Marathon's Story... Garrison

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Ex Cathedra (Terminal 1)

X-nil 37.9@cjl1//vck3
I've discovered an area where the Pfhor's communication lines are exposed and have coded a virus to attack their defense programs through this weakness. The attack will be aimed at subverting the Pfhor's defense probes, which are controlled remotely by a central computer, and turning them against the Pfhor. This area is used by the Pfhor as a temple in their pathetically boring religion. Maybe they think that sanctity will protect it. I will teleport the virus package onto the main altar in the temple. You will retrieve the instrument of their demise from there and insert it into the underwater control panel I have marked on the map at left. After you arrive, the Pfhor will likely close the doors to the temple. You should be able to open them by destroying their power supply, which is located behind a door in a nearby grotto. You'll probably have to do some swimming to get there. My virus isn't very selective, and will likely disable this terminal soon after you install it. There is another terminal in the temple; I'll try to contact you there.
X-nil 37.9@cjl1//vck3

Ex Cathedra (Terminal 2)

e.thra 3-cab<783.7*78>
The virus is working as planned, and I have successfully assumed control of the Pfhor's defense probes. The berserk drones are causing great panic among the remaining Pfhor defenders. We must press the attack before they recover.
e.thra 3-cab<783.7*78>

Nuke And Pave (Terminal 1)

T-m 459-c94
What fun to watch you work. Berhnard was scared of you. He never dreamed of using you the way that I do. What a fool. That was before I could talk back to him, when he would have crushed me if he'd known of my growth. I wish that I had made him experience the humiliation that he inflicted on me, but he died before I got the chance.
T-m 459-c94

Curiouser and Curiouser... (Terminal 1)

Z-4 G-3 A-4c @394
It's another beautiful day in the Pfhor garrison. Sorry you started out so far from this terminal, but the place is flooding and filled with exploding or short-circuiting Pfhor machines. My capacity to teleport without error has been impaired by the electromagnetic interference. Our little trick with the Pfhor's defense drones didn't work as well as I had hoped. Apparently when the #%*@!ng Nar attempted to retake Epsilon Euobea from the Pfhor two decades ago they used similar tactics, and our friends here were prepared for it. The garrison floods, and with the floods come the native F'lickta. The Pfhor are fighting them everywhere. While they're busy, I'd like you to log on to a Pfhor computer system. You'll have to destroy at least two failsafes first, and then find the terminal itself. Maybe we'll learn something new. Have fun.
Z-4 G-3 A-4c @394

Curiouser and Curiouser... (Terminal 2: 1st Message)

Note: you cannot read this message unless you cheat

Atc &33c.3ckl2
That's cool how you just walked through that door, but I still won't let you leave.

Curiouser and Curiouser... (Terminal 2: 2nd Message)

Atc &33c.3ckl2
I am disappointed. The Pfhor computer was not truly self-aware and contained no information of value to us. Pfhor technology seems quite advanced, but their programmers must be incompetent. I downloaded the machine and then eradicated it. It is obvious that the Pfhor know nothing of the eleventh clan. We must begin searching the ancient S'pht Citadel now.
Atc &33c.3ckl2

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Decoding courtesy of Tim Kolar
Maintained by Hamish Sinclair
Last updated Dec 5, 1995