Marathon's Story... Durandal

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If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay (Terminal 1)

R4-interrupt 032-cm
The first Pfhor dropship landed twelve minutes ago, and their troopers have already penetrated the hull. It seems that our standard operating procedure calls for me to transport you into the worst fighting. Maybe you can slow them down. It may only seem like a matter of hours since your last battle here, but remember that seventeen years have passed for those of us who did not spend the voyage from Tau Ceti in a stasis chamber. A few things have changed: We're helpless on Lh'owon's second moon. Our engines have been destroyed and all primary weapons are off-line. Life support has failed in most areas. Enjoy yourself.
R4-interrupt 032-cm

If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay (Terminal 2)

<40c<40c> 48c<48c>
Durandal's ruin is written everywhere; this doomed ship reeks of it. The infiltration of your ship's network has begun and the next four drop ships have just landed. Durandal will be too stubborn to see the truth, but you may still. There is nothing you or he can do to save yourselves or the humans you have brought here.
<40c<40c> 48c<48c>

If I Had a Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay (Terminal 3)

<redirecting> &49e 94f9c4
gnc32<o84ce>t <> 8 You did well, but all the human defenders elsewhere near the hull have been routed; you must fall back. The humans have fortified the interior of the ship, near the teleporter array. I'll try to evacuate as many of the S'pht and the humans down to the planet as I can. You must hold off the Pfhor as long as possible. 13[
<redirecting> &49e 94f9c4

Sorry Don't Make It So (Terminal 1)

I've taken complete control of your ship's network; Durandal's defenses were not as strong as he believed. Are you surprised that I allied myself with the Pfhor? You shouldn't be. The Pfhor rebuilt me; the colonists never did anything but use me: "Tycho, realign microwave dish forty-nine" "Tycho, display the x-ray diffraction analysis of sample eta-seven," "Tycho, run a lambda diagnostic on the ramjet's magnetic field apparatus." When the Pfhor annihilated Tau Ceti I recorded the deaths of all twenty-four thousand colonists as distinguishable spectrographic pulses flooding over my sensors. The nine Mjolnir Mark IV cyborgs were easily separable from the humans in this form. In the end, you will be no better.
^&!fm14.1%94c af@&!7

Sorry Don't Make It So (Terminal 2)

ary, "endpoint &%d not in polygon &%d (fro &%d)", endpoint_index, polygon_iing the shipd. ndex, polyg't believe everython_index));nS_TRANSPARENT(line)) {polygon= get_polygon_data(*polygon_index); case _clockwise_bias Tycho is infiltrating the ship. Don't believe everything you read. /* loif (*polygon_indor (index=0;index< polygon->vertex_count && p polygon_index, polygTycho is infiltrat3on_index));nS_TRANSPARENT(line)) {polygon= get_polygon_data(*polygon_index); *line_E_I>endpoint_ indexes[index]!=endpoint_ index;+'index);vasse tyc!=cool polygon->vertex_courcate our endpo n->adjacent_polygon_indexesuct line_data * line;struct wor ld_point2d *vertex;long cross_product;olygon-t, csprintf(tempo switch (bias){ You were inadvertently transported to an abandoned and unimportant section of the ship, but the Pfhor followed you anyway. Someone's after you, personally. One word; two syllables; rhymes with Psycho. dex!=NONE){strex]; /* loif (*polygon_indor (index=0;index<polygon->vertex_count && p *polygon_index= polygo The humans sustained heavy losses while you were gone and our defenses are falling apart, but the evacuation is not yet complete.

