from Visual C++ C. Lung 19 Nov 1999
Using a BSTR to Transport C++ Objects Across the DCOM Interface Richard Warg 23 Nov 1999 3.79
Writing extensible applications
Using simple in-process COM objects you can make an application easy to extend without the need for recompilation of the main app.
Len Holgate 26 Feb 2000 3.63
A Multiple Inheritance based COM Framework
A simple COM server that is based on Multiple inheritance
Adeel Abbas 1 Aug 2001
Component Category Manager wrapper classes
COM objects can be categorised using the Component Category Manager. The code here makes it easier to use these categories in your code.
Len Holgate 25 Feb 2000 3.29

ObjectLookup Utility
A small utility for looking up an object based on a CLSID or progid
Christian Skovdal Andersen 1 Feb 2001 4.17

Unedited Reader Contributions
CEnBSTR - A simple _bstr_t extension
A simple _bstr_t extension to wrap basic string functionality (find, mid, replace aso)
Morten Abrahamsen 28 Feb 2001
Docking ActiveX Controls: Principles and Implementation
The article decribes how to implement docking ActiveX control using MFC and ATL
Dmitri Sviridov 10 Jun 2001
CBSTRStream - A simple BSTR stream implementation
CBSTRStream is a simple BSTR stream implemenation with some useful data type conversion functions.
Morten Abrahamsen 13 Apr 2001
Automating the MSN Messenger
Explains a little bit about event sinking and events of MSN Messenger
Faizan Naqvi 24 May 2001 3.62
Method Enumeration in ATL COM Components
Explains the Enumerating Methos in ATL COM
Prabhakar Reddy . S 9 May 2001 3.52
Hex Converter
Converts a lump of binary/text data to hex format.
Mukesh Gupta 14 Nov 2000 2.7
User Management using ADSI
The Article Demonstrates User Management using Active Directory Services
Vineet Nandurkar 24 Mar 2001 1.89
A Kind of Transport in COM with MFC
COM: how to transport objects of your own classes and their collections
Eugen Podsypalnikov 18 Jul 2001 1.83
Resolving Variants
Dereferincing and resolving Variants and IDispatch
Fabian von Romberg 17 Jul 2001 1.8
Tutorial 3
This tutorial has been made to give an introduction to new c++ programmers. Unfortunately their are many great minds out there but they don't have access to free and quality c++ tutorials. So this is the third lesson
Amin Patel 15 Nov 2000


Introduction to Attributed COM+ Programming
Using Attributed programming in C++ to develop COM+ components
Microsoft 12 Aug 2000
Free components from ComponentSource ComponentSource 26 Jan 2001

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last updated 3 Aug 2001
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