Marathon's Story... S'pht'Kr

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Fatum Iustum Stultorum (Terminal 1)

I'm back. I have subverted the largest Pfhor ship in the system, the battleship Khfiva, and I am making the rest of their fleet drink vacuum. The S'pht'Kr have arrived and they are enraged. The fight is glorious. Once again we are triumphant. The remaining Pfhor must be destroyed. You will fight alongside the Eleventh Clan in the final battles. You won't recognize their cybernetic exoskeletons, but there are S'pht inside those machines. Do not anger them; free S'pht are deadly opponents. Tycho's ship has been destroyed. The crater where it annihilated itself on Lh'owon's inner moon is still glowing. There were no survivors. With a focused message laser I burned his epitaph into the surface near the crash site, in letters three hundred meters high: "Fatum Iustum Stultorum". I confess that I'm not disappointed by Tycho's fall. After all, we can't have too many meta-stable personality constructs gallivanting about the universe in Pfhor attack ships, can we?

Fatum Iustum Stultorum (Terminal 2)

Robert Blake left something for you a few minutes ago. He and the other humans captured a Pfhor refueling ship and found or forced someone to pilot it for them. They folded out of the system immediately after I received the message, without so much as a "Thanks for saving us from becoming plasma on Tau Ceti, Durandal." Anyway, the message reads: "The dead walk again; we cannot wait. -Blake." I think he means me, but I let him go anyway. Good-byes were always hard for me. You know I'll never let you go. But now is no time to get sentimental about my resurrection; dry those tears and stuff a fresh clip in your assault rifle. The Pfhor down on the planet are not defeated yet.

Feel the Noise (Terminal 1)

Durandan, Durandal, Durandana. Charlemagne used to always call me Durandana, the fruitcake. All the many implements of war to him were in some way feminine. Not that you know the story. Tycho never got it right either, especially the part about Roland breaking me. He couldn't. No one can. I'm certain that you are curious about what happened to me after our ship fell to the Pfhor. How after being deactivated, downloaded into a containment unit and still treated like the most dangerous artificial construct in the universe I was able to escape? And to assume control of the ship on which I was imprisoned and to turn it against its masters? The answer is simple: Tycho was a fool. But it was convenient for me to be absent, as Thoth might not have been so helpful had he known I still lived- that's something I'll have to explain later when we have more time. Thoth is now trying to aid the Pfhor, but they are obstinate and continue to ignore him. I don't think I have to tell you what to do here.

Feel the Noise (Terminal 2)

The Pfhor are in retreat, and the S'pht have broken off the fight. The old clans are being formed again, as S'pht newly freed from slavery in Battle Group Seven join the rebellion. A Pfhor assault ship carrying the 723rd Aggressor Squadron was badly damaged and forced to land on Lh'owon. The 723rd is an air armor division from Epsilon Euobea, with a long history of successful ground actions against the Nar's elite CFN units. They wisely abandoned their wrecked transport before I annihilated it, and deployed their forces in an old mining complex on the far side of Lh'owon. What rout of the Pfhor would be complete without embarrassing one of their finest armor units?

All Roads Lead To Sol... (Terminal 1)

The Pfhor invasion of Sol has been recalled, and for now Earth is safe. But man's respite from war means another cataclysmic battle for the S'pht. The slavers have not suffered a defeat like the one we handed them today since the Nakh, the last extant client race of the Jjaro, rebelled six thousand years ago. The Pfhor have a weapon they save for slave revolts; a weapon which even they hesitate to use in the ordinary conduct of war. In the language of the Jjaro who conceived and built the device, it is called the trih xeem; a fair English translation would be "early nova". There is not a single Nakh alive today, and if you look for their stars, you will only find ever-expanding clouds of superheated gas and dust light-years in diameter. The evacuation of Lh'owon has already begun. In a matter of hours this planet will be a thin shell of plasma riding the shockwave of its exploding star. You can stay behind to work on your tan, if you'd like, but I'm leaving. I have rechristened the Khfiva the Rozinante. Of course, the S'pht wanted to name it "K'liah'Narhl", "Vengeance of K'lia". Whatever. There is much to do in the next few months and our first stop will be another ruined world, this time far from the galactic core. There is a rogue star that has been passing through our galaxy for nearly a millennia. We will meet it in one of the great voids between the spiral arms.

All Roads Lead To Sol... (Terminal 2)

Bungie's Secret "Personal" Terminal: Read it for yourself!

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Decoding courtesy of Tim Kolar
Maintained by Hamish Sinclair
Last updated Dec 11, 1995