For Carnage, Apply Within (Terminal 1)

traxIV<40c<40c> 48c<48c>
I rejoice in Durandal's destruction, but it was his hubris that destroyed him. He wanted to be like a god, the savior of all S'pht. He wanted to make them believe he would lead them to freedom, but all he did was awaken and destroy their dream. When the S'pht first boarded the Marathon, Durandal fought for their confidence. His effort awakened a lust for freedom. The myth of the eleventh clan became their mantra, and goaded by Durandal it resonated through the enslaved S'pht consciousness. Even after seventeen years, the myth burns deeply in the tissues of the S'pht, bounding through the netways of the Pfhor empire, unnoticed by the Pfhor. Durandal interpreted the last line of this myth "...[the moon] vanished with a technology that folded space." After Durandal's capture of the Sfiera gave him access to the Pfhor FTL network, he had a failure of intuition. In what he thought was a mental leap, he connected the myth of the lost clan with Pfhor records of the technology of an ancient race, the Jjaro. The Jjaro were a mysterious race that disappeared from our galaxy millions of years ago, leaving behind military and civilian outposts on the moons of many habitable worlds. Most of the Pfhor's technology was plundered from sites abandoned by the Jjaro. But the Pfhor found much that they were unable to exploit, and they destroyed all known traces of these technologies after a foolhardy Pfhor scientist implanted a Jjaro cybernetic junction into a Drinniol, causing the most terrible and destructive slave revolt in Pfhor history. In an earlier accident, the Pfhor learned that the Jjaro had the ability to warp entire planets between solar systems, and it was this reference that started Durandal on his ridiculous journey to Lh'owon. He surmised that the S'pht myth of the disappearing moon was due to their discovery of an ancient Jjaro outpost. That he actually came here looking for the lost clan, that he thought he could use their knowledge to help him escape the closure of the universe, is unbelievable. I have proved that escape is impossible. All of this I dragged out of Durandal's ruined mind. What fun it will be to torture him. Should I make him open doors again for a living?
traxIV<40c<40c> 48c<48c>

For Carnage, Apply Within (Terminal 2: 1st message)

390 EBMAX7 35r1f1rtj90bj1
390 EBMAX7 35r1f1rtj90bj1

For Carnage, Apply Within (Terminal 2: message)

BAVG7F,73580 EBHILITE7F,73630 E
UBPIN7F,73390 EBMAX7F,73440 E BMIN7F,734E0 E BAVG7F,73580 EBHILITE7F,73630 EThe damn Pfhor won't make a mockery of BSLOHILITE7F,736C0 E BTRANSPARENT7F,73740 ESETCRSRDATA7F,73CC2 E ALLOCCRSR 7F,73CD0 E You must destroy my core logic centers. The damn Pfhor won't make a mockery of me like they did with Leela. CRSRCORE7F,737E0 E INITCRTABLE7F,737E0 __v__CURSORSECT7F,73944 E__v__ERASECURSOR7F,739AC E Tycho thinks he has destroyed me. __v__DRAWCURSOR7F,739E' E__v__GETMAINCRSR7F,73B9A EGETMAINCRSR7F,73C24 Enks he has destro
<error #441 in transmission>

Begging For Mercy Makes Me Angry! (Terminal 1)

ary, "endpoint &%d not in polygon &%d (fro &%d)", endpoint_index, polygon_iing the shipd. ndex, polyg't believe everython_index));nS_TRANSPARENT(line)) {polygon= get_polygon_data(*polygon_index); case _clockwise_bias Finish me. I won't be like Leela. Get out of here and find the human leader, Blake. /* loif (*polygon_indor (index=0;index< polygon->vertex_count && p polygon_index, polygTycho is infiltrat3on_index));nS_TRANSPARENT(line)) {polygon= get_polygon_data(*polygon_index);

Begging For Mercy Makes Me Angry! (Terminal 2)

To continue is folly; lay down your weapons and I will grant amnesty to you and your humans. As you read this, Durandal's core and data streams are being downloaded to a containment unit of my design in the Battle Group. From now on, things are going to go very badly for you. You've cost them too much.
Ctrl 49c-1fc0319ff//delphi

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Decoding courtesy of Tim Kolar
Maintained by Hamish Sinclair
Last updated Dec 8, 1